Ifeoma Nwogu - Featured Faculty 2019
Ifeoma Nwogu
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Dr. Ifeoma Nwogu is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at GCCIS, where she co-directs the CS Graphics and Applied Perception Lab. She received her Ph.D. In Computer Science and Engineering from the University at Buffalo in 2009, her Master’s in Computing and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania and her Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
She received the NSF Career Award titled “A Computational Approach to the Study of Behavior and Social Interactions”, a multidisciplinary research topic at the intersection of machine learning, computer vision, and social psychology.
This research is focused on developing mathematical foundational models to better study subtle individual human behaviors, as well as general collective group behaviors, occurring during social face-to-face interactions. This involves the development of dynamic models over visual, acoustic and language data, as well as physiological measures. These types of temporal data can be very noisy and make for interesting albeit challenging, sets of problems, as Dr. Nwogu and her students work to develop predictive and readily interpretable and explainable models over them. They employ dynamic Bayesian probabilistic modeling, traditional time series modeling and deep learning techniques to better analyze various aspects of communicative human behavior, computationally. Because of the nature of the limited realistic data utilized, there is often the need to collect preliminary, more controlled data, or develop various types of simulations, which can become auxiliary projects by themselves.
Dr. Nwogu is affiliated with the RIT Center for Advancing STEM Teaching, Learning & Evaluation (CASTLE) to develop behavior-based technologies that can potentially aid in supporting at-risk first year student in STEMs. She also collaborates with Behavioral Therapists with the goal of developing intelligent clinical technologies useful for addressing mental health disorders. In the course of this award, Dr. Nwogu intends to interact with students of different nationalities by teaching foundational machine learning and computer vision courses in different countries while also collecting data about student study groups, loosely integrating her teaching with her research in computationally studying human behaviors.
Ifeoma Nwogu
Assistant Professor
RIT Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences