GenAI Syllabus Statement Guidance

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is incredibly dynamic and constantly evolving. Teaching in the time of GenAI similarly requires agility in our instructional approaches, whether one uses GenAI in the classroom or is seeking to avoid its use altogether. This resource is intended to help faculty begin to address GenAI in RIT course policies and syllabi.

Setting Clear Expectations

The Center for Teaching and Learning strongly encourages RIT faculty to clearly articulate their expectations for GenAI use in the classroom.

First, it is important to clarify for yourself what the role of GenAI should be in your class, keeping in mind that the landscape will continue to change. In addition to clarifying the role of GenAI in your classroom, it can also be helpful to check with colleagues in your department to see how they are addressing GenAI in their own courses.

Approaches to GenAI course policy and syllabus statement development will vary by program, instructor, course, assessment, and even by individual learning activities. 

While instructors may wish for one singular statement on GenAI for their syllabus, possibly referencing RIT’s academic integrity policy, be aware that a blanket statement prohibiting the use of GenAI can result in an adversarial situation. Instead, faculty may wish to co-create expectations for the use of GenAI with students in order to recognize the potential usefulness of these tools while guiding appropriate use as it relates to the program/course.

In addition to writing a syllabus statement for a specific course, faculty may also consider communicating their expectations for GenAI use within individual assignment instructions, during course discussion, and within learning activities. Clearly communicating your expectations to students can reduce confusion on the role of GenAI in your classroom and promote academic integrity.

Syllabi Examples from RIT Facutly

If you have questions about AI statements for course syllabi, or would like to share a sample statement of your own, please submit via this form.

Examples are coming soon.

Additional Resources