Carol Fillip
Carol Fillip
2012 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Fillip, Carol and Lorrie Frear. "Creativity In Motion." Proceedings of the New Directions in the Humanities International Conference. Ed. New Directions in the Humanities International Conference. Montreal, Canada: n.p., 2012. Print. *
Fillip, Carol and Lorrie Frear. "Type Carousel." Proceedings of the National UCDA Design Education Summit. Ed. National UCDA Design Education Summit. Blacksburg, Virginia: n.p., 2012. Print. *
Fillip, Carol and Cathleen Chou. "Academic Dishonesty and Visual Plagiarism." Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Ed. 4th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, Virginia: n.p., 2012. Print. *
Fillip, Carol. Music is Art Promotional Posters. By Lorrie Frear and Peter Harasty. 2012. New York State of Design, AIGA Exhibition, Rochester. Exhibit. £
Fillip, Carol. Mingle. By Lorrie Frear. 2012. Bevier Gallery, Rochester. Exhibit.
2010 Submissions
Fillip, Carol and Lorrie Frear. “Letterforms and Literacy.” National UCDA Design Education Summit. Lawrence, KA. June 2-4, 2010. Presentation.
Formal Presentation
Fillip, Carol and Lorrie Frear. “Letterforms and Literacy.” TypeCon 2010: Babel. Los Angeles, CA. 16-22 Aug. 2010. Presentation.