Faculty Scholarship 2011

School of Communication

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Andrea Hickerson

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hickerson, Andrea. "Journalists Sourcing and Framing of Abu Ghraib." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 88. 4 (2011): 789-806. Print. *

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Eun Sook Kwon

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kwon, Eun Sook and Yongjun Sung. "Follow Me! Global Marketer’s Twitter Use." Journal of Interactive Advertising 12. 1 (2011): 4–16. (Cited by 279 articles). Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Um, Nam-Hyun, et al. "Creative Characteristics of Celebrity Endorsement in Korean and U.S. Prime Time TV Commercials." Proceedings of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, June 8-10, Brisbane, Australia. Ed. Carrie La Ferle and Gayle Kerr. Dallas, TX: n.p., 2011. Web. «

Kwon, Eun Sook and Yongjun Sung. "Follow Me, We Will Be Your Best Friends! A Content Analysis of Global Brands’ Twitter Use in South Korea." Proceedings of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, June 8-10, Brisbane, Australia. Ed. Carrie La Ferle and Gayle Kerr. Dallas, TX: n.p., 2011. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Um, Nam-Hyun, Kyung-Ok Kim, and Eun Sook Kwon. "Use of Culturally Meaningful Symbols or Iconographies in Gay-Themed Ads." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. AEJMC. St. Louis, MO. 10-13 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. «

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Kelly Martin

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gallagher, Victoria J., Kelly Norris Martin, and Magdy Ma. "Visual Wellbeing: Intersections of Rhetorical Theory and Visual Design." Design Issues 27. 2 (2011): 25-39. Print. *

Dannels, Deanna, Amy L. Housley Gaffney, and Kelly Norris Martin. "Students Talk About the Climate of Feedback Interventions in the Critique." Communication Education 60. 1 (2011): 95-114. Print. *

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Michael Saffran

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Saffran, Michael J. "Effects of Local-Market Radio Ownership Concentration on Radio Localism, the Public Interest, and Listener Opinions and Use of Local Radio." Journal of Radio & Audio Media 18. 2 (2011): 281-294. Print. ∆

Journal Editor

Saffran, Michael J., ed. Journal of Radio & Audio Media (Radio Localism symposium). Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2011. Print. ∆

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Jonathan Schroeder

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Pongsakornrungsilp, Siwarit and Jonathan Schroeder. "Understanding Value Co-Creation in a Co-Consuming Brand Community." Marketing Theory 11. 3 (2011): 303-324. Print. «

Book Chapter

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Brand Culture." Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Ed. George Ritzer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. 41-42. Print. ∆

Campbell, Norah and Jonathan Schroeder. "Visual Culture." Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture. Ed. Dale Southerton. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. 100-121. Web. £

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Value Creation and the Visual Consumer." Beyond the Consumption Bubble. Ed. Karin Ekstom and Kay Glans. London: Routledge, 2011. 137-148. Print. ∆ £

Published Conference Proceedings

Zhao, Xin, et al. "Chinese Consumer Culture and Brand Culture." Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Beijing, June 2011. Ed. Zhihong Yi, Jing Jian Xiao, June Cotte, and Linda Price. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Print. «

Wu, Zhiyan, Janet Borgerson, and Jonathan Schroeder. "A Cultural Approach to Chinese Brand Development." Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research, Beijing, June 2011. Ed. Zhihong Yi, et al. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 2011. Print. «

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Global Brand Culture." Proceedings of the European Advances in Consumer Research, 2011. Ed. Pauline Maclaran, Chris Hackley, and Alan Bradshaw. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 2011. Print. «

Pongsakornrungsilp, Siwarit, T. Pusaksrikit, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Co-creation through Fear, Faith and Desire." Proceedings of the European Advances in Consumer Research, 2011. Ed. Pauline Maclaran, Chris Hackley and Alan Bradshaw. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Web. «

Wu, Zhiyan, Janet Borgerson, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Imagined Brands in Global Brand Culture: China and the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony." Proceedings of the European Advances in Consumer Research, 2011. Ed. Pauline Maclaran, Chris Hackley, and Alan Bradshaw. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 2011. Web. «

Journal Editor

Schroeder, Jonathan, ed. Consumption Markets & Culture. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. «

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2011 - 8/31/2012
     Economic and Social Research Council, UK
     Amount: $18,134 «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Snapshot Aesthetics in Brand Culture." Making Sense of Visual Culture. Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies. Rochester, NY. 2 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Snapshot Aesthetics in Brand Culture." Marketing Seminar Series. Schulich School of Business. York University, Toronto, Ontario. 30 Jan. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Brand Culture: How Brands Work to Produce Meaning and Value." Insight Seminars. Truth Branding Agency. Charterhouse Street, London, UK. 2 Jun. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "The Artist as Brand Manager." Arts Seminar. Arts Management Program. University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. 25 Oct. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Images in Brand Culture." Masters course. Advertising and Public Relations Department. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 2 Nov. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Skin Signs: Fashioning Identity in Consumer Culture." Department Speaker Series. Center for Fashion Studies. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 4 Nov. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Taalas, Saara, Marcus Lindahl, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Another Side of Knowledge Work." European Group for Organization Studies. Gothenburg University. School of Business, Economics, and Law, Gothenburg, Sweden. 8 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. £

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Disposing: Constructing and Structuring Consumption." Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference. ACR. Hyatt Hotel, St. Louis, MO. 14 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. «

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Xiao Wang

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Anticipated Guilt in Intentions to Register as Organ Donors and to Discuss Organ Donation with Family." Health Communication 26. 8 (2011): 683-690. Print. « £

Wang, Xiao and Steven R. McClung. "Toward a Detailed Understanding of Illegal Digital Downloading Intentions: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Approach." New Media and Society 13. 4 (2011): 663-677. Print. « £

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Anticipated Negative Emotions and Past Behavior in Individuals' Physical Activity Intentions and Behaviors." Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12. 3 (2011): 300-305. Print. « £

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Tracy Worrell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Worrell, Tracy R. "It Matters to Me: An Examination of the Impact of Information Utility on PSA Message Perceptions." 97th Annual National Communication Association Convention. NCA. New Orleans Marriott/Sheraton New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. 18 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

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