Faculty Scholarship 2016

Department of Criminal Justice

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Irshad Altheimer

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Altheimer, Irshad, et al. "Victim Characteristics, Situational Factors, and the Lethallity of Urban Violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34. 8 (2019): 1633-1656. Web. *

Schaible, Lonnie M. and Irshad F. Altheimer. "Social Structure, Anomie, and National Levels of Homicide." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 60. (8) (2016): 936-963. Print. *

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John McCluskey

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Moon, Byongook and John McCluskey. "School-Based Victimization of Teachers in Korea: Focusing on Individual and School Characteristics." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31. 17 (2016): 1340—1361. Print. *

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Judy Porter

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy L., LaVerne McQuiller Williams, and Tony R. Smith. "Understanding Date Rape Attitudes and Behaviors: Exploring the Influence of Race, Gender and Prior Sexual Victimization." Victims & Offenders 11. 2 (2016): 173-198. Print. *

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Christopher Schreck

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Book Chapter

Schreck, Christopher J. "Routine Activity Theory." Encyclopedia of Criminology. Ed. Brent Teasdale and Mindy Bradley. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2016. 100-124. Print. ∆

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Tony Smith

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

McQuiller-Williams, LaVerne, Judy L. Porter, and Tony R. Smith. "Understanding Date Rape Attitudes and Behaviors: Exploring the Influence of Race, Gender and Prior Sexual Victimization." Victims & Offenders 11. 2 (2016): 173-198. Print. *

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