Faculty Scholarship 2016
Software Engineering
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Yasmine Elglaly
Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2016 Submissions
Journal Paper
El-Glaly, Yasmine N. and Francis Quek. "Read What You Touch with Intelligent Audio System for Non-Visual Interaction." ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 6. 3 (2016): 24:1--24:27. Print. *
Book Chapter
Quek, Francis, Yasmine El-Glaly, and Francisco Oliveira. "Assistive Technology in Education." Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence. http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-07052-0_25, N/A: Springer, 2016. 973-983. Print. *
Daniel Krutz
Associate Professor
Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2016 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Munaiah, Nuthan, et al. "Darwin: A Static Analysis Dataset of Malicious and Benign Android Apps." Proceedings of the WAMA 2016 Proceedings of the International Workshop on App Market Analytics. Ed. ACM. New York, NY: ACM, 2016. Web. «
Krutz, Daniel E., et al. "Examining the Relationship Between Security Metrics and User Ratings of Mobile Apps: A Case Study." Proceedings of the WAMA 2016 Proceedings of the International Workshop on App Market Analytics. Ed. ACM. New York, NY: ACM, 2016. Print. «
Invited Article/Publication
Krutz, Daniel E. and Samuel A. Malachowsky. "Teaching Android Security Through Examples: A Publicly Available Database of Vulnerable Apps." Teaching Android Security Through Examples: A Publicly Available Database of Vulnerable Apps. (2016). Web. *
Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
Assistant Professor
Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2016 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Almhana, Rafi, et al. "Recommending Relevant Classes for Bug Reports using Multi-objective Search." Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. Ed. IEEE and ACM. New York City, NY: n.p., 2016. Web. *
Mkaouer, Mohamed Wiem. "Interactive Code Smells Detection: An Initial Investigation." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering. Ed. Sarro, Federica and Deb, Kalyanmoy. Raleigh, NC: Springer International Publishing, 2016. Web. «