School of Mathematical Sciences - 2010 | College of Science

Faculty Scholarship 2010

School of Mathematical Sciences

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Anurag Agarwal

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Agarwal, Anurag. “Representation Numbers and Prague Dimension of Graphs.” MAA Seaway Section Meeting. Plattsburgh, NY. 15-16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Agarwal, A., M. Lopez, and D.A. Narayan. “Representations for complete graphs minus a disjoint union of paths.” Journal of Cominatorial Mathematics and Cominatoral Computing, 72 (Feb 2010): 173-180. Print. «

Agarwal, A. and J.E. Marengo. “The Locus of the Focus of a rolling parabola.” The College Mathematics Journal, 41.2 (March 2010): 129-133. Print. «

Agarwal, S. and A. Agarwal. “Investigating the nature of knowledge of mathematics required for teaching of functions.” Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2009-10. Print. «

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Ephraim Agyingi

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Agyingi E, S. Magglelakis, D. Ross. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy vs de-oxygenation therapy in wound healing.” SIAM Conference on Life Sciences. Pittsburgh, PA. 12-15 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Agyingi E., S. Maggelakis, D. Ross. “The effect of bacteria on epidermal wound healing.” Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, 5.3 (2010): 28-39. Print. *

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Bernard Brooks

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Brooks, Bernard. “Rumour Propagation on Social Networks as a Function of Diversity.” Fifth International Workshop on Dynamics of Social and Economical Systems. Benevento, Italy. 23 Sept. 2010. Presentation.

Brooks, Bernard. “Discrete Diffusion in Systems of 1st Order Difference Equations.” AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting. Syracuse, NY. 2 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

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Nathan Cahill

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Cahill, Nathan D., J.A. Noble, and D.J. Hawkes. “Extending the Quadratic Taxonomy of Regularizers for Nonparametric Registration.” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, 7623 (February 2010): 0B-1- 0B-12. Print. *

Cahill, Nathan D., J.A. Noble, and D.J. Hawkes. “Accounting for Changing Overlap in Variational Image Registration.” Proceedings International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 2010: 384-387. Print. *

Cahill, Nathan D. “Normalized Measures of Mutual Information with General De nitions of Entropy for Multimodal Image Registration.” Proceedings International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, LNCS 6204 (July 2010): 258 - 268. Print. «

May, Brandon B., N.D. Cahill, and M.R. Rosen. “Calibration of a Multi-Projector System for Display on a Cylindrical Surface.” Proceedings IEEE Western NY Image Processing Workshop, November 2010. 6-9. Print. " É *

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Manuela CampanelliDirector, Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Campanelli, Manuela. “Simulations of Binary Black Hole Mergers.” Physics Club Colloquium. Department of Physics. Yale University, 6 December 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Full Numerical Simulations of Black-Hole Binaries Mergers.” Joint MIT/Tufts/Harvard Cosmology Seminar. Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC) at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). 30 November 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.” GRAILS Seminar. Kavili Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. Cambridge, MA. 29 November 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Numerical Relativity.” GW2010 Conference. Minneapolis, MN. 14-16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Numerical Relativity.” 20th anniversary conference at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP). Kyoto, Japan. 21-25 Sept. 2010. Presentation. " 

Campanelli, Manuela. “Black-hole Science with LISA.” 19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR19). Mexico City, Mexico. 5—9 July 2010. Presentation.

Campanelli, Manuela. “Binary Black Hole Mergers and Gravitational Recoils.” Colloquium. US Naval Research Laboratory. 27 May 2010. Presentation. " 

Published Article

Nakano, Hiroyuki, M. Campanelli, C. Lousto, and Y. Zlochower. “Perturbative effects of spinning black holes with applications to recoil velocities.” Classical Quantum Gravity, (2010). arXiv:1011.2767 [gr-qc]. Web. "  É  «

Zlochower, Yosef, M. Campanelli, and C. Lousto. “Modeling Gravitational Recoil Using Numerical Relativity.” Classical Quantum Gravity, (2010). arXiv:1011.2210 [gr-qc]. Web."  É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Intertwining Numerical and Perturbative Techniques.” Physical Review D, (2010). arXiv:1008.4360 [gr-qc]. Web. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory.” Physical Review Letters, (2010). arXiv:0904.3541 [gr-qc]. Web. É  «

