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RIT students will have the opportunity to present their research and innovative ideas at the 34th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

The free, public event showcases research and creative projects undertaken by undergraduate students in all colleges and institutes on campus during the 2024-2025 academic year. All RIT undergraduate students are eligible and encouraged to attend.
Date:  July, 31, 2025  
Location:  RIT Campus, Student Hall of Exploration and Development (SHED) 

Any RIT student that isn’t able to present their research at our In-Person Undergraduate Research Symposium on July 31, 2025, is encouraged to showcase their research at the Virtual Symposium Day on August 7, 2025.  

Important Dates

Event Date
In-Person Symposium July 31
In-Person Intent to present due June 15
In-Person Abstract and final documents due July 15
Registration July 1-22
Virtual Symposium August 7
In-Person Intent to present due June 15
In-Person Abstract and final documents due July 31


Start Time End Time Event Location(s)
8:00am 9:00am Check-In & Continental Breakfast SHED Atrium
9:00am 9:45am Welcome Remarks & Keynote Speaker Sklarsky Glass Box Theater
10:00am 11:00am Oral Presentation Session 1 SHED Classrooms
10:30am 11:30am Poster Presentation Session 1 & Coffee Break SHED Lower and Main Atriums
11:30am 12:30pm Oral Presentation Session 2  SHED Classrooms
11:30am 1:30pm Open Lunch  SAU 1300 - Davis Room
1:45pm 3:00pm Oral Presentation Session 3 SHED Classrooms
3:00pm 4:00pm Poster Presentation Session 2 & Coffee Break SHED Lower and Main Atriums

2025 Sponsors

college of engineering logo