Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) and speech processing at RIT is a research-active area led by Dr. Cecilia Alm’s and Dr. Marcos Zampieri’s laboratories. The groups’ research projects, supported by external or internal awards, provide graduate and undergraduate students with mentored experiential learning opportunities. 

NLP at RIT's curricular offerings include natural language processing and speech processing coursework for graduate and advanced undergraduate students. We welcome students and collaborators who are curious about natural language, artificial intelligence, and human cognition and who bring a passion for advancing science and technology.

Faculty Researchers

Dr. Alm works with students in lab

Dr. Alm is PI for the NSF-funded REU Site Computational Sensing for Human-centered AI.

Research Labs and Facilities

The Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (CLaSP) lab at RIT is dedicated to advancing applied and theoretical research involving text, speech, dialogue, and multimodal data. Research in Alm’s lab includes projects focused on intelligent affective computing, humans’ roles in AI such as in interactive machine learning, language/multimodal sensing and systems that make inference from and support multimodal dialogue interactions.

Visit CLaSP Lab   

Members of the Language Technology Group work on various topics in computational linguistics and natural language processing. We are interested in collecting, processing, and analyzing large collections of texts from different domains (e.g. news, social media) written in various languages and dialects.

Current foci and recent projects in the group include language acquisition, readability, and educational applications; language variation and automatic language identification; user interaction in social media; and machine translation.



Published Conference Proceedings
Alm, Cecilia O., et al. "Achieving diversity in AI-focused graduate research traineeships." Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, V2. Ed. Bell Stephenson, et al. Portland, OR: ACM, 2024. Web.
Alm, Cecilia O. "Centering humans in artificial intelligence." Proceedings of the AAAI 2024 Spring Symposium Series, Vol. 3, No. 1. Ed. Ron Petrick and Christopher Geib. Stanford, California: AAAI, 2024. Web.
Orr, Hayden, Michael Peechatt, and Cecilia O. Alm. "MULTICOLLAB-ASL: Towards affective computing for the Deaf community." Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (Poster/Demo Track). Ed. David Flatla, et al. St. John's, NL, Canada: ACM, 2024. Web.
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External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
4/19/2024 -8/31/2026
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: 149,778
5/31/2024 -8/31/2026
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: 24,000
10/1/2024 -9/30/2027
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: 435,271  
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Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Alm, Cecilia O., Rajesh Titung, and Reynold Bailey. "Pandemic impacts on assessment of undergraduate research." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Ed. Maureen Doyle, et al. Toronoto, ON, Canada: ACM.
Alm, Cecilia O. and Reynold Bailey. "Mentoring Engagement: Contrasting Perceptions of Administrators and Faculty." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Ed. Mark Sherriff, et al. Online, Online: Association for Computing Machinery.
Journal Paper
Tewari, Subhra, et al. "Perceptions of Human and Machine-generated Articles." Journal of Digital Threats: Research and Practice 2. 2 (2021): 1-16. Web.
Alm, Cecilia O. and Reynold Bailey. "Transitioning from teaching to mentoring: Supporting students to adopt mentee roles." Journal of STEM Education Research 4. 1 (2021): 95-114. Web.
Vaidyanathan, Preethi, et al. "Computational framework for fusing eye movements and spoken narratives for image annotation." Journal of Vision 20. 7 (2020): 1-28. Web.
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
Alm, Cecilia O. "Sensing language (+ X) for human-centered AI." Talk at the Natural Language Processing Research Group. IT University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. 3 Oct. 2019. Guest Lecture.
Alm, Cecilia O. "Modeling Complex Human-generated Multilevel Behaviors." IoTaP Seminar. Malmö University. Malmö, Sweden. 11 Nov. 2019. Guest Lecture.
Alm, Cecilia O. "Eliciting, Analyzing, Fusing, and Visualizing Dialogue and Gaze." Multidisciplinary Approaches to Eye-tracking Research Workshop. Malmö University. Malmö, Sweden. 24 Nov. 2019. Guest Lecture.
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Book Chapter
Stenport, Anna W. and Cecilia O. Alm. "Corporations, the Welfare State, and Covert Misogyny in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Kick Their Asses! Feminist Perspectives on Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2012. 123-134. Print.
Alm, Cecilia O. "What Can Language Technologies do for Endangered Languages, and Vice Versa?" Endangered Languages: Voices and Images, FEL XV. Ed. M. Haboud and N. Ostler. Quito, Ecuador: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 2011. 98-102. Print.
Published Review
Alm, Cecilia O. "Toddler and Parent Interaction: The Organization of Gaze, Pointing and Vocalization." Rev. of Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, Volume 192 by Anna Filipi, ed. Allan Bell. Journal of Sociolinguistics Apr. 2012: 294-296. Web.
Published Article
Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter. “Characteristics of High Agreement Affect Annotation in Text.” Proceedings of theFourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 15-16 July 2010. 118-122. Print. «
Formal Presentation
Heimisdattir, Linda Osp, Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Kateri Krantz-Odendahl, and I. Alden Coots. “A Resource for Learning Swedish Oral Skills.” INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology. Makuhari, Japan. 26-30 Sep. 2010. Presentation.
Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter. “Introducing an Open Source Swedish Teaching Package: Combining Discovery-based and Thematic Learning to Address Needs and Motivations of Swedish Students.” 100th Meeting of the Society for the Advancement in Scandinavian Studies. Seattle, WA. 24 Apr. 2010. Presentation.
Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter. “Gods as Kids in The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok.” New Directionsin Medieval Scandinavian Studies. 30th Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies. Lincoln Center, New York. 27-28 Mar. 2010. Presentation.

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