Campanelli, Manuela, C.O. Lousto, B.C. Mundim, H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and H. Bischof. “Advances in Simulations of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 084034. arXiv:1001.3834 [gr-qc]. Web. É  «

Kelly, Bernard J., W. Tichy, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli, and B. Whiting. “Post-Newtonian Initial Data with Waves: Progress in Evolution.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114005. arXiv:0912.5311 [gr-qc]. Web. " É «

Lousto, Carlos , H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, and M.Campanelli. “Statistical Studies of Spinning Black Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. arXiv:0904.3541 [gr-qc]. Web. É «

Campanelli, Manuela, C.O. Lousto, H. Nakano, and Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114006.arXiv:0904.3541 [gr-qc]. Web. «

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Linlin Chen

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Chen, Linlin. “Overcoming Adverse Effects of Correlations in Microarray Data Analysis.” 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings. Vancouver, Canada. August, 2010. Presentation.

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David Farnsworth

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Long, Michael and David Farnsworth. "Modeling the random component of manufacturing yield of integrated circuits." International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2.6 (2010): 1-4. Print.

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Raluca Felea

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Felea, Raluca. “FIOs with open umbrellas. Special section on harmonic analysis and PDEs.” 2010 Spring Western Section Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. 17-18 April 2010. Presentation.

Felea, Raluca. “FIOs with fold and cusp singularities. Special Session on Inverse Problems, Riemann-Hilbert Problems, and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations.” 2010 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting. Lexington, KY. 27-28 March 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Felea, Raluca and Alan Greenleaf. “FIOs with open umbrellas and seismic inversion for cusp caustics.” Mathematics Research Letters, 17.5 (2010): 867-886. Print. *

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Marvin Gruber

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Gruber, Marvin H.J. “Some Interesting Properties of the Liu Estimator.” American Statistical Association. Vancouver, British Columbia. 8 April 2010. Presentation.

Published Book

Gruber, Marvin H.J. Regression Estimators a Comparative Study. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Print.

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Tony HarkinDirector, Center for Applied & Computational Mathematics

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Hollenbeck, Dawn, Michael K Martini, Andreas Langner, Anthony Harkin, David Ross, and George Thurston. “Model for evaluating patterned charge-regulation contributions to electrostatic interactions between low-dielectric spheres.” Physical Review E, 82.3 (2010): n.p. Web. "  *

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Jobby Jacob

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Jacob, Jobby. “Irreducible No-Hole L(2, 1) Labelings of Some Classes of Graphs.” Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Francisco, CA. January 2010. Presentation.

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Baasansuren Jadamba

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Eck, Ch., B. Jadamba and P. Knabner. “Error Estimates for a Finite Element Discretization of a Phase Field Model for Mixtures.” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47.6 (2010): 4429-4445. Print. *

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Akhtar Khan

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Khan, Akhtar. “Inverse Problems for Variational Equations and Quasi-variational Inequalities.” International Congress of Mathematicians 2010. Hyderabad, India. August 2010. Presentation.

Khan, Akhtar. ”Ill-posed Quasi-Variational Inequalities.” International Conference on Mathematics and Applications. New Delhi, India. 15-17 Aug. 2010. Presentation.

Khan, Akhtar. “Stability Analysis of the Modified Output Least Squares for the Elliptic Inverse Problems.” Satellite Conference on Inverse Problems. New Delhi, India. 14 Aug. 2010. Presentation.

Khan, Akhtar. “Numerical Methods for Elliptic Inverse Problems.” International Conference on Optimization, Simulation and Control. Ulannbaatar, Mongolia. 25-28 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Khan, Akhtar, B. Jadamba, M.S. Gockenbach. “A Comparative Numerical Study of Optimization Approaches for elliptic Inverse Problems.” JMI International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1 (2010): 1-20. Print. *

Khan, Akhtar, B. Jadamba, B.D. Rouhani, F. Raciti. “Generalized solutions of multi-valued monotone quasi variational inequalities.” Optimization and Optimal Control: Theory and Applications, 2010. 227-240. Print. *

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Chulmin Kim

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Kim, Chulmin. “A brief statistical analysis of speed change in long-distance race.” Spring Seaway Sectional Meeting, Mathematical Association of America. Oswego, NY. 24 Apr. 2010. Presentation.

