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  • Student Spotlight

    Riley Kieffer
    Applied Mathematics

    Studied in Dublin, Ireland
    University College Dublin (Arcadia)

    I have always wanted to study abroad. Sometimes it can be seem difficult for STEM majors because there are certain classes that you must take at a certain time, but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

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  • Student Spotlight

    Kansas Cushing
    Computer Engineering Technology

    Studied in Dublin, Ireland
    Going Green: Exploring Innovations in Engineering with a Global Perspective 
    RIT Faculty-Led Program

    I choose to study abroad because it was my first opportunity to visit another continent, and was looking to go with people around my age. I had always wanted to study abroad, but wasn’t sure if I was able to due to the lab requirements for my major, so when I had the chance to I ran with it!

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  • Student Spotlight

    Lindsey Sweet
    Health Systems Management

    Virtual Intercultural Experience (Sweden)
    Global Health Systems Analysis and Innovation

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  • Student Spotlight

    Darryl Miller

    Studied in Pristina, Kosovo
    RIT Kosovo Peace & Conflict Summer Program

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  • Student Spotlight

    Alex Levie
    Computer Science

    Studied in Osnabruck, Germany
    University of Osnabruck (SUNY Oswego)

    I wanted to study abroad not only for the adventure, but I was interested in how other cultures taught computer science and what they emphasized compared to the U.S. I was especially curious about this given Germany’s very formulaic approach to education.

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