Faculty Scholarship 2016

School of Communication

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Claudia Bucciferro

Assistant Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Full Length Book

Bucciferro, Claudia. The X-Men Films: A Cultural Analysis. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. Print. *

Book Chapter

Bucciferro, Claudia. "Mockingjays and Silent Salutes: Introducing Semiotics Through The Hunger Games." Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture: Essays and Applications. Ed. Kathleen Glenister Roberts. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2016. 85-94. Print. «

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Ammina Kothari

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kothari, Ammina. "Signifying Aids: How media use metaphors to define a disease." African Journalism Studies 37. 2 (2016): 19-39. Print. £

Hickerson, Andrea and Ammina Kothari. "Learning in Public Faculty and Student Opinions About Social Media in the Classroom." Journalism & Mass Communication Educator. (2016): 1-20. Web. * « £

Ehmer, Emily and Ammina Kothari. "Coverage of Burmese refugees in Indiana news media: An analysis of textual and visual frames." Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism.. (2016): 1-20. Print. * « £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kothari, Ammina. "“UK media coverage of the Syrian humanitarian crisis.”." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Annual Conference. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,. Minneapolis, MN. 6 Aug. 2016. Conference Presentation. ∆ ≠

Kothari, Ammina. "Understanding hijab: Muslim women’s motivations for communicating on Tumblr and Instagram." International Communication Association Annual Conference. International Communication Association. Fukuoka, Japan. 10 Jun. 2016. Conference Presentation. « £

Kothari, Ammina. "“Mobile technology and health data: Challenges and opportunities of formulating policies in sub-Saharan Africa to govern global distribution of health information.”." International Communication Association's Annual Conference. International Communication Association. Fukuoka, Japan. 12 Jun. 2016. Conference Presentation. * « £

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Hinda Mandell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Full Length Book

Mandell, Hinda and Gina M. Chen. Scandal in a digital age. NY, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Print. «

Journal Paper

Mandell, Hinda and Gina M. Chen. "Scandal-clad Politicians, Scorned Wives and Salacious News: Reaction to Contemporary Sex Scandals and Spousal Support in Times of Public Crisis." Interactions: Studies in communication and culture 7. 1 (2016): 85-98. Print. «

Book Chapter

Mandell, Hinda and Gina M. Chen. "Introduction: Scandal in the Age of Likes, Selfies, Retweets and Sexting." Scandal in a digital age. Ed. Hinda mandell and Gina M. Chen. NY, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 3-14. Print. «

Chen, Gina M. and Hinda mandell. "Predicting a New Scandal Environment in the 21st Century." Scandal in a digital age. Ed. hinda mandell and Gina M. Chen. NY, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 209-216. Print. «

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Bonnie Mc Cracken

Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Anker, Ashley E., et al. "Measuring the effectiveness of mass-mediated health campaigns through meta-analysis." Journal of Health Communication 21. (2016): 439-456. Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Nickels, Bonnie M. and Thomas H. Feeley. "End-of-life in veterinary medicine." National Communication Association 2016 Conference. National Communication Association. Las Vegas, NV. 20 Nov. 2016. Conference Presentation. *

Nickels, Bonnie M. "End-of-life as a communication context for research: A look into the National Communication Association journals." National Communication Association 2016 Conference. National Communication Association. Philadelphia, PA. 10 Nov. 2016. Conference Presentation. *

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Jonathan Schroeder

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Iqani, Mehita and Jonathan E Schroeder. "#Selfie: Digital Self-portraits as Commodity Form and Consumption Practice." Consumption Markets & Culture 19. 5 (2016): 405-415. Print. * «

Kedzior, Richard, Douglas E. Allen, and Jonathan E Schroeder. "The Selfie Phenomenon — Consumer Identities in the Social Media Marketplace." European Journal of Marketing 50. 9/10 (2016): 1767-1772. Print. £

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Editorial." Consumption Markets & Culture 19. 6 (2016): 509-510. Print. ∆

Book Chapter

Schroeder, Jonathan, Janet Borgerson, and Zhiyan Wu. "A Brand Culture Perspective on Global Brands." The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management. Ed. Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley, Jaywant Singh, and Charles Blankson. London, UK: Routledge, 2016. 153-163. Print. ∆ £

Published Review

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Book Review." Rev. of Cold War Modernists: Art, Literature, and American Cultural Diplomacy, by Greg Barnhisel. Journal of Consumer Culture 31 May 2021: 405-407. Print. £

Journal Editor

Schroeder, Jonathan E, ed. Consumption Markets & Culture. New York: Routledge, 2016. Print. «

Schroeder, Kedzior, Richard, Douglas E. Allen, and Jonathan E, ed. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2016. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schroeder, Jonathan. "The Selfie in Consumer Culture." Digital Consumption Symposium. Cass Business School, City University London. London, UK. 21 Oct. 2016. Lecture. ∆

National/International Competition Award Winner

Wu, Zhiyan, et al. China International Marketing Conference. Best Paper. Qingdao, China, 2016. *

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Xiao Wang

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wang, Xiao and Andrea Hickerson. "The Role of Self-Affirmation and User Status in Readers' Response to Identity-Threatening News." Communication Research. (2016): 1045-1064. Print. «

Wang, Xiao. "To Communicate or Not to Communicate: Factors Predicting Passengers’ Intentions to Ask a Driver to Stop Text Messaging While Driving." Health Communication 31. 5 (2016): 617-625. Print. «

Wang, Xiao. "Excelling in multitasking and enjoying the distraction: Predicting intentions to read and send text messages while driving." Computers in Human Behavior 64. (2016): 584-590. Print. «

Wang, Xiao and Andrea Hickerson. "The Role of Presumed Influence and Emotions in Audience Evaluation of the Credibility of Media Content and Behavioral Tendencies." Journal of Creative Communications 11. 1 (2016): 1-16. Print. «

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Tracy Worrell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Worrell, Tracy R. and Kelly N. Martin. "Investigating reliable measures of visual proficiency and basic design principles." National Communication Association Conference. NCA. Philadelphia, PA. 11 Nov. 2016. Conference Presentation. *

Worrell, Tracy R. "Focusing on effects: How does the portrayal of disability in the media impact individuals with said disabilities?" 20/20 Research in Focus. RIT. Rochester, NY. 12 Oct. 2016. Address.

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