Faculty Scholarship 2018

School of Communication

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Andrea Hickerson

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hickerson, Andrea. "Convergence Through Conflict: A Case-study of a U.S. Spanish-language Publication's Efforts to Grow a National Audience." Crossing: Journal of Migration and Culture 9. 1 (2018): 13-27. Print. «

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Keith Jenkins

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Wick, David P. and Keith B. Jenkins. "Shaping an Institutional Narrative Around Diversity." INSIGHT Into Diversity. (2018). Print. ∆

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Eun Sook Kwon

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kim, Jooyoung, Eun Sook Kwon, and Bong-chul Kim. "Personality Structure of Brands on Social Networking Sites and Its Effects on Brand Affect and Trust: Evidence of Brand Anthropomorphization." Asian Journal of Communication 28. 1 (2018): 93-113. (SSCI Journal 2019 impact factor: 0.743; Cited by 20 articles). Print. «

Kwon, Eun Sook, et al. "Impact of Media Context on Advertising Memory: A Meta-Analysis." Journal of Advertising Research 59. 1 (2019): 99-128. (SSCI Journal 2019 impact factor: 2.169; Cited by 32 articles). Print. «

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Hinda Mandell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Full Length Book

Mandell, Christine A. Kray, Tamar W. Carroll, Hinda. Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Gender and Race in the 2016 US Presidential Election. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2018. Print. *

Journal Paper

Mandell, Hinda and Meredith Davenport (photos). "Recreating and Reenvisioning Scandal: A Photographic Exploration of the Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner Press Conferences." Journal of Feminist Scholarship. Spring 2018 (2018): Online. Web. «

Book Chapter

Kray, Christine A, Tamar Carroll, and Hinda Mandell. "Introduction to Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Historical Reflections on the 2016 Presidential Election." Nasty women and bad hombres: Gender and race in the 2016 US presidential election. rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2018. 1-24. Print. «

mandell, hinda. "Birthing Family: Narrative and Baby on Election Day." Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Gender and Race in the 2016 US Presidential Election. rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2018. 264-270. Print. «

Carroll, Tamar W, Hinda Mandell, and Christine Kray. "Epilogue." Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Gender and Race in the 2016 US Presidential Election. rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2018. 337-350. Print. «

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Kelly Martin

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Martin, Kelly Norris, et al. "Spewing Nonsense [or not]: Communication competence and socialization in optics and photonics workplaces." Communication Education 67. 4 (2018): 414-437. Print. «

Leak, Anne E., et al. "Hidden factors that Influence Success in the Optics Workforce." Physical Review Physics Education Research 14. 1 (2018): 010136-1-010136-12. Web. «

Hora, Matthew T., et al. "Exploring the Situated and Cultural Aspects of Communication in the Professions: Implications for Teaching, Student Employability, and Equity in Higher Education." WCER Working Paper 11. (2018): 1-37. Web.

Published Conference Proceedings

Young, Nicholas T., et al. "Models of Math Use in Non-Academic Workplace Settings." Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference 2017 Part of the PER Conference series. Ed. American Association of Physics Teachers. Cincinnati, Ohio: n.p., 2018. Web. «

Zwickl, Benjamin M., et al. "Characterizing analytical and computational mathematics use during PhD research." Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference 2017 Part of the PER Conference series. Ed. American Association of Physics Teachers. Cincinnati, Ohio: n.p., 2018. Web. «


Zwickl, Ben. Workplace Contexts for Math and Communication Preparation. By Kelly Norris Martin and Anne Emerson Leak. 13 May 2018. 2018 STEM For All Video Showcase, online. Performance. £

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Bonnie Mc Cracken

Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Nickels, Bonnie M. "Serving time together: Strategies and barriers for relational maintenance during incarceration." Eastern Communication Association 2019 Conference. Eastern Communication Association. Providence, RI. 12 Apr. 2019. Conference Presentation. *

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Jonathan Schroeder

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Making Skin Visible: How Consumer Culture Imagery Commodifies Identity." Body & Society 24. 1-2 (2018): 103-136. Print. «

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Review of Vinyl Freak: Love Letters to a Dying Medium, by John Corbett." Popular Music and Society 41. 1 (2018): 89-90. Print. £

Book Chapter

Szalczer, Eszter, Anna Westerthal Stenport, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Introduction: Visual Culture, August Strindberg, and The Double Image of Modernity." August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text and Theatre. Ed. Jonathan Schroeder, Anna Westerthal Stenport, and Eszter Szalczer. New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2019. 1-17. Print. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Robert Wilson’s Photographic Elements of A Dream Play." August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text and Theatre. Ed. Jonathan Schroeder, Anna Westerthal Stenport, and Eszter Szalczer. New York, NY: New York, 2018. 135-140. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Designed for Hi-Fi Living: The Vinyl LP in Midcentury America." Arthur Zankel Lecture. Skidmore College. Saratoga Springs, NY. 15 Nov. 2018. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "August Strindberg and Visual Culture." Art Initative. Stockholm School of Economics. Stockholm, Sweden. 30 Oct. 2018. Lecture. ∆

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Designed for Hi-Fi Living: The Vinyl LP in Midcentury America." Modernism Week. Palm Springs Modernism Week. Palm Springs, CA. 17 Feb. 2018. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Designed for Hi-Fi Living: The Vinyl LP in Midcentury America." Advanced Management Seminars. Bath University. Bath, UK. 11 Apr. 2018. Lecture. ∆

Invited Article/Publication

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "How Stereo was First Sold to a Skeptical Public." The Conversation. (2018). Web. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Midcentury Visions of Christmas in New York." Medium. (2018). Web. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Elections and Patriotism on Midcentury Vinyl." MIT Press blog. (2018). Web. ∆

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Xiao Wang

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Personal Experience, Media Exposure, and Trust in Scientists and Media in Americans’ Perceptions of Personal and Impersonal Risks Related to Global Warming." International Journal of Global Warming 16. (2018): 320-336. Print. *

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Future Orientation, Cultural Worldviews, Attitudinal Motivations, and Collective Efficacy in Predicting Policy Support to Alleviate Global Warming." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 30. (2018): 493-503. Print. «

Wang, Xiao. "Responses to HIV Public Service Announcements: The Mediating Role of Attitude Toward the ad and Identification with the Spokesperson." Intercultural Communication Studies 27. (2018): 114-124. Print. «

Wang, Xiao and Lin Lin. "How Climate Change Risk Perceptions are Related to Moral Judgment and Guilt in China." Climate Risk Management 20. (2018): 155-164. Print. «

Wang, Xiao and Xiaoquan Zhao. "The Mediating Role of Temporal Considerations on the Effects of Self-affirmation on Audience Responses to Organ Donation Messages." Health Communication 33. (2018): 148-155. Print. «

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Attitude Functions and Collective Efficacy in Chinese Consumers’ Intentions to Engage in Behaviors to Alleviate Global Warming." Journal of Social Psychology 158. (2018): 51-63. Print. «

Wang, Xiao and Lin Lin. "The Relationships Among Actual Weather Events, Perceived Unusual Weather, Media use, and Global Warming Belief Certainty in China." Weather, Climate, and Society 10. (2018): 137-144. Print. «

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Tracy Worrell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2018 Submissions

Full Length Book

Worrell, Tracy R. Disability in the Media: Examining Stigma and Identity. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Worrell, Tracy R. and Kelly N. Martin. "Measuring Design Principles: Comparing the Perception of Two Cultures." International Communication Association. International Communication Association. Prague, CR. 22 May 2018. Conference Presentation. *

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