American Sign Language and Interpreting Education - 2023 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Faculty Scholarship 2023
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Keith Cagle
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Bronk, Kim Kurz, Jason Listman, Keith Cagle and Alisha. "A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century." Proceedings of the A National Survey: Deaf Interpreters in the 21st Century. Ed. TBA. TBA, TBA: TBA, Print. *
Robyn Dean
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Dean, Robyn, et al. "“Occupational health risks among sign language interpreters in video relay service settings: A growing body of evidence”." Proceedings of the APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo. Ed. NA. Atlanta, GA: n.p..
Dean, Robyn, et al. "Exploring the quagmire of institutional and corporate policies, coupled with state and federal legislation, regarding confidentiality and reporting for video relay service, interpreters’ experiences of abuse and witnessing illegal activity." Proceedings of the APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo. Ed. NA. Atlanta, GA: NA.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Dean, Robyn K. "The yin and yang of respecting others’ autonomy." First Annual National Council on Interpreters in Health Care’s Language Access Congress. National Council on Interpreters in Health Care. Hosted online, USA. 29 Sep. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Dean, Robyn, et al. "Occupational health risks among sign language interpreters in video relay service settings: A growing body of evidence." American Public Health Association annual conference. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 15 Nov. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Cerulli, Catherine, et al. "Exploring the quagmire of institutional and government policies regarding confidentiality and reporting for VRS interpreters’ experiences." Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 12 Nov. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Dean, Robyn and Robert Pollard. "Mental health interpreting: Clinical information and work strategies for a practice profession." Mental health interpreter training. Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 2 Aug. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Reframing, rethinking, and reimagining work." Wisconsin chapter of the National Association for Court Reporters and Captioners. Wisconsin chapter of the National Association for Court Reporters and Captioners. Hosted online, USA. 7 Aug. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Climate change, existential threat, and the question of sustainability: How to imagine a type of “practitioner development." TerpAcademy Summit. Cirrus, Inc. hosted online, USA. 24 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Climate change, existential threat, and the question of sustainability: How can we continue to develop as interpreter practitioners throughout our careers?" Hosted workshop. Interpreting Pathways. Bristol, UK. 18 Mar. 2023. Conference Presentation. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe. Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe. Innsbruck, Austria. 14 Jan. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." University of Applied Sciences at Hochschule. University of Applied Sciences at Hochschule. Landshut, Germany. 19 Jan. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Wandering Minds Want to know: Designing & Crediting Rabbit Trails." RIT’s Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Institute. RIT’s Center for Teaching and Learning. Rochester, NY. 17 May 2023. Conference Presentation. £
Dean, Robyn. "Demand Control Schema and Reflective Practices." 4 part 14 hour workshop. Wisconsin Department of Human Services, Office of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. online, USA. 31 May 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Understanding and teaching ethics." Ethics in Community Interpreting (Class). University of Geneva. online, Switzerland. 13 Feb. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "DEMAND CONTROL SCHEMA: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NORMATIVE ETHICS OF INTERPRETING." 4 hour workshop. ASL Interpreter Education College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Eastern Kentucky University. Online, USA. 1 Apr. 2023. Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Principled reasoning in mental health interpreting." 3 hour workshop. Monash University. Online, Australia. 29 Sep. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn K. "Climate change, existential threat, and the question of sustainability: How to imagine a type of “practitioner development”." Long Island Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Long Island Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. onlinr, online. 21 Oct. 2023. Guest Lecture. ∆
Dean, Robyn. "Occupational health and the interactive nature of work." Quarterly Franschise Meeting. Ermenia. online, online. 4 Nov. 2023. Guest Lecture.
Dean, Robyn. "Insights into demand-control schema." Translation and Interpreting Department at Amasya University in Turkey. Translation and Interpreting Department at Amasya University in Turkey. online, online. 6 Dec. 2023. Guest Lecture.
Dean, Robyn. "A deeper dive into DC-S." Translation and Interpreting Department at Hogeschool Utrecht. Translation and Interpreting Department at Hogeschool Utrecht. online, online. 21 Dec. 2023. Guest Lecture.
Dean, Robyn. "Climate change, existential threat, and the question of sustainability: How can we continue to develop as interpreter practitioners throughout our careers?" Mental Health Interpreter Training program. Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery. AL. Mental Health Interpreter Training program. Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery. AL. online, online. 4 Oct. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Dean, Robyn. "Climate change, existential threat and the question of sustainability: Imagining “practitioner development”." 4-hour workshop hosted by Sign Language Studios (Nashville, TN). 4-hour workshop hosted by Sign Language Studios (Nashville, TN). online, online. 18 Nov. 2023. Guest Lecture.
Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles
Dean, Robyn. "Final Report Title of the 2018 version: Out of the hot seat, into the hot seat: The cognitive effects of a no rest approach to team interpreting Title of the 2022 version: Measuring the cognitive effects of the ’20-minute rule’ in interpreting" [SPDI]. Rochester: RIT, 28 Feb. 2023. Print.
