Faculty Scholarship 2012

Department of Philosophy

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Jesus Aguilar

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Aguilar, Jesus. "Basic Causal Deviance, Action Repertoires, and Reliability." Nous-Philosophical Issues 22. (2012): 1-19. Print. *

Aguilar, Jesus. "Basic Casual Deviance, Action Repertoires, and Reliability." Nous - Philosophical Issues 22. (2012): 1-19. Print. *

Book Chapter

Aguilar, Jesus. "Metaphilosophical Internalism and the Possibility of a Distinctive Latin American Philosophy." Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2012. 103-120. Print. *

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Silvia Benso

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Book Chapter

Benso, Silvia. "Earthly Morality and the Other: From Levinas to Economic Sustainability." Faces of Nature: Levinasian Ethics and Enviromental Philosophy. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press, 2012. 11-28. Print. *

Benso, Silvia. "Parchi e Giardini Urbani Ovvero La Natura Resa Pubblica (A Partire da Hannah Arendt) [Urban Parks and Gardens, Or Nature Made Public (Following Up on Hannah Arendt)]." Filosofia e Spazio Pubblico [Philosophy and Public Space]. Bologna, Italy: II Mulino, 2012. 243-258. Print.

Benso, Silvia. "Joy Beyond Boredom: Totality and Infinity as a Work of Wonder." Totality and Infinity at 50. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press, 2012. 11-28. Print. *

Journal Editor

Benso, Silvia, ed. Aesthetics of the Virtual. Albany: SUNY Press, 2012. Print.

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Evelyn Brister

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Brister, Evelyn. "Distributing Epistemic Authority: Refining Norton's Pragmatist Approach to Enviromental Decision-Making." Contemporary Pragmatism 9. 1 (2012): 185-203. Print. *

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Brian Schroeder

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Schroeder, Brian. "Reterritorializing Subjectivity." Research in Phenomenology 42. 2 (2012): 251-266. Print. *

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Evan Selinger

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Selinger, Evan. "Poverty Tourism, Justice, Policy: Can Ethical Ideals form the Basis of New Policy Regulations?" Public Integrity 14. 1 (2012): 39-50. Print. *

Selinger, Evan, et al. "Nudge, Nudge, Nudge, or Shove, Shove - The Right Way for Nudges to Increase the Supply of Donated Cadaver Organs." The American Journal of Bioethics 12. 2 (2012): 32-39. Print. *

Selinger, Evan, Tom Seager, and Arnim Wiek. "Sustainable Engineering Science for Resolving Wicked Problems." Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24. 4 (2012): 467-484. Print. *

Selinger, Evan and Shaun Foster. "How'd My Avatar Get Into That Sneaker Ad?" Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "E i cacciatori di dati personali costruiscono spot mirati." Lettura. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Why It's OK to Let Apps Make You a Better Person." The Atlantic. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan, Tom Seager, and Jathan Sadowski. "When the Morality Pill Becomes a Thoughtless Experiment." Insitute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Peace Prize for Homeless Hotspots." 3 Quarks Daily. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan, Tom Seager, and Jathan Sadowski. "New Moral Problems and New Approaches: Millennials Compared to Baby Boomers and Generation X." The Sustainability Review. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Was Hitler a Bully? Teaching the Holocaust to Kids." Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan, Tom Seager, and Jathan Sadowski. "Are Millennials Less Green Than Their Parents?" 3 Quarks Daily. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "What Happens When We Turn the World's Most Famous Robot Test on Ourselves?" The Atlantic. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "L'anima delle cose." La Lettura. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan and Tom Seager. "Digital Jiminy Crickets." Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Ultrasound Technology Can Impede Informed Consent." 3 Quarks Daily. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "The Philosophy of the Technology of the Gun." The Atlantic. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan, Tom Seager, and Jathan Sadowski. "Climate Change and Inter-Group Cooperation." This View of Life. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Nietzsche's Transformative Typewriter." Cyberology. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Nudge, Nudge: Can Software Prod Us Into Being More Civil?" The Atlantic. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Why Do We Love To Call New Technologies 'Creepy'?" Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Future of Privacy Forum Director: Browser Settings Should Be as Easy To Navigate as a Car." Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "'But Everybody's Doing It!' Lance Armstrong and the Philosophy of Making Bad Decisions." The Atlantic. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Lab Rats in the Social Experiment of Personalized Advertising." The Huffington Post. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Impatience as Digital Virtue." The Huffington Post. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Saintly Simulation." 3 Quarks Daily. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan and Evelyn Kim. "Can a Robot Learn to Cook?" The Atlantic. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan and John Mix. "How To Make a Spy Exhibit Boring." Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "Why We Need New Rights to Privacy." Slate. (2012): Online. Web. *

Selinger, Evan. "The Online Funeral." The Wall Street Journal. (2012): Online. Web. *

Book Chapter

Selinger, Evan, et al. "Using Sustainability Games to Elicit Moral Hypotheses From Scientists and Engineers." Rethinking Climate Change Research: Clean Technology, Culture and Communication. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. Print. *

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David Suits

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Full Length Book

Suits, David and Wade Robison. New Essays on Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2012. Print. *

Journal Paper

Suits, David. "Death and Other Things." The Philosophical Forum 43. 2 (2012): 215-230. Print. *

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Katie Terezakis

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Terezakis, Katie. "Knowledge and Authority in the Metaphysics of John William Miller." The Plurist 7. 2 (2012): 55-76. Print. *

Book Chapter

Zlomislic, Marko. "J.G. Hamann and the Self-Refutation of Radical Orthodoxy." The Poverty of Radical Orthodoxy. Eugene, OR: Pickwick/Wipf and Stock, 2012. Forthcoming. Print. *

Anderson, Lisa Marie. "Is Theology Possible After Hamann?" Hamann and the Tradition. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2012. Print. *

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Lawrence Torcello

Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Torcello, Larry. "The Trouble with Pseudoskepticism." Skeptical Inquierer 36. 3 (2012): 37-41. Print.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Torcello, Lawrence. "Ethics of Inquiry, Climate Change, and Public Discourse." Hale Ethics Series. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 2 Feb. 2012. Lecture. ∆

Torcello, Lawrence. "Ethics of Inquiry, Public Discourse, and The Moral Blameworthiness of Suffering Fools." Global Transformation and Public Ethics Lecture Series. The University of Western Australia, Institute of Advanced Studies. Perth, AUS. 4 Sep. 2012. Lecture. ∆

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