Mentor Supported Shadowing Program

Mentor Supported Shadowing Program (MSSP)

Shadowing is an essential part of the pre-med curriculum but deaf and hard-of-hearing students may face barriers in having a limited network. Finding healthcare professionals to shadow and accessing communication during shadowing experiences supports students in figuring out the best career fit. In this program, deaf and hard-of-hearing students at RIT receive mentoring support with a team of experts, shadowing opportunities with healthcare professionals, and an accessible experience with real connections. The aim of this program is to increase the number of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals who go on to work in health care, which in turn increases accessibility and quality care for deaf individuals.


MSSP students


Healthcare professionals shadowed

Our program is growing!

Successful shadowing opportunities have been completed in these states:

United States map highlighting states where students have completed shadowing programs

Successful shadowing programs have been completed in:

  • Boston, MA
  • Elko, NV
  • Saginaw, MI
  • Sterling Heights, MI
  • Rochester, NY

Program Information

Mentoring Philosophy

The Mentor Supported Shadowing Program fosters a philosophy in mentoring to encourage the nurturing and collaborative partnership between a MSSP preceptor and a student trainee. 

Mentoring is built on the trust between a student trainee and MSSP preceptor to communicate goals. The MSSP preceptor will then guide the student trainee with feedback, relevant information, and resources. MSSP preceptors and student trainees are expected to share constructive feedback with each other in order to maintain a healthy mentoring relationship.

Benefits of a mentoring relationship

  1. First-hand knowledge-sharing
  2. Gaining practical insight, guidance, and advice from experienced mentors
  3. Improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills
  4. Broadening understanding of varying perspectives
  5. Gaining a trusted partner to discuss more confidential challenges and goals

Who Should Apply?

Deaf and hard-of-hearing students enrolled at RIT/NTID with a strong interest in biomedical science or healthcare-related careers may apply for the Mentor Supported Shadowing Program.

MSSP Interest Sign-up

Healthcare Professional Database

Your support is integral for the success of the Mentor Supported Shadowing Program. Are you interested in joining Deaf Hub? Sign up below!

Professional and personal growth opportunities include:
  • Gain new and unique perspectives that you can apply during interactions with patients and colleagues
  • Pass along your knowledge and expertise in becoming a healthcare professional
  • Contribute to the success and inspiration of deaf and hard-of-hearing students pursuing careers in health care

Thank you in advance for your consideration in supporting future healthcare professionals! 

Apply Now!

The Deaf Hub promotes representation of deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) individuals in health care & biomedical science careers. The Deaf Hub does this by supporting students in identifying opportunities to network with practicing healthcare professionals. D/HH RIT students who want to shadow D/HH healthcare professionals and participate in a mentoring program to maximize their preparation for a career in healthcare are encouraged to apply.

Learn more and fill out the MSSP application

Contact Us

If you are interested in collaborating with us on research, exploring a partnership, or have specific questions, please email us at