Faculty Scholarship 2017

Department of Philosophy

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Silvia Benso

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Full Length Book

Benso, Silvia. Viva Voce: Conversations with Italian Philosophers. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2017. Print. £

Book Chapter

Benso, Silvia. "Castelli e giardini, luoghi del filosofare [Castles and Gardens as Sites of Philosophizing]." Trovarsi Accanto. Ed. M. Adinolfi and M. Doní . Rome, Italy: InSchibboleth Edizioni, 2017. 51-66. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Benso, Silvia. "The Alchemist’s Lab: Considerations on Italian Philosophy." International Conference on “New Italian Thought: Challenges and Responses,”. King’s College at Western University. London, ON. 26 Mar. 2017. Conference Presentation. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Imagining Nature and Art in Plato’s Phaedrus." Annual Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society. Baylor University. Waco, TX. 27 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Benso, Silvia. "Apple, Pear, and Fig Trees: Pleasure and Joy in Augustine’s Gardens." Annual Meeting of the History of Philosophy Society. Emory University. Atlanta, GA. 19 May 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Benso, Silvia. "Cultivating Things with Heidegger." Humanities Colloquium. Malmo University. Malmo, Sweden. 29 May 2017. Lecture. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Waterworks in Levinas’s Philosophy." Philosophy Colloquium. Vilnius University. Vilnius, Lithuania. 30 May 2017. Lecture. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Bodies of Water: Levinas’s Hydrodynamic Ethics." Workshop: The Ethics of Things. Centre for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Oslo, Norway. 2 Jun. 2017. Lecture. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "The Saying of the Oak Tree: Cultivating Dwelling Places." Spaces of Nature, Natures of Space. Collegium Phaenomenologicum. Cittí  di Castello, Italy. 18 Jul. 2017. Lecture. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Open Borders: Italian Philosophy Between Nationalism and Globalization." Annual Meeting of the College of Fellows. Western Sydney University. Sydney, Australia. 23 Nov. 2017. Lecture. ∆

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Evelyn Brister

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Brister, Evelyn. "Genome Fidelity and the American Chestnut." Issues in Science and Technology 33. (2017): 41-42. Print. £

Book Chapter

Brister, Evelyn. "Feminism and Contextualism." Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. Ed. Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa. New York, NY: Routledge, 2017. 57-67. Print. £

Published Review

Brister, Evelyn. Rev. of Sustainable Values, Sustainable Change, by Bryan G. Norton. Environmental Values Apr. 2017: 251-253. Print. ∆

Brister, Evelyn. "Destination: A Career in STEM." Rev. of What Every Science Student Should Know, by J. L. Bauer, et al. Metascience Jul. 2017: 345-347. Print. ∆

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John Capps

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Capps, John. "A Pragmatic Argument for a Pragmatic Theory of Truth." Contemporary Pragmatism 14. (2017): 135-156. Print. *

Published Review

Capps, John. "Review of Cambridge Pragmatism by Cheryl Misak." Rev. of Cambridge Pragmatism, eds. Kevin Klement and Cheryl Misak. Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy Apr. 2017: n/a. Web.

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Irina Mikhalevich

Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Powell, Russell, et al. "Convergent Minds: The Evolution of Cognitive Complexity in Nature." Journal of the Royal Society, Interface Focus 3. 3 (2017): 20170029. Print. £

Book Chapter

Mikhalevich, Irina. "Simplicity in Cognitive Models: Avoiding Old Mistakes in New Experimental Contexts." The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Ed. Kristin Andrews and Jacob Beck. London, England: Taylor & Francis, 2017. 427-436. Print. ˜

Invited Paper

Mikhalevich, Irina. "Consciousness, Evidence, and Moral standing." Animal Sentience. (2017). Web. ∆

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Katie Terezakis

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Terezakis, Katie. "Language: J.G. Hamann, Trojan Horse at the Gates of Enlightenment." The Edinburgh Critical History of Christian Theology. Ed. Ed. Daniel Whistler. Edinburgh, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. 339-358. Print. *

Terezakis, Katie. "A Philosophy of Action with Richard J. Bernstein and John William Miller." Richard J. Bernstein and the Expansion of American Philosophy: Thinking the Plural. Ed. Eds. Marcia Morgan and Megan Craig. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017. 179-196. Print. *

Published Review

Terezakis, Katie. "Review of Lucy Jane Ward, Freedom and Dissatisfaction in the Works of Agnes Heller: With and Against Marx." Rev. of Freedom and Dissatisfaction in the Work of Agnes Heller: With and Against Marx, by Lucy Jane Ward. Thesis Eleven Dec. 2017: na. Web. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Terezakis, Katie. "Reflection and Social Crisis in Introduction to Philosophy." APA, Inclusiveness in Crisis. American Philosophical Association. Seattle, WA. 15 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. ˜

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