Faculty Scholarship 2017

Computer Engineering

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Amlan Ganguly

Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Shamim, M.S., et al. "A Wireless Interconnection Framework for Seamless Inter and Intra-Chip Communication in Multichip Systems." IEEE Transactions on Computers 66. 3 (2017): 389-402. Web. ˜

Mondal, H.K., et al. "Interference-Aware Wireless Network-On-Chip Architecture Using Directional Antennas." IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 3. 3 (2017): 193-205. Web. ˜

Ganguly, Amlan, Partha Pande, and Benjamin Belzer. "Crosstalk-Aware Channel Coding Schemes for Energy Efficient and Reliable NoC Interconnects." IEEE Transactions on VLSI (TVLSI) 17. 11 (2009): 1626-1639. Print.

Ganguly, Amlan, et al. "Design of Low Power & Reliable Networks on Chip Through Joint Crosstalk Avoidance and Multiple Error Correction Coding." Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA). Special Issue on Defect and Fault Tolerance (2008): 67-81. Print.

Pande, Partha, et al. "Energy Reduction Through Crosstalk Avoidance Coding in Networks on Chip." Journal of System Architecture (JSA) 54. 3-4 (2008): 441-451. Print.

Published Conference Proceedings

Narde, R.S., et al. "On-Chip Antennas for Inter-Chip Wireless Interconnections: Challenges and Opportunities." Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). Ed. EuCAP. London, UK: EuCAP, 2018. Print.

Ahmed, M.M., et al. "Increasing Interposer Utilization: A Scalable, Energy Efficient and High Bandwidth Multicore-Multichip Integration Solution." Proceedings of the IEEE Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC). Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Dharb, G., et al. "PaSE: A Parallel Speedup Estimation Framework for Network-On-Chip Based Multicore Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE IGSC Workshop on Sustainability in Multi/Manycore Systems. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Saxena, S., et al. "Energy-Efficiency in Interconnection Fabrics for Inter and Intra-Chip Communication Using Graphene-Based THz-Band Antennas." Proceedings of the IEEE IGSC Workshop on Sustainability in Multi/Manycore Systems. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Umamaheswaran, S.G., et al. "Reducing Power Consumption of Datacenter Networks with 60GHz Wireless Server-to-Server Links." Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM. Ed. IEEE. Marina Bay Sands, Singapore: IEEE, 2017. Web.

Shamim, M.S., et al. "Energy-Efficient Wireless Interconnection Framework for Multichip Systems with In-Package Memory Stacks." Proceedings of the IEEE System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). Ed. IEEE. Munich, Germany: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Ganguly, A., et al. "A 0.36pJ/bit, 17Gbps OOK Receiver in 45-nm CMOS for Inter and Intra-Chip Wireless Interconnects." Proceedings of the IEEE System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). Ed. IEEE. Munich, Germany: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Mamun, S.A., et al. "An Energy-Efficient, Wireless Top-of-Rack to Top-of-Rack Datacenter Network Using 60GHz Links." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communication (GreenCom). Ed. IEEE. Exeter, UK: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Narde, R.S., J. Venkataraman, and A. Ganguly. "Feasibility Study of Transmission Between Wireless Interconnects in Multichip Multicore Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (APS). Ed. IEEE. San Diego, CA: IEEE, 2017. Print.

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Dhireesha Kudithipudi

Research Professor
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mnatzaganian, James, Ernest Fokoue, and Dhireesha Kudithipudi. "A Mathematical Formalization of Hierarchical Temporal Memory’s Spatial Pooler." Frontiers in Robotics and AI. (2017): 1-14. Web. *

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Raymond Ptucha

Associate Professor
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Such, F. Petroski, et al. "Robust Spatial Filtering with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11. 6 (2017): 100-113. Print. «

Sah, S., et al. "Video Redaction: A Survey and Comparison of Enabling Technologies." Journal of Electronic Imaging Special issue on Video Analytics for Public Safet. (2017): 200-214. Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Nguyen, T., S. Sah, and R. Ptucha. "Multistream Hierarchical Boundary Network for Video Captioning." Proceedings of the Western NY Image & Signal Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Dhamdhere, R., et al. "Deep Learning for Philately Understanding." Proceedings of the Western NY Image & Signal Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Dominguez, M., M. Daigneau, and R. Ptucha. "Source-Separated Audio Input for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks." Proceedings of the Western NY Image & Signal Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Sah, S., et al. "Vector Learning for Cross Domain Representations." Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR) Conference. Ed. IEEE. Washington, DC: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Kangutkar, R., et al. "ROS Navigation Stack for Smart Indoor Agents." Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR) Conference. Ed. IEEE. Washington, DC: IEEE, 2017. Print. *

