Faculty Scholarship 2014

Department of Criminal Justice

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Irshad Altheimer

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

10/1/2014 - 9/30/2016
     Bureau of Justice Assistance (Project Safe Neighborhoods)
     Amount: $299,961.00 *

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John Klofas

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015
     New York Division of Criminal Justice Services (Evaluation of New York's Gun Involved Violence Elimination Initiative)
     Amount: $311,000.00 *

8/31/2014 - 1/20/2015
     City of Rochester (2014 Evaluation of Pathways to Peace Street Outreach Program)
     Amount: $50,000.00 *

10/1/2014 - 9/30/2017
     New York Division of Criminal Justice Services (Assessment of Program Fidelity of Correctional Programs)
     Amount: $224,690.00 *

10/1/2014 - 9/30/2016
     Bureau of Justice Assistance (Project Safe Neighborhoods)
     Amount: $299,961.00 *

Invited Article/Publication

Klofas, John. "Report of the Independent Monitor." Detroit Police Department. (2014). Print. «

Klofas, John. "Report of the Independent Monitor." Oakland Police Department. (2014). Print. «

Klofas, John, et al. "Juror Stress Pilot Intervention." Monroe County District Attorney's Office. (2014). Print. «

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John McCluskey

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

McCluskey, John D., et al. "Does Organizational Structure Matter? Investigation Centralization, Case Clearances, and Robberies." Police Quarterly 17. 3 (2014): 250-257. Print. «

McCluskey, John D., et al. "Researcher-practitioner Partnerships & Crime Analysis: A Case Study in Action Research." Police Practice and Research 15. 5 (2014): 404-418. Print. *

Moon, Byongook, et al. "Parent and Teacher Practices as Sources of Low Self-Control: Evidence from Korea." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 12. 2 (2014): 167-187. Print. «

Invited Article/Publication

McCluskey, John D. and Jeffrey M. Cancino. "Commercial and Bank Robbery." Oxford Online Annotated Bibliographies. (2014). Print. ∆

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Laverne McQuiller

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller. "Sex in the City: Why and How Sex Workers Select Their Locations for Business." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 43. 6 (2014): 659-694. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller. "The Relationship Between Child Maltreatment and Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration Among College Students: A Focus on Auditory Status and Gender." Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Fransico, CA. 1 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Article/Publication

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, et al. "Juror Stress Pilot Intervention." Monroe County District Attorney\\\'s Office. (2014). Print. «

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller and Judy Porter. "A Comparison of Deaf College Students, and Hard of Hearing College Students Experiences and Risk Factors of Psychological and Physical Abuse." Sage Open Access. (2014). Web. «

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Judy Porter

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Porter, Judy and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "The Relationship Between Child Maltreatment and Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration Among College Students: A Focus on Auditory Atatus and Gender." Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Francisco, CA. 1 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Article/Publication

Porter, Judy and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "A Comparison of Deaf College Students, and Hard of Hearing College Students Experiences and Risk Factors of Psychological and Physical Abuse." Sage Open Access. (2014). Web. «

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Christopher Schreck

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Schreck, Christopher J., et al. Criminological Theories: A Brief Introduction. 4 ed. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2014. Print. «

Journal Paper

Schreck, Christopher J., et al. "An Examination of Peer Network Structure and Target Suitability Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization of Adolescent Females." Women and Criminal Justice 24. (2014): 62-81. Print. «

Book Chapter

Schreck, Christopher J. "Juvenile Victimization." Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Ed. G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 2014. 2785-2793. Print. «

Schreck, Christopher J. "Specialization and Crime." Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Ed. G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 2014. 3315-3321. Print. «

Invited Article/Publication

Schreck, Christopher J., J. Mitchell Miller, and Holly Ventura Miller. "A Process and Impact Evaluation of the YAP Program." Submitted to the University of Texas at San Antonio. (2014). Print. «

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Jason Scott

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Scott, Jason, et al. "Juror Stress Pilot Intervention." Juror Stress Pilot Intervention. (2014). Print. «

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