Nancy Bernardo
Nancy Bernardo
2017 Submissions
Bernardo, Nancy. Material Interuption. 2 Sep. 2017. Gallery R, Rochester, NY. Installation.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Bernardo, Nancy. Graphis Inc. Graphis Design Annual 2017, Merit. New York, NY, 2017. *
2016 Submissions
National/International Competition Award Winner
Bernardo, Nancy. PRINT Magazine. 2016 Print Regional Design Awards. Blue Ash, OH, 2016. *
Bernardo, Nancy. Society of Typographic Arts. STA 100. Chicago, IL, 2016. *
Bernardo, Nancy. Creative Quarterly. Creative Quarterly 45, Runner-up Graphic Design. New York City, NY, 2016. *
Bernardo, Nancy. Creative Quarterly. Creative Quarterly 44, Runner-up Graphic Design. New York City, NY, 2016. *
2015 Submissions
Invited Article/Publication
Bernardo, Nancy. "Teaching Collage: Using Graphic Design Prinicples." Kolaj Magazine. (2015). Print. ∆ ˆ
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
7/1/2015 -
National Endownment for the Humanities
Amount: $3500
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bernardo, Nancy and Alysia Kaplan. "Intersection of Subspace; 2D Planes in 4D Space." FATE: Tectonic Shift. Foundations in Art: Theory and Education Conference 2015. Indianapolis, IN. 25 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆
Bernardo, Nancy. "Adopt-a-Font Condensed." Typecon 2015 Condensed. Society of Typographic Afficionados. Denver, CO. 13 Aug. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆
Bernardo, Nancy and Kelly Murdoch-Kitt. "Adopt-a-Font: Condensed." Printing on the Hand Press and Beyond. American Printing History Association. Rochester, NY. 23 Oct. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆
National/International Competition Award Winner
Bernardo, Nancy. Design Observer and AIGA. 50 Books/50 Covers. New York City, NY, 2015. *
2014 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bernardo, Nancy A. "What Was Old Is New Again: Recapturing 19th Century Artistic Printing in the 21st Century." Print City Detroit Conference. Mid America Print Council. Detroit, MI. 25 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Invited Article/Publication
Bernardo, Nancy A. "Deconstructing Brad Pitt: A Visual Essay." Deconstructing Brad Pitt. (2014). Print.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Bernardo, Nancy. AIGA Western New York. New York State of Design: Judge's Choice. Syracuse, NY, 2014. *
Bernardo, Nancy A. Print Magazine. Regional Design Award Best in Region (East). Chicago, IL, 2014. *
Bernardo, Nancy A. How Magazine. Best of International Design. Chicago, IL, 2014. *
Bernardo, Nancy A. How Magazine. Outstanding Achievement for In-House Design. Chicago, IL, 2014. *