Richard DeMartino

Richard DeMartino

Saunders College of Business
Department of Management

2023 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., Murthy, R., & Atkins, S. (2023). Career Motivators And Dynamics Of Entrepreneurship In The Deaf Community. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. . .

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2021). Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences (Routledge). Boraso, R., DeMartino, R., Harris, N., & Miller, D.

Book Chapter

(2021). Could COVID-19 be a Catalyst for Disruption in Higher Education?. Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences (Routledge). Boraso, R., DeMartino, R., Harris, N., & Miller, D.

2019 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., Hoose, J., Holmes, L., & Manasier, R. (2019). Student Innovation Process. Next: The Event for Technology, Manufacturing, and BioTech.

2016 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2016). Perspectives on deafness. Diversity in deaf education,. Kelly, R., Quagliata, A., DeMartino, R., & Perotti, V.

Book Chapter

(2016). 21st-century deaf workers: Going beyond. Perspectives on deafness. Diversity in deaf education,. Kelly, R., Quagliata, A., DeMartino, R., & Perotti, V.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., (2016). Seeking Self-Employment int the Deaf Community: The Entrepreneurial Factors and Antecedents. Academy of Management Annual Conference.

DeMartino, R., (2016). Integrative Aspects of the NSF I-Corps; the RIT Example. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers.

DeMartino, R., (2016). NSF: What is the Next for the Innovation Corps Program?. NSF's National Innovation Network.

2015 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Kelly, R., Quagliata, A., DeMartino, R., & Perotti, V. (2015). Deaf Workers: Educated and Employed, but Limited in Career Growth. International Congress on the Education of the Deaf.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., Murthy, R., Miller, J., & Angelis, J. (2015). Looking Inside the Black Box of Growth in Declining Small Firms: The Role of Growth Factors, Planning, and Implementation. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth. . .

2014 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Stromeyer, W., Miller, J., SriramachandraMurthy, R., & DeMartino, R. (2014). The Prowess and Pitfalls Of Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling: Important Considerations For Management Research. Journal of Management. . .

2012 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

DeMartino, R., (2012). Intentionality of Growth: How Strategic Intent Affects Growth Tactics. INFORMS.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., Neck, H., Dwyer, P., & Treese, C. (2012). Radical Innovation in Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Exploratory Study of Strategic Intent and Innovation Process. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. . .

2011 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Miller, J., Angelis, J., Murthy, R., & DeMartino, R. (2011). Of Breeds, Tricks and Age: the Case of Small Business Growth and Market Choice Strategy. Academy of Marketing Science.

DeMartino, R., Atkins, W., Barbator, R., & Perotti, V. (2011). Entrepreneurship in the Disability Community: An Exploratory Study on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community (Summar. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.

Angelis, J., Sriramachandramurthy, R., Miller, J., & DeMartino, R. (2011). Intentionality to Reality: A Study of How Small Businesses Begin Their Road to Growth. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Angelis, J., Murthy, R., Miller, J., & DeMartino, R. (2011). The Effect of Resources, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Intent on Small Business Growth Processes. PONDS.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., Atkins, S., Barbato, R., & Perotti, V. (2011). Entrepreneurship and the Disabled: An Exploratory Study on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson College and Whitman College of Business.

DeMartino, R., Angelis, J., Miller, J., & Murthy, R. (2011). The Effect of Resources, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Intent on Small Business Growth Processes. POMS Annual Meeting.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., Clarcq, J., & Palanski, M. (2011). George C. Marshall: An Enduring Model of Leadership Effectiveness. Journal of Character and Leadership Integration. . 17-34.

2010 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Angelis, J., Murthy, R., Miller, J., & DeMartino, R. (2010). See How They Grow: Studying Small Venture Growth Through a Qualitative Lens. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Murthy, R., Angelis, J., Miller, J., & DeMartino, R. (2010). Intentionality of Growth: How Strategic Intent Affects Growth Tactics. INFORMS.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., (2010). Overcoming Barriers to Commercializing Radical Innovation. An Evening About Innovation, ASQ, SRE, INCOSE, and PDMA.

2009 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., (2009). Solidifying a Business Concept & Opportunity Assessment. SCORE Annual Meeting 2009, SCORE Rochester Chapter.

Invited Article/Publication

Barbato, R., Demartino, R., & Jacques, P. (2009). The Entrepreneurial Motivations of Non-Employer Entrepreneurs. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. . .

2008 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., (2008). Enetrepreneurship in the Digital Domain. Getting to the Point: Ideas, Process, and Products, NCIIA Annual Conference.

DeMartino, R., (2008). Economic Development and RIT. 12th Annual Business Conference: Economic Development is Everyone's Business, Rochester Women's Network (RWN).

DeMartino, R., Jacques, P., & Palrecha, R. (2008). Running head: Revisiting Mcclelland: Distinguishing Motives. Academy of Management, Annual Meeting.

DeMartino, R., (2008). Deaf and Hard of Hearing Entrepreneurship. NTID Foundation Board Meeting.

