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RIT Global

Your student visa is an official government document that temporarily authorizes you to be in the country you are traveling to, so providing the required documents needed to apply for a visa to the Education Abroad office in a timely manner after you have confirmed your participation in the program is an important part of your study abroad application.

Student Visa Instructions

  • Students from the USA, EU, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand who are planning to study abroad in Croatia for a semester must apply for Temporary Stay in Croatia.
  • India, China, and UAE are a few of the countries* whose citizens must ALSO apply for a travel visa before entry into Croatia in addition to the Temporary Stay. A comprehensive list is available here. You can also find more information on the Croatian Embassy website.
  • You will be informed of deadlines for submission of required documents by Study Abroad advisor, Maureen Shannon.
  • You can contact Myles Chalue ( with any questions or concerns.
  • You must submit all required documents to Myles Chalue (

Before Starting the Temporary Stay Process

  • Make sure to complete your profile and application on the Compass. All students applying for study abroad in Croatia must fill out a profile and application on the study abroad Compass database.
  • Please make sure to upload a scanned copy of the photo page in your passport
    • Please make sure the scanned copy of your passport is readable, and that the entire page is visible, including all numbers and information.
    • Prior to applying for study abroad; please make sure to check the expiration date on your passport. Visa approval requires that your passport be valid for a minimum of six months past the end date of your program. If necessary, you can apply to renew your passport through the local post office, or county clerk office.
  • Upon acceptance in the program, you will receive an email from the RIT Global office notifying you of your application status and providing instructions with the next steps.

F.A.Q. For Temporary Stay in Croatia

What type of visa will I need for study abroad in Croatia?
Students who plan to study in Croatia for a 16 week semester or more must apply for Temporary Stay in Croatia.

Note: If the student is a citizen from this list of countries found here under ‘VISA FOR CROATIA REQUIRED’, the student must apply FIRST for a travel visa and THEN for the temporary stay permit. For steps required for the travel visa, see more information below.

Does the RIT Education Abroad office help me with the temporary stay process? 
Yes! Your study abroad advisor in Rochester, and study abroad specialist at RIT Croatia, will assist you with all the requirements and paperwork.

How do I apply?
During your advising meetings, your study abroad advisor will review the process with you. You will submit your application after arrival in Croatia.

Do I need to book flights before applying for the temporary stay?
No, it is not required to have flights booked before submitting your temporary stay application.

What is the first step to get started?
Students must submit proof of finances to the RIT Education Abroad office (email to Maureen Shannon, The RIT Education Abroad office will provide a proof of medical insurance letter for you.

You must show a minimum of $800.00 USD in your bank account, or your parents’ bank account for a semester length study abroad. The following documents are acceptable for showing your finances:

  • Bank account statement (one month is sufficient)
  • Letter from your bank confirming your account balance
  • Letter from financial aid office confirming your aid package

What happens next?
The RIT Education Abroad office will send your bank statement and health insurance letter for translation into Croatian language. When the official translation is completed, the RIT Education Abroad office will forward your documents to the RIT Croatia study abroad office.

What documents are required for the temporary stay application?

  • Temporary Stay in Croatia application
  • Biometric passport photos
  • Copy of photo page in valid passport
  • Bank account statement with minimum account balance of $800.00 USD.  Also acceptable is a letter from your bank confirming your account balance
  • Proof of health insurance (the RIT Education Abroad office will provide this letter)
  • Letter of invitation (RIT Croatia will write a letter on your behalf confirming that you will be enrolled in classes at RIT Croatia, and that they will find housing for you)

When will I submit my application?
You will submit your application to the authorities after you arrive in Croatia. A staff member from RIT Croatia will accompany you to the authorities to register your arrival and submit your temporary stay documents.

Will I need to surrender my passport?
Students applying for temporary stay approval will not need to surrender their passport with their application. However, you will need to provide your passport to your landlord immediately after you arrive in country so that your landlord can register your arrival with the authorities.

What fees will I need to pay?
Students are responsible for paying the fees below. All fees are paid in Croatia. The RIT Croatia study abroad specialist will assist you with all of the payment processing. Please note that you will be paying these fees in Croatia up to several months after your arrival so make sure you budget appropriately in order to have enough funds available for these costs. For an up-to-date USD to Kuna conversion, please visit

  • Application stamp and photos: 70 Kuna (~$11.00 USD)            
  • Application fee: 350 Kuna (~$55.00 USD)
  • Temporary stay card: 240 Kuna (~$40.00 USD)      

How long does it take to receive temporary stay in Croatia approval?
The application review process can last anywhere from 4 - 6 weeks. Students who do not require a travel visa for entry into Croatia (USA, Canada, EU, Australia, New Zealand) will be able to enter the country with a valid passport. 

