Faculty Scholarship 2021

Department of Political Science

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Sarah Burns

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burns, Sarah. "Legalizing a Political Fight: Congressional Abdication of War Powers in the Bush and Obama Administrations." Presidential Studies Quarterly 51. 3 (2021): 462-491. Print. «

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Lauren Hall

Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Hall, Lauren. "Nature, Second Nature, and Supernature: Death and Consolation in the Thought of Edmund Burke." Political Theory of Death and Dying. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. NA. Print. «

Invited Paper

Hall, Lauren and Steve Horwitz. "Midwifery Licensing: Medicalization of Birth and Special Interests." Mercatus Center. (2021). Web. « ∆ ≠

Hall, Lauren. "A Not-Quite-Realistic Turn: A Burkean Reply and A Rights-Based Alternative." Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies. (2021). Web. £

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Stephen Sims

Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Sims, Stephen Patrick, Patrick C. Cain, and Stephen Block. Democracy and the History of Political Thought. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington, 2021. Print. *

Book Chapter

Sims, Stephen Patrick. "The Tragic and the Equitable in Aristotle's Poetics and Ethics." Politics, Literature, and Film in Conversation: Essays in Honor of Mary P. Nichols. Ed. Matthew Dinan, et al. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington, 2021. 211-225. Print. £

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Sean Sutton

Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Fornier, Joseph R., Kenneth L. Deutsch, and Sean D. Sutton, eds. American Statesmanship: Principles and Practice of Leadership. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. Print. *

Book Chapter

Sutton, Sean D. "Publius the Lawgiver: The Statesmanship of The Federalist." American Statesmanship: Principles and Pracitce of Leadership. Ed. Joseph R. Fornieri, Kenneth L. Deutsch, and Sean D. Sutton. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. 59-84. Print. *

Sutton, Sean D. "Marx's Economic Science and Liberal Democracy." Democracy and the History of Political Thought. Ed. Patrick N. Cain, Stephen Patrick Sims, and Stephen A. Block. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. 363-378. Print. *

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