DeMartino, R., (2008). Solidifying a Business Concept & Opportunity Assessment. SCORE, SCORE Rochester Chapter.

DeMartino, R., (2008). Organizing for Radical Innovation. ASQ/IIE, Annual Rochester Chapter, American Society for Quality and Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., O'Connor, G., & Paulson, A. (2008). Organizational Approaches to Building a Radical Innovation Dynamic Capability. International Journal of Technology Management. . .

2007 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., (2007). The Entrepreneurial Spirit and Its Impact on upstate NY. Business Development Solutions, Entrepreneurial Spirit Week, Business Develeopment Solutions, Inc..

DeMartino, R., & Perotti, V. (2007). Developing an Experiential Entrepreneurship Program in Digital Industries and New Media. NCIIA 11th Annual Meeting/Conference, March 22024 2007, National Association of Inventors & Innovators Alliance.

DeMartino, R., (2007). Organizing and Managing Radical Innovation. Vodafone Expert Symposium, Brandenburg Technical University.

Invited Article/Publication

Hull, C., Hung, Y., Hair, N., Perotti, V., & DeMartino, R. (2007). Taking Advantage of Digital Opportunities: A Typology of Digital Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. . .

2006 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Hull, C., Hung, Y., Hair, N., Perotti, V., & DeMartino, R. (2006). Digital Entrepreneurship. EDGE.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., Barbato, R., & Jacques, P. (2006). The Entrepreneurial Motivations of Non-employer Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Annual Conference.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., Reid, D., & Zygliodopoulos, S. (2006). Balancing localization and globalization: exploring the impact of firm internationalization on a regional cluster. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 17. .

DeMartino, R., Zygliodopoulos, S., & Reid, D. (2006). Cluster Reputation as a Facilitator in the Internationalization of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Corporate Reputation Review. 9. .

DeMartino, R., & O'Connor, G. (2006). Organizing for Radical Innovation: An exploratory study of the structural aspects of RI Management Systems in Large Established Firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management. . .

DeMartino, R., Barbato, R., & Jacques, P. (2006). Exploring the Career/Achievement and Family Orientations Difference between Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneurs: The impact of sex and dependent status. Journal of Small Business Management. . .

2005 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

DeMartino, R., & Neck, H. (2005). Corporate Entrepreneurship through Radical Innovation. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference.

DeMartino, R., & Jacques, P. (2005). Exploring Hakim's Preference Theory In The Field Of Entrepreneurship: A Test Of The Career Patterns Of Female Entrepreneurs. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., Reid, D., & Zygliodopoulos, S. (2005). The Internationalization Journey of a High Tech Cluster. Thunderbird International Business Review. 47. 529-554.

2004 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

DeMartino, R., & O'Connor, G. (2004). Organizing for Radical Innovation: An exploratory study of the structural aspects of RI Management Systems in Large Established Firms.. Product Management Development Association.

DeMartino, R., Barbato, R., & Jacques, P. (2004). Exploring the Career and Family Orientations of Entrepreneurs:. Small Business Institute Directors’ Annual Conference, Clearwater FL..

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DeMartino, R., (2004). Internal Corporate Venturing as a Vehicle to Commercialize Radical Innovation: Exploring Effective Managerial Approaches. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., (2004). JML Optical at the Crossroads: Exploring Growth and Exit Strategies of a Family Business. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. 2. .

2003 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

DeMartino, R., Zygliodopoulos, S., & Reid, D. (2003). Investigating the Applicability of three theoretical. European International Business Association (EIBA), Copenhagen, Denmark.

DeMartino, R., Zygliodopoulos, S., Demartino, R., & Reid, D. (2003). Cluster Reputation and the Internationalization of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Conference on Clusters, Industrial Districts and Firms: The Challenge of Globalization, Modena, Italy.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., & Barbato, R. (2003). Differences Among Women and Men MBA Entrepreneurs: Exploring Family Flexibility and Wealth Creation as Career Motivators. Journal of Business Venturing. . 815-32.

2002 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

DeMartino, R., Reid, D., & Zygliodopoulos, S. (2002). New Business Creation and Technology Transfer in the Rochester Photonics Cluster. Proceedings title needed.

DeMartino, R., Reid, D., & Zygliodopoulos, S. (2002). Emerging Photonics Industry: The Success Vulnerability Paradigm. Proceedings title needed.

DeMartino, R., & Barbato, R. (2002). Motivational Factors of Female and Male Entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing 18 (2003) 815 - 832.

DeMartino, R., Reid, D., & Zygliodopoulos, S. (2002). Balancing Localization and Globalization: Exploring the Impact of Globalization on an a Opto-Photonics Cluster. Proceedings title needed.

Invited Article/Publication

DeMartino, R., & Barbato, R. (2002). An Analysis of the Motivational Factors of Intending Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Strategy. . .

2000 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

DeMartino, R., & Barbato, R. (2000). MBA Entrepreneurs: A call for Research. SBIDA Regional Conference.