Reynold Bailey - Featured Faculty 2013
Reynold Bailey
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Reynold Bailey is an associate professor in the computer science department in the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. His research interests lie in the field of applied visual perception in computer graphics.
Researchers have been studying the human visual system for centuries. By comparison, the field of computer graphics is only about fifty years old. The amount of research literature on the human visual system, and the rate at which new findings are published, are extraordinary. Bailey’s research seeks to exploit the ever-expanding knowledge of the human visual system to develop innovative computer graphics applications, novel rendering techniques, and better display systems. His research activities are motivated by a multidisciplinary study in the areas of computer graphics, physiology, physics, psychology, and art.
Bailey was awarded a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (NSF CAREER) grant to further his work in the area of gaze manipulation. The ability to direct a viewer’s attention has important applications in computer graphics, data visualization, image analysis, and training. Bailey and his collaborators have developed techniques which guide viewer attention about a display in a manner that has minimal impact on the viewing experience. Their studies have found that guiding someone’s attention can improve their spatial understanding and their recollection of size, shape, and location of objects. A mammography training application that uses the scanpath and fixations of expert radiologists to guide novices has also been developed.
Bailey and his collaborators are currently developing and testing various approaches to extend the concept of gaze manipulation beyond digital imagery to include real-world environments. To learn more about Bailey’s work, go to