When will I receive my temporary stay?
Your temporary stay card will be issued in Croatia once your application is approved.

What happens after temporary stay approval is issued?
Once you receive your temporary stay card, you should keep that with you at all times, along with your passport. 

Do I need Croatian health insurance?
Study abroad students from RIT may “opt out” of purchasing Croatian health insurance by submitting the proof of international health insurance letter with their application that is provided by the RIT Education Abroad office.

F.A.Q. for Travel Visa

International students who are citizens from the list of countries found here under ‘Visa for Croatia Required’ also need to apply for a travel visa to enter Croatia. NOTE: You should start the process immediately upon approval of your study abroad application.

Why do I need to apply for two visas?
The required visa for students is Temporary Stay in Croatia. However, the temporary stay visa is not completed until after students arrive in Croatia. Because your citizenship requires you to have a travel visa in order to enter the country, the authorities in Croatia will allow you to enter with a travel visa, and then submit the official temporary stay paperwork after you arrive. The RIT Croatia staff will assist you with the in-country process.

What documents are required for the travel visa?
Students applying for a travel visa to Croatia are required to submit the following documents. The RIT Education Abroad office will meet with you to assist with collecting the documents.

  • Travel visa application (DO NOT sign the application until you report to the Croatian Consulate)
  • Valid passport
  • Passport size photo
  • Copy of itinerary for group excursions (provided by the RIT Study Abroad Advisor)  
  • Round trip airline ticket
  • Proof of booked accommodation (provided by the RIT Study Abroad Advisor)
    • The RIT Croatia study abroad specialist will provide proof of accommodation, and the itinerary for your trips during the study abroad program.
  • Proof of sufficient financial funds - bank statement or letter from bank confirming that  you have a minimum of $800.00 USD in your bank account for semester programs.  
  • Letter from RIT student health insurance provider (University Health Plans) confirming overseas coverage for health insurance.
  • Notarized copy of your RIT student health insurance card*
  • Confirmation of emergency travel insurance
  • Copy of valid US ID (US driver’s license, permanent residence card)
  • Notarized copy of passport*
  • Proof of enrollment at RIT (request can be made at the Registrar’s office)
  • Payment for travel visa application fee. The fee is $80.00 USD, payable by bank check (money order) to “Croatian Consulate”. You can get a money order at your bank or at the post office here on campus.  
  • RIT Croatia will write the required letter of guarantee on your behalf. 
    • Please provide the following information to the RIT Education Abroad office for the letter of guarantee:
      • Name
      • Date of Birth
      • Citizenship
      • Place of Residence 
      • Scan of F1 visa
      • Passport number, place of issue, date of issue, expiration date

*There are notaries here on campus. You can find the names and building locations here. There are also notaries available in the student financial services office, and in any bank.

What is the next step?
Once you have collected all of your paperwork, you should plan your visit to the Croatian Consulate office in New York City. You can find information about the Croatian Consulate office here.

Is it required that I visit the consulate in person?
Yes, the process for a travel visa requires you to travel to New York City and submit your paperwork in person at the Croatian Consulate office. The office is located on Lexington Avenue in Manhattan.

How long does it take for the travel visa to be approved?
The travel visa takes approximately 20 days for approval.

Will I need to surrender my passport?
Yes, you will be required to leave your passport and a copy of your I-20 at the Croatian Consulate office. Please make sure to bring a copy of your I-20, and do not leave the original. The RIT Education Abroad office will give you a return federal express air bill to leave at the consulate for return of your passport.

Will I receive my travel visa before I depart?
You cannot enter Croatia without your travel visa. Therefore, it is important to apply as soon as possible and allow enough time for the visa to be approved before you depart the USA.

When should I submit my temporary stay application?
You will submit your application for temporary stay after you arrive in Croatia. The RIT Croatia study abroad specialist will assist you with completing the paperwork.

How long will it take to get temporary stay approval?
Once you submit your temporary stay application in Croatia, the processing time is approximately 4 - 6 weeks.