Kim, Chulmin. “A salary model on baseball batters’ performance using K, a modification of OPS.” Fall 2010 Seaway Sectional Meeting, Mathematical Association of America. Plattsburgh, NY. 16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Kim, Chulmin. “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Unconstrained Parameterization for the Covariance Structure of Multivariate Longitudinal Data.” Proceedings of JSM Biometrics Section: American Statistical Association, 2010. 2994-3008. Print.

Published Book

Kim, Chulmin. Semiotics: Theory and Applications. NY: Nova Publishers, 2010. Print.

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Carlos Lousto

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Lousto, Carlos. “Extreme-Mass-Ratio-Black-Hole-Binary Evolutions with Numerical Relativity.” 20th Annual Midwest Relativity Meeting. Guelph, Canada. 5-6 Nov. 2010. Presentation.

Lousto, Carlos. “Statistical Studies of Spinning Black-Hole Binaries.” American Physical Society Meeting. Washington, DC. 13-16 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Zlochower, Yosef, M. Campanelli, C.O. Lousto. “Modeling Gravitational Recoil Using Numerical Relativity.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Web. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., M. Campanelli, Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. Web. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., M. Campanelli, Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114006. Print. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory.” Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010): 211101. Web. É  «

Campanelli, Manuela, C.O. Lousto, B.C Mundim, H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, Hans-Peter Bischof. “Advances in Simulations of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 084034. Print. É  «

Lousto, Carlos O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate mass-ratio black hole binaries: Intertwining numerical and perturbative techniques.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Web. É  «

Nakano, Hiroyuki, Manuela Campanelli, Carlos Lousto, and Yosef Zlochower. “Perturbative effects of spinning black holes with applications to recoil velocities.” Proceedings of the Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios Conference, 20-26 June 2010. n.p. Web. É  «

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Darren NarayanDirector of Undergraduate Research of College of Science

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Narayan, Darren. “Mathematical Quips, Quotes, Rumors, and Humorous Tales” Spring 2010 Meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Oswego, NY. April 2010. Presentation.

Narayan, Darren A. “Intermediate Ordered Colorings of Graphs.” AMS Session on Discrete Mathematics, VI, Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Francisco, CA. January 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Narayan, D. A. et al. “Representation numbers for complete graphs minus a disjoint union of graphs.” Journal of Combinatorical Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 72 (2010), 173-180. Print. *

Narayan, Darren A. et al. “Minimal k-rankings of prism graphs”, Involve, 3:2 (2010): 183-190. Print. "  É  *

Narayan, Darren A. et al. “Greedy algorithms for generalized rankings of graphs.” Information Processing Letters, 110 (2010): 979-985. Print. "  É  *

Narayan, Darren A. “Maximum Flow in Fiber-Optic Networks.” Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 60 (September 2010): 91-96. Print. É  *

Adams, Sarah, R. Gillman, D. Narayan.”Balancing the R with the E in REU Programs.” Resources for Undergraduate Research, 6 (2010): n.p. Web. É 

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Michael Radin

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Radin, Michael. “Boundedness and Periodic Character of Solutions of a System of Rational Difference Equations.” ICDE 16th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. Riga, Latvia. 19-23 July 2010. Presentation.

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David Ross

School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Agyingi, Ephraim, S. Maggelakis, and D.S. Ross. “The Effect of Bacteria on Epidermal Wound Healing.” Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, 5.3 (2010): 28-39. Print. *

Hollenbeck, Dawn., K. Martini, A. Langner, A. Harkin, D. Ross, G. Thurston. “Model for Evaluating the Patterned Charge Regulation Contribution to Electrostatic Interactions between Low Dielectric Spheres”. Physical Review E, 82 (2010): 0314021-03140213. Print. É  *

Ross, David. “The Inverse Trochoid Problem.” Journal of the Franklin Institute, 347 (2010): 1281-1308. Print. «

Lutzer, Carl., and D. Ross. “The Dynamics of Embedded-Charge Microenergy Harvesting.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 5.2 (2010): 0210041-0210049. Print. É  «

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Likin Simon Romero

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Romero,Simon. “Characterization of Terminal Subcontinua.” Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference. Miss State, MS. March 2010. Presentation.

