Stefan Preble Headshot

Stefan Preble


Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Graduate Program Director, Microsystems Engineering Ph.D.

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
168 Lomb Memorial Drive, ENG(17)-2157, Rochester NY 14623

Stefan Preble


Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Graduate Program Director, Microsystems Engineering Ph.D.


BS, Rochester Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Cornell University


Stefan Preble is a Professor in the Kate Gleason College of Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is an expert in Integrated Photonic devices and circuits and is working to implement the technology in high performance computing, communication and sensing systems. He received his B.S. degree from RIT in Electrical Engineering (2002), and Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Cornell University  (2007).   He has published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and  has received several awards recognizing his work, including a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Young Faculty Award and an AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research) Young Investigator Award. 

For more about Dr. Preble see his website:


Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Tison, C.C., et al. "The Path to Increasing the Heralding Efficiency of Integrated Photon Sources." Optics Express 25. (2017): 1-9. Web.
Vernon, Z., et al. "Truly Unentangled Photon Pairs Without Spectral Filtering." Optics Letters 42. (2017): 1-5. Print.
Wang, Z., et al. "Passive Mode-Locked InAs Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon Substrate By Pd-GaAs Wafer Bonding." Applied Physics Letters 110. (2017): 1-5. Print.
Steidle, J.A., et al. "Measurement of Quantum Interference in a Silicon Ring-Resonator Photon Source." Journal of Visualized Experiments 122. (2017): 1-8. Web.
Hach, E. E., et al. "Scalable Hong-Ou-Mandel manifolds in quantum optical ring resonators." Physical Review A 89. (2014): 43805. Print.
Cao, L., et al. "Hybrid Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H)-LiNbO3 Electro-Optic Modulator." Optics Communications 330. (2014): 40. Web.
Preble, S. F., et al. "On-chip quantum interference from a single silicon ring-resonator source." Physical Review Applied 4. (2015): 21001. Web.
Wang, Z., et al. "High Performance InAs Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon Substrates by Low Temperature Pd-GaAs Wafer Bonding." Applied Physics Letters 107. (2015): 261107. Print.
Cao, Liang, Abdelsalam Aboketaf, and Stefan Preble. "CMOS Compatible Micro-oven Heater for Efficient Thermal Control of Silicon Photonics Devices." Optics Communications 305. (2013): 66. Web.
Bhattacharya, Mishkat, Hao Shi, and Stefan Preble. "Coupled Second-quantized Oscillators." American Journal of Physics 81. (2013): 267. Web.
Hach, Edwin, Stefan Preble, and Ali Elshaari. "Robust, Scalable Hong-Ou-Mandel Manifolds in Quantum Optical Ring Resonators." arXiv preprint 1309.0274. (2013): 1. Web.
Preble, Stefan, et al. "Single Photon Adiabatic Wavelength Conversion." Applied Physics Letters 101. (2012): 171110. Web.
Mee, J., et al. "A Passively Mode-locked Quantum-dot Laser Operating Over A Broad Temperature Range." Applied Physics Letters 101. (2012): 71112. Web.
Adams, Donald, Abdelsalam Aboketaf, and Stefan Preble. "Robust Phase-shift-keying Silicon Photonic Modulator." Optics Express 20. (2012): 17440. Web.
Published Conference Proceedings
Lu, Tsung-Ju, et al. "Wide-Bandgap AlN Photonics Platform for Visible to UV Spectrum Quantum Information Processing." Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting. Ed. MRS. Boston, MA: MRS, 2017. Web.
Fanto, M.L., et al. "Integrated Photon Sources for Quantum Information Science Applications." Proceedings of the SPIE Security + Defense. Ed. SPIE. Warsaw, Poland: SPIE, 2017. Print.
Fanto, M.L. and Stefan F. Preble. "Integrated Photon Sources for Quantum Information Science." Proceedings of the IEEE Photonics Summer Topical. Ed. IEEE. San Juan, Puerto Rico: IEEE, 2017. Web.
Vernon, Z., et al. "An Integrated Source of Truly Unentangled Photons for Efficient Single Photon Heralding." Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). Ed. OSA. San Jose, CA: OSA, 2017. Web.
Lakshminarayanamurthy, S., D. Ewbank, and S.F. Preble. "Silicon Photonic Wafer Fabrication for Education." Proceedings of the Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). Ed. ASM. Saratoga Springs, NY: ASM, 2017. Web.
Fanto, M.L., et al. "Ultraviolet Integrated Photonic Circuits." Proceedings of the Quantum Information Science and Technology II. Ed. SPIE. Edinburgh, Scotland: SPIE, 2016. Print.
Steidle, Jeffrey A., et al. "High Performance Photon Sources for Quantum Silicon Photonics." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. OSA. Rochester, NY: OSA, 2016. Web.
Yao, Ruizhe, et al. "Broadband Swept-Source Laser in 1.1 to 1.3 µm with InAs Quantum Dot Gain Chip Devices." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. OSA. Rochester, NY: OSA, 2016. Web.
Fanto, Michael L., et al. "Ultraviolet Second Harmonic Generation in Aluminum Nitride Microring Resonators." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. OSA. Rochester, NY: OSA, 2016. Web.
Wang, Zihao, et al. "InAs Quantum Dot Mode-Locked Lasers on a Si Substrate By Pd-GaAs Wafer Bonding." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. OSA. Rochester, NY: OSA, 2016. Web.
Steidle, Jeffrey A., et al. "Efficiently Heralded Silicon Ring Resonator Photon-Pair Source." Proceedings of the Quantum Information and Computation IX. Ed. SPIE. Baltimore, MD: SPIE, 2016. Web.
