Faculty Scholarship 2017

Department of Criminal Justice

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John McCluskey

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

McCluskey, John and Michael Reisig. "Explaining procedural justice during police-suspect encounters: A systematic social observation study." Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 40. 3 (2017): 574-586. Print. *

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Laverne McQuiller

Dean's Office, Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, et al. "The Impact of Sexual Orientation on College Student Victimization: An Examination of Sexual Minority and Non-Sexual Minority Student Populations." Psychology 8. (2017): 1728-1747. Web. *

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, Mark Beaulieu, and Judy Porter. "Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in a College Sample: Does Auditory Status and Gender Have an Effect?" Psychology 8. (2017): 387-411. Web. *

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, et al. "Investigating the Risk of Date Rape by Auditory Status." Violence and Victims 32. (2017): 1044-1062. Print. *

Book Chapter

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller. "Sexual Assault Among Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students: A Review." Critical Perspectives on Sexual Violence on the College Campus: Centering Historically Marginalized Voices. Ed. Jessica Harris. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, 2017. 140-154. Print. *

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Judy Porter

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy L., et al. "Investigating the Risk of Date Rape by Auditory Status." Violence and Victims 32. 6 (2017): 1044-1062. Print. *

Porter, Judy L., et al. "The Impact of Sexual Orientation on College Student Victimization: An Examination of Sexual Minority and Non-Sexual Minority Student Populations." Psychology 8. 11 (2017): 1728-1747. Web. *

Porter, Judy L., Mark Beaulieu, and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "Intimate Partner Violence in a U.S. College Sample: Do Auditory Status and Gender Predict Victimization?" Psychology 8. 3 (2017): 387-411. Print. *

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Oral Robertson

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Robertson, O. Nicholas. "The Myth of Immigrant Criminality: Early Twentieth-Century Sociological Theory and Trump’s Campaign." Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Historicizing the 2016 Presidential Election. Ed. Christine Kray, Hinda Mandell, and Tamar Carroll. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2017. 74-87. Print. £

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Christopher Schreck

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Full Length Book

Schreck, Christopher J. Enyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. Print.

Journal Paper

Schreck, Christopher J., et al. "Does the Nature of the Victimization-Offending Association Fluctuate over the Life Course? An Examination of Adolescence into Early Adulthood." Crime & Delinquency 63. (2017): 786-813. Print. *

Book Chapter

Schreck, Christopher J. "Self-Control Theory." Enyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Ed. Christopher J. Schreck. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. 100-124. Print. ∆

Schreck, Christopher J. "Cycle of Juvenile Justice." Enyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Ed. Christopher J. Schreck. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. 100-124. Print. ∆

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Jason Scott

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Scott, Jason D., et al. "Investigating the Risk of Date Rape by Auditory Status." Violence and Victims 32. 6 (2017): 1044-1062. Print. «

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Tony Smith

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, et al. "Investigating the Risk of Date Rape by Auditory Status." Violence and Victims 32. 6 (2017): 1044-1062. Print. *

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Karla VanStrander

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy L., et al. "“The impact of sexual orientation on college student victimization: An examination of sexual minority and non-sexual minority student populations.”." Psychology 8. 11 (2017): 1728-1747. Web. *

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