Armengot, Sara and Robyn Dean (2023-2026). "Preparing undergraduate students for work with diverse and underserved global communities: An experiential learning design.”. Grant proposal submitted to Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language, Department of Education. *
Peter Hauser
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Paracha, Mariam, et al. "Medication-Related Experience of Deaf American Sign Language Users." Health Literacy Research and Practice 7. 4 (2023): 215 - 225. Web. *
Joseph Hill
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Lucas, Ceil, et al. "The Segregation and Desegregation of the Southern Schools for the Deaf: The Relationship between Language Policy and Dialect Development." Language 98. 4 (2022): e173-e198. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Hill, Joseph C. "Why History Matters: The Impact of Educational and Research Decisions on Black ASL." Black Deaf Studies Symposium. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 30 Mar. 2023. Conference Presentation.
Kim Kurz
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kurz, Kim B., Geo Kartheiser, and Peter Hauser. "Second language learning of depiction in a different modality: The case of sign language acquisition." Frontiers in Communication 7. (2023): 0. Web. *
Koulidobrova, Elena, et al. "Revisiting gradability in American Sign Language (ASL)." Glossa: A journal of general linguistics 8. 1 (2023): n/a. Web. «
Book Chapter
Kurz, Kim B. "Deaf Interpreters as Educational Interpreters." "Complexities in Educational Interpreting: An Investigation into Patterns of Practice." Ed. Leilani Johnson, et al. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Interpreting Consolidated, 2023. 19-21. Print. ∆
Jason Listman
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Journal Paper
Pirone, John, et al. "The Landscape of ASL Education." Foreign Annals 56. 2 (2023): 238-258. Print. *
Occhino, Corrine, et al. "Development of the American Sign Language Fingerspelling and Numbers Comprehension Test (ASL FaN-CT)." Language Testing 0. 0 (2023): 1-27. Web. *
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Pirone, John, et al. "The Landscape of ASL Education." In Press. TS - typescript (typed). *
Listman, Jason, et al. "Inclusive Research Environments for Deaf and Hard of Hearing English Speakers." 20 Oct. 2023. MS - manuscript (handwritten). *
Kierstin Muroski
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Wright, Kierstin Muroski and Jorden. "The Taboo Perceptions of Interpreters Working in Sexual Health Settings." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference. Ed. n/a. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p.. *
Muroski, Kierstin Stager. "InterpNET: A New Website Database for the Field of Signed Language Interpreting." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference. Ed. n/a. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p.. *
Lisa Prinzi
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Prinzi, Lisa and Kim B. Kurz. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI) 2022-2023: Perspectives on Specialized Professional Development." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Ed. NA. Baltimore, MD: n.p.. «
Uninvited Presentations
Prinzi, Lisa and Justin DeMartin. "The Interpreter-Administrator Relationship: A Collaborative Approach." NCRID 2023. NCRID. Charlotte, North Carolina. 17 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. «
Prinzi, Lisa M. "The Certificate in Educational Interpreting (CEI): An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." Terp Academy Summit Online. Terp Academy. St. Augustine, Florida. 23 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Prinzi, Lisa and Kim B. Kurz. "An Examination into Specialized Professional Development for ASL-English Interpreters Working in Educational Settings." 10 Oct. 2022. TS - typescript (typed). «
Prinzi, Lisa. "The Interpreter’s Role and Deaf Students’ Autonomy in Mainstream Classrooms." 17 Oct. 2023. TS - typescript (typed). «
Jennifer Rodrigues
Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2023 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Rodrigues, Jeni. "The Letter or the Spirit of the Law: An Institutional Ethnography of Deaf Patient Access in US Hospitals." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Ed. N/A. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p.. *
Manjot, Sidhu,, et al. "The Perspectives of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Students in Interpreter Education Programs." Proceedings of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference. Ed. N/A. Baltimore, MD: n.p.. *
Manjot, Sidhu,, et al. "The Perspectives of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Students in Interpreter Education Programs." Proceedings of the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists. American Society for Microbiology. Ed. ABRCMS. Phoenix, AZ: n.p.. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Rodrigues, Jeni, Keven Poore, and Corina Gutiérrez. "Relay interpreting: Incorporating the certified Deaf interpreter dimension." Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters Community Conversations Series. Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters. Rochester, New York. 15 Nov. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Uninvited Presentations
Rodrigues, Jeni. "Unpacking “Effective” Communication in Healthcare: When Compliance Isn’t Enough." RID National Conference. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Baltimore, MD. 26 Jul. 2023. Conference Presentation. *
Rodrigues, Jeni. "Deaf patient access to “effective” communication in Healthcare: Is compliance enough?" North Carolina RID Conference. North Carolina Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Charlotte, North Carolina. 16 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation. *