Wang, Z., et al. "Characterizations of InAs Quantum Dot Lasers Butt-Joint Coupled with Silicon Photonics Waveguides." Proceedings of the Optical Interconnects XVI. Ed. SPIE. San Fransisco, CA: SPIE, 2016. Print.
Wang, Z., C-S. Lee, and W. Guo. "Room temperature CW operation of 1.3um quantum dot lasers on a Si substrate by Pd-mediated wafer bonding." Proceedings of the Advanced Photonics Conference. Ed. -. Boston, MA: n.p., Web.
Steidle, J.A., et al. "High spectral purity silicon ring resonator photon-pair source." Proceedings of the SPIE DSS 2015. Ed. -. Baltimore, MD: n.p., 2015. Print.
Fanto, M. L., et al. "A bright PPKTP waveguide source of polarization entangled photons." Proceedings of the SPIE DSS 2015. Ed. -. Baltimore, MD: n.p., 2015. Print.
Hach, E. E., S. F. Preble, and J. A. Steidle. "heoretical analysis of on-chip linear quantum optical information processing networks." Proceedings of the SPIE DSS 2015. Ed. -. Baltimore, MD: n.p., 2015. Print.
Wang, Zihao, et al. "Integration of Passive Components with High Performance Quantum Dot Lasers for Silicon Photonics." Proceedings of the IEEE Optical Interconnects Conference. Sante Fe, NM: IEEE, 2013. Web.
Bambha, Neal, Stefan Preble, and Justin Bickford. "CMOS Compatible Modulator Utilizing the DC Kerr Effect." Proceedings of the IEEE Optical Interconnects Conference. Sante Fe, NM: n.p., 2013. Web.
Preble, Stefan, Edwin Hach, and Ali Elshaari. "Multi-photon Interactions in Travelling Wave Resonators." Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing. Ed. Proceedings of SPIE Volume 8749. Baltimore, MD: n.p., 2013. Web.
Adams, Donald and Stefan Preble. "High-Sensitivity Linear Silicon Electro-Optic Modulation and Filtering for RF Photonics." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. Optical Society of America. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2012. Web.
Cao, Liang, et al. "Direct Observation of DC Kerr Electro-Optic Modulation using Silicon Nanocrystals." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. Optical Society of America. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2012. Web.
Aboketaf, Abdesalam, Liang Cao, and Stefan Preble. "Robust Phase-Shift-Keying Silicon Photonic Modulator." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. Optical Society of America. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2012. Web.
Cao, Liang, Abdelsalam Aboketaf, and Stefan Preble. "Efficient Thermal Control of CMOS Compatible Silicon Photonic Devices using a Micro-Oven." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. Optical Society of America. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2012. Web.
Aboketaf, Abdesalam, Liang Cao, and Stefan Preble. "On-Chip OTDM Signal Generator with Minimal Loss." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. Optical Society of America. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2012. Web.
Cao, Liang, et al. "Single Photon Adiabatic Wavelength Conversion." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics. Ed. Optical Society of America. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2012. Web.
Bickford, Justin, Neal Bambha, and Stefan Preble. "CMOS Compatible Modulation of 1.5-micron Light using Silicon Nanocrystals." Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Avionics, Fiber Optics and Photonics Conference (AVFOP 2012). Ed. ThB3. Cocoa Beach, FL: n.p., 2012. Print.
Aboketaf, Abdesalam, et al. "Hybrid OTDM and WDM for Multicore Optical Communication." Proceedings of the International Green Computing Conference. Ed. IEEE. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2012. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Preble, Stefan F. "AlN Integrated Quantum Photonics Circuits." IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting. IEEE. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 10 Jul. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Preble, Stefan F. "PICs: Fabless Silicon Photonics Design Flow." AIM Photonics Summer Academy. MIT. Boston, MA. 26 Jul. 2017. Lecture.
Preble, Stefan F. "Quantum Silicon Photonics: Photon Sources and Circuits." Frontiers in Optics. OSA. Rochester, NY. 15 Oct. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Preble, Stefan. "Silicon Photonic Quantum Optical Devices." SPIE 2013 Optics+Optoelectronics. SPIE. Prague, Czech Republic. 5 Apr. 2013. Conference Presentation.
Journal Editor
Preble, Stefan F., ed. Optical Engineering. USA: SPIE, 2017. Web.
Preble, Stefan F., ed. SPIE Spotlights. USA: SPIE, 2017. Print.
Published Article
Elshaari, Ali. W., Abdelsalam Aboketaf, and Stefan F. Preble. “Controlled Storage of Light in Silicon Cavities.” Optics Express, 18.3 (2010): 3014-3022. Web. " É *
Narayanan, Karthik, and Stefan F. Preble. “Generation of amplitude-shift-keying optical signals usingsilicon microring resonators.” Optics Express,18.5 (2010): 5015-5020. Web. " É *
Elshaari, Ali. W., and Stefan F. Preble. “10 Gb/s broadband silicon electro-optic absorption modulator.” Optics Communications, 283.14 (2010): 2829-2834. Print. " *
Karthik, Narayanan, Ali W. Elshaari, and Stefan F. Preble. “Broadband all-optical modulation in hydrogenated-amorphous siliconwaveguides.” Optics Express, 18.10 (2010): 9809-9814. Web. " É *
Narayanan, Karthik, and Stefan F. Preble, “Optical nonlinearitiesin hydrogenated-amorphous silicon waveguides.” Optics Express, 18.9 (2010): 8998-9005. Web. " É *
Aboketaf, Abdelsalam A., Ali W. Elshaari, and Stefan F. Preble. “Optical time division multiplexer onsilicon chip.” Optics Express, 18.13 (2010): 13529-13535. Web. " É *
Formal Presentation
Liang, Cao, Ali W. Elshaari, Abdelsalam A. Aboketaf, and Stefan F. Preble. “Adiabatic couplers in SOI waveguides.” IEEE Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). San Jose, CA. 16- 21 May 2010. Web. " 

