Besnik Bislimi - Featured Faculty 2019
Besnik Bislimi
International Campuses
Besnik Bislimi is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Kosovo. His main areas of research are fiscal policy, labor markets and monetary policy.
Dr. Bislimi has a PhD on Political Sciences with key focus on Public Finances. He teaches various economic courses, including Labor Economics and Public Finance. His current involvement is on relevant labor market challenges in Kosovo, predominantly looking at the skills-mismatch between the educational output and market needs, costs of job creation in sectors with growth potential and the proper design of active labor market policies.
During 2019, Dr. Bislimi was also interested on the development of the financial market in Kosovo, main barriers for growth and eventual alternatives for further enforcement of competition. He also compared pros and cons of two different alternatives for potential new foreign direct investment in the banking sector: acquisition of existing banks or application for new licenses with the Central Bank.
Dr. Bislimi was also directly involved in the political life of the country, and following the results of October 6th elections and relatively long political negotiations aiming at e coalition agreement, he got appointed as the new Minister in the area of Finances and Government Transfers. Despite the many challenges in consolidating government budget and strengthening the good governance in spending public money, Dr. Bislimi is still fulfilling his assignments as professor at RITK.
Besnik Bislimi
Assistant Professor
RIT Kosovo