Get Lit! with Cultural Heritage Imaging


Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science - First Floor Hallway 1

People of all ages will learn about cultural heritage imaging, focused on a RIT developed multispectral imaging system for historical artifacts (MISHA). Kids will be able to explore and experiment with color and both UV and visible light to understand how this technology can be applied to historical documents by using interactives with historical materials, coloring sheets, and various color transparencies. Teenagers and adults will be able to learn about the technology directly, view the system, and learn about how RIT has developed as a world renowned center for cultural heritage imaging. The booth will be filled with color, lights, and visuals to demonstrate the technology for everyone.

Manuscript page and illumination Imaging System


Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science - First Floor Hallway 1


Juilee Decker
Karen Braun
Eliot Gavin
Collin Fluke
Gabriella Smith
Izzy Moyer
Jada Graham
Joe Bianchi
Greg Decker
David Messinger
Sai Keshav Sasanapuri
Renée Guerin
Roger Easton

Juilee Decker, Roger Easton, David Messinger

MISHA lab, cultural heritage imaging lab

Exhibit Website

Thank you to all of our sponsors!