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course focuses on photonic integrated circuits (PICs) - an emerging technology where photonic chips (consisting of waveguides, lasers, detectors, modulators and more) are manufactured using integrated circuit technology and closely integrated with microelectronics. The circuits are finding applications in high performance communication, computing and sensing systems. The technology is rapidly growing in complexity and demand, and as the advantages of using photons are realized and the manufacturing hurdles are overcome, photonic circuits will become ubiquitous in future microsystems. Course topics include, fundamental concepts (waveguides, interference, light-matter interaction), PIC component modeling, schematic and layout driven design, PIC fabrication techniques, and PIC testing to round out the students understanding of integrated photonics.
3 Credits
This course will introduce first year Microsystems Engineering students to microsystems and nanotechnology. Topics include, micro and nano systems; MEMS, bioMEMS, MOEMS, and NEMS; nanomaterials; nanopatterning; characterization and analytical techniques; self-assembly approaches; nanoelectronics and nanophotonics; nanomagnetics; organic electronics; and microfluidics. The course will be taught by faculty in the individual fields of nanotechnology and microsystems.
1 - 3 Credits
This course allows graduate students an opportunity to independently investigate, under faculty supervision, topics related to microsystems engineering. Proposals for independent study activities and assessment are subject to approval by both the supervising faculty member and the department head.
0 Credits
Internship is designed to enhance the educational experience of PhD students through full-time employment.
1 - 27 Credits
Research in an appropriate topic as arranged by doctoral candidate and dissertation adviser in fulfillment of the dissertation requirement.
1 - 8 Credits
Doctoral-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. Students may count a maximum of 9 credits towards degree requirements. If the student enrolls cumulatively in more than 9 credits, the additional credits above 9 will not be counted towards the degree.
3 Credits
This course is a capstone project using research facilities available inside or outside of RIT.
1 - 4 Credits
Graduate-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.

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