Faculty Scholarship 2018

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Daniel Worden

Associate Professor
School of Individualized Study
School of Individualized Study

2018 Submissions

Book Chapter

Worden, Daniel. "Speculative Ecology: Rachel Carson’s Environmentalist Documentaries." Remaking Reality: U.S. Documentary Culture after 1945. Ed. Sara Blair, Joseph Entin, and Franny Nudelman. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 2018. 83-98. Print. *

Worden, Daniel. "Memoir." American Literature in Transition, 2000-2010. Ed. Rachel Greenwald Smith. New York, NY: Cambridge UP, 2018. 125-37. Print. *

Worden, Daniel. "Oil and Corporate Personhood: Ida Tarbell's The History of the Standard Oil Company and John D. Rockefeller." Materialism and the Critique of Energy. Ed. Jeff Diamanti and Brent Ryan Bellamy. Chicago, IL: MCM P, 2018. 315-329. Print. *

Published Review

Worden, Daniel. Rev. of Ernest Haycox and the Western, by Richard Etulain. Western American Literature Summer 2018: 261-263. Print. £


Kubert, Adam. Anatomy of a Comic: The Art of Adam Kubert. By Daniel Worden, Steven Galbraith, and Amelia Hugill-Fontanel. 7 Nov. 2018. Cary Graphic Arts Collection, Wallace Center, RIT, Rochester. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Worden, Daniel. "Zap and the Underground Archive." Canadian Society for the Study of Comics Annual Conference. Toronto Comic Arts Festival. Toronto, ON. 10 May 2018. Conference Presentation. £

Worden, Daniel. "Oil Comics: Corporate Relations, Speculation, and Climate Change." Petrocultures 2018. University of Glasgow. Glasgow, UK. 29 Aug. 2018. Conference Presentation. £

Worden, Daniel. "Oil Comics: Corporate Relations, Speculation, and Climate Change." CXC Scholarly Symposium. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. 27 Sep. 2018. Conference Presentation. £

Worden, Daniel. "Caricatures of History: Texas History Movies and the Politics of Educational Comics." Modernist Studies Association Conference. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. 8 Nov. 2018. Conference Presentation. £

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

8/1/2018 - 8/30/2018
     Lucy Shelton Caswell Research Award, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, The Ohio State University
     Amount: $2500 £

Invited Article/Publication

Worden, Daniel, Nicole Burton, and Hugh Goldring. "Social Justice Comics Today: An Interview with the Creators of The Beast: Making a Living on a Dying Planet." Los Angeles Review of Books. (2018). Web. £

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