Thomas, T., M. Dominguez, and R. Ptucha. "Deep Independent Audio-Visual Affect Analysis." Proceedings of the Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. Ed. IEEE. Montreal, Canada: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Zhang, C., et al. "Semantic Sentence Embeddings for Paraphrasing and Text Summarization." Proceedings of the Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. Ed. IEEE. Montreal, Canada: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Sah, S., et al. "Temporally Steered Gaussian Attention for Video Understanding." Proceedings of the CVPR Workshop Deep-Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision. Ed. IEEE. Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Sah, S., et al. "Detection without Recognition for Redaction." Proceedings of the CVPR Workshop The First International Workshop on The Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security. Ed. IEEE. Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Dominguez, M., et al. "Towards 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Meshes." Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. Beijing, China: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Zhang, C., et al. "Batch-Normalized Recurrent Highway Networks." Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. Beijing, China: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Calderwood, A., et al. "Understanding the Semantics of Narratives of Interpersonal Violence through Reader Annotations and Physiological Reactions." Proceedings of the Computational Semantics Beyond Events and Roles (SemBEaR). Ed. IEEE. Valencia, Spain: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Sah, S., et al. "Semantic Text Summarization of Long Videos." Proceedings of the WACV. Ed. IEEE. Santa Rosa, CA: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Bag, S., V. Venkatachalapathy, and R. Ptucha. "Motion Estimation Using Visual Odometry and Deep Learning Localization." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Electronic Imaging: Image Processing Algorithms and Systems. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Web. «

Hssayeni, M., et al. "Distracted Driver Detection: Deep Learning vs Handcrafted Features." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Electronic Imaging: Image Processing Algorithms and Systems. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Print. «

Echefu, S., et al. "Milpet — The Self-driving Wheelchair." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Electronic Imaging: Image Processing Algorithms and Systems. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Print. «

Provisional Patent

Such, F. Petroski, R. Ptucha, and P. Hutkowski. "System and Method of Character Recognition Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 20170000000. 1 Oct. 2017.

Such, F. Petroski, R. Ptucha, and P. Hutkowski. "System and Method of Character Recognition Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 15812681. 14 Nov. 2017.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ptucha, R. and A. Gray. "Fundamentals of Deep Learning." Tutorial at Electronic Imaging. IS&T. San Francisco, CA. 1 Feb. 2017. Lecture.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Lauzon, J., et al. "Milpet- Voice Activated Wheelchair." Proceedings of the Effective Access Technology Conference. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE. *

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Andreas Savakis

Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Hssayeni, M., et al. "Distracted driver detection: Deep learning vs handcrafted features." Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Web. *

Muller, P. and A. Savakis. "Flowdometry: An Optical Flow and Deep Learning Based Approach to Visual Odometry." Proceedings of the Winter Applications on Computer Vision (WACV). Ed. IEEE. Santa Rosa, CA: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Chachlakis, D., et al. "Visual Tracking with L1 Grassmann Manifold Modeling." Proceedings of the Defense and Commercial Sensing Compressive Sensing VI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics;. Ed. SPIE. Anaheim, CA: SPIE, 2017. Web. *

Chachlakis, D., et al. "Visual Tracking with L1 Grassmann Manifold Modeling." Proceedings of the Defense and Commercial Sensing Compressive Sensing VI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics;. Ed. SPIE. Anaheim, CA: SPIE, 2017. Web. *

Minnehan, B. and A. Savakis. "Manifold Guided Label Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation." Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. Ed. IEEE. Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

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Shanchieh Yang

Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Moskal, Stephen, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Michael Kuhl. "Cyber Threat Assessments via Attack Scenario Simulation over Integrated Adversary and Network Models." Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 15. 1 (2018): 13-29. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Chan, Neil Wong Hon and Shanchieh Jay Yang. "SCANNER: Sequence Clustering of Android Resource Accesses." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing. Ed. IEEE. Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE, 2017. Print. *

Cui, Biru, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Chris Homan. "Modeling Information Sharing Behavior on Q&A Forums." Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD). Ed. ACM. Jeju, South Korea: ACM, 2017. Print. «

Werner, Gordon, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Time Series Forecasting of Cyber Attack Intensity." Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. Ed. ACM. Oak Ridge, TN: ACM, 2017. Print. *

Okutan, Ahmet, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Predicting Cyber Attacks with Bayesian Networks Using Unconventional Signals." Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. Ed. ACM. Oak Ridge, TN: ACM, 2017. Print. *

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