Jeffrey Burnette

Jeffrey Burnette

Associate Professor
College of Liberal Arts
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

2023 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Burnette, Jeffrey D. and Matthew T. Gregg. "How Much Did Native American Life Expectancy Drop During COVID?" ECONOFACT. (2023). Web. ∆

2022 Submissions

Journal Paper

McCoy, Meredith L. and Jeffrey D. Burnette. "An Exploratory Analysis of Elementary and Secondary Education Funding Levels for American Indians and Alaska Natives from 1980 to 2017." Journal of Education Finance 48. 2 (2022): 138-165. Print. «

Invited Article/Publication

Burnette, Jeffrey D. "Marginalization of Indigenous People in Education Data Produces a False Narrative." The Minority Report. The Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession 2022 Issue 14: 1, 10-13. (2022). Web. ∆

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burnette, Jeffrey D. "Why Is the Total Enrollment of American Indian and Alaska Native Precollegiates Such a Difficult Number to Find?" Journal of American Indian Education Vol. 60. No. 1-2 (2021): 162-186. Print. «

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burnette, Jeffrey D., Jason T. Younker, and David P. Wick. "Statistical Termination or Fewer Self-Identified Students: What Is Causing the Decline in American Indian and Alaska Native College Enrollments?" Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy 4. 4 (2021): 162-186. Print. *

2019 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burnette, Jeffrey D. and Weiwei Zhang. "Distributional Differences and the Native American Gender Wage Gap." Economies 7. 2 (2019): 46. Web. «

2018 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Burnette, Jeffrey D. "Equal Pay Day and Data Equality for Native American Women." Washington Center for Equitable Growth. (2018). Web.

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burnette, Jeffrey D. "Inequality in the Labor Market for Native American Women and the Great Recession." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 107. 7 (2017): 425-429. Print. ˜