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Wondimu Tekalign

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Tekalign, Wondimu. “Stability of strongly anisotropic thin epitaxial film in a wetting interaction with elastic substrate.” Seaway Section Mathematical Assocation of America 2010 Fall Meeting. Plattsburgh, NY. 15-16 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

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John WhelanMember of the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Abadie, J., J.T. Whelan, et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration). “All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first joint LIGO-GEO-Virgo run.” Physical Review D, 81.10 (2010): 102001. Print. É *

Whelan, John T, Reinhard Prix and Deepak Khurana. “Searching for galactic white-dwarf binaries in mock LISA data using an F-statistic template bank.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27.5 (2010): 055010. Print. É *

Abbott, B. P. et al. “Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars with Science Run 5 LIGO data.” The Astrophysical Journal, 713.1 (2010): 671-685. Print. É *

Babak, Stanislav et al. “The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 3 to Challenge 4.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27.8 (2010): 084009. Print. É *

Abbott, B. P. et al. “Search for gravitational-wave bursts associated with gamma-ray bursts using data from LIGO Science Run 5 and Virgo Science Run 1.” The Astrophysical Journal, 715.2 (2010): 1438-1452. Print. É *

Abadie, J. et al. “Search for gravitational-wave inspiral signals associated with short Gamma-Ray Bursts during LIGO’s fifth and Virgo’s first science run.” The Astrophysical Journal, 715.2 (2010): 1453-1461. Print. É *

Abadie, J et al. “Predictions for the rates of compact binary coalescences observable by ground- based gravitational wave detectors.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27.17 (2010): 173001. Print. É *

Abadie, J. et al. “Calibration of the LIGO Gravitational Wave Detectors in the Fifth Science Run.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 624.1 (2010): 223-240. Print. É *

Abadie, J. et al. “First search for gravitational waves from the youngest known neutron star.” The Astrophysical Journal, 722.2 (2010): 1504-1513. Print. É  *

Abadie, J. et al. “Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1.” Physical Review D, 82.5 (2010): 102001. Print

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Tamas Wiandt

Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Wiandt, Tamas. “Bifurcations in the Lang-Kobayashi system.” MAA Seaway Meeting. Oswego, NY. 24 April 2010. Presentation.

Wiandt, Tamas. “Attraction Intensities for Closed Relations on Hausdorff Spaces” AMS Sectional Meeting. Syracuse, NY. 10 March 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Mochan, Ericka, C.D. Buenger, and T. Wiandt. “Coexistence of stable ECM solutions in the Lang—Kobayashi system.” Involve, 3.3 (2010): 259-271. Print. É  *

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Yosef Zlochower

Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Zlochower, Yosef. “Black-Hole Dynamics and their Astrophysical Consequences.” Physics Colloquium. Geneseo, NY. 8 Apr. 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Recent advances in modeling gravitational recoil from highly-spinning black-hole binaries.” SIAM conference on nonlinear waves. Philiadelphia, PA. 16-19 Aug 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Extreme Black-Hole Binaries.” APS April Meeting. Washington DC. 15 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Extreme Black-Hole Binaries.” Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios. Ontario, Canada. 24 June 2010. Presentation.

Zlochower, Yosef. “Gravitational Recoil and its Astrophysical Consequences.” 19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. Mexico City, Mexico. 6 July 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Lousto, C.O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate- mass-ratio black hole binaries: Intertwining numerical and perturbative techniques.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Print. É *

Campanelli, M., C.O. Lousto, B. Mundim, H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, H.P. Bischof. “Advances in Simulations of Generic Black-Hole Binaries,” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27:(2010): 084034. Print. É *

Lousto, C.O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory.”, Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010): 211101. Print. É *

Kelly, B., W. Tichy, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Post- Newtonian Initial Data with Waves: Progress in Evolution.” Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010): 114005. Print. É *

Lousto, C.O., H. Nakano, Y. Zlochower, M. Campanelli. “Statistical studies of Spinning Black-Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. Print. É *

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