B04.0 Student Government By-Laws
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- B04.0 Student Government By-Laws
Article I: Legislative Branch
Section 1: Membership
- There shall be an Academic Senator from each of the following areas:
- College of Art and Design
- College of Engineering Technology
- College of Health Sciences and Technology
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Science
- Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
- Kate Gleason College of Engineering
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf
- Saunders College of Business
- School of Individualized Study
- There shall be a Community Senator from each of the following student body communities:
- The community including all students that identify as women
- The community including students who are members of Fraternity and Sorority Life recognized Greek organizations
- The community including all Cross-Registered students (NTID/RIT students)
- The community including all Graduate students
- The community including all those that are first-year (year level 1) as defined by the Registrar’s Office
- There shall be a voting representative (President, Vice President, or their designee upon approval of the Senate Chair) from each of the following Representative Student Organizations (RSOs) who shall abide by these bylaws:
- ALANA Collegiate Association (ACA)
- Global Union (GU)
- NTID Student Congress (NSC)
- Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
- OUTspoken
- There shall be non-voting representatives from the Executive Branch
- Student Government Standing Committees:
- Academics and Co-ops
- Accessibility
- Facilities, Parking, and Transportation, and Sustainability
- Housing and Dining
- Student Affairs
- Wellbeing
- All Current Student Government Ad-Hoc Committees
- Student Government Cabinet
- President
- Vice President
- Director of Collaboration and Inclusion
- Director of Finance
- Director of Marketing
- Director of Operations
- Director of Student Relations
- Director of Technology Services
- Student Government Standing Committees:
- There shall be a non-voting representative from each of the following Governance Groups, whose attendance is non-mandatory for quorum calculations:
- Faculty Senate
- Staff Council
- University Council Representation
- Shall be composed of the Student Government President and Vice President, or their designees
- RSO President or Vice President or their designees for each RSO
- Four additional active Student Government Representatives
- Any unfilled seats shall be filled be a Student Government representative
- Student Government and RSOs combined will have a total of eleven seats on University Council
Section 2: Duties of Senators
- Shall serve as a liaison between Student Government and their constituencies
- Shall, to the best of their ability, represent the interests and issues most pertinent with their constituency
- Shall attend all Student Senate meetings unless
- Excused by the Chair of the Senate
- Has a member of their Constituency willing to be in the Voting Members stay (a proxy), who is subject to all rules of the Senate
- A member of the Senate cannot be a proxy, unless an emergency arises, as defined by the Chair of the Senate
- Shall vote on all Student Senate issues, as decided by the Chair of the Senate
- Shall engage with their constituency at least one (1) time a semester through various means
- Such as, but is not limited to, town hall meetings, open forums, roundtable discussions, coffee breaks, Student Government events, College or Organization events or socials, events in collaboration with other voting members, etc.
- Shall meet with their Director, Dean Advisor, and/or a member of their Constituency's Administration a minimum of two (2) times a semester, if applicable
- Shall keep their constituency well informed of their actions and on-goings through emailing their constituency at a minimum of two (2) times a semester
- These emails must be approved by the Vice President
- Shall confirm all appropriate Executive appointments (needing Senate Approval)
- Shall have the ability to override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Voting Members in attendance
- Senators shall be required to serve on a minimum of one (1) internal committee and one (1) external committee per semester
- Senators may be exempt from serving on a committee so long as the reason is deemed acceptable by the Director of Student Relations for an internal committee, and the Director of Operations for an external committee
- Shall receive a physical copy of a "Position Expectation" document during their onboarding process, written by the President, Vice President, and/or designee, at the start of each academic semester. This document:
- Will consist of rules or duties the Executive Branch determines to make the act of governing more effective for the term
- Shall not contradict or restate the Bylaws in any manner
- Shall be made available to Voting Members online
- Must be agreed upon by Voting Members on the second Senate Meeting of the term, by a simple majority vote
- If the "Position Expectations" does not pass, then Voting Members shall only be required to fulfill the rules and duties outlined for them in the Bylaws
- Shall, to the best of their abilities, follow and uphold the Bylaws and other adjunct rules
Section 3: Duties of Non-Voting Representatives
- Shall serve as a liaison between Student Government and their respective groups
- Shall attend all Senate meetings, unless excused by the Chair of Senate
- Shall make timely reports to the Senate
Section 4: Voting
- Quorum
- Two-thirds of the student voting members must be present to achieve a quorum for the transaction of business at Senate meetings
- A member who is late to the meeting without an excuse will be counted as absent at the discretion of the Senate Chair
- Non-student non-voting representatives (Faculty Senate & Staff Council) do not affect quorum calculations
- Voting Authority
- All resolutions presented before the Senate shall pass by a simple majority unless otherwise specified in the Charter, Bylaws, or Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised or subsequent revisions
- Each voter outlines above shall receive one vote
- The Senate Chair shall have the right to vote only to break a tie
- All voting must take place at a meeting open to the public unless otherwise specified by these bylaws
- There shall be no absentee voting of any kind
- Delegation of Vote
- Voters shall have the right to delegate their vote to a member of the constituency subject to approval by the Senate Chair (known as a proxy)
- Voting Session
- The voting session of the Senate shall be during the normal University academic term. No vote may be conducted during University Recess.
- Voting Sessions shall not be declared during the Summer term
Section 5: Committees
- The Chair for Standing and Ad-hoc committees shall be an individual who has been appointed by the Student Government President or their designee and approved by the Senate
- The Chair for Senate committees shall be any member of the committee and established by the committee
- Ad-hoc Committees
- Shall be established by the President or Senate as seen fit
- Senate Committees
- Shall be established by the Senate as seen fit
- Standing Committees
- Shall be established via a bylaw amendment
- Shall prioritize charges assigned by the Student Government Senate
- Shall meet regularly during open University sessions, excluding academic recess and Summer term
- Committee membership shall be open to all students, faculty, or staff as deemed appropriate by committee chair
- The Senate shall have the authority to approve a new committee chair, should the original chair be unable to continue in their role for any reason
Section 6: Senate Confirmation of Executive Appointees
- The appointee shall be introduced to the Senate at a regularly scheduled meeting
- The appointee shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate
- In the event the appointment is not confirmed, a new appointment will be made and presented to the Senate according to the above process
- All votes of appointees shall be conducted via closed vote
Section 7: Election of Senate President Pro-Tempore
- The President Pro-Tempore shall be a current Senator
- Nominations for President Pro-Tempore shall occur during the first Senate meeting of the Fall Semester
- Those eligible can nominate themselves or be nominated by others
- If there is only one nominee, they shall be elected by a majority vote of the Senate
- If there is more than one nominee, the President Pro-Tempore shall be the nominee who receives a plurality of votes cast
- The position of President Pro-Tempore shall reside in the name of that Senator and not in the office of the Senator
- In the event of a vacancy, the Senate shall elect a new President Pro-Tempore as outlined above
Section 8: Election and Responsibilities of the Parliamentarian
- The position of Parliamentarian may be held by any member of the Senate
- Nominations for Parliamentarian shall occur during the first Senate meeting of the Fall Semester
- Those eligible can nominate themselves or be nominated by others
- If there is only one nominee, they shall be elected by a majority vote of the Senate
- If there is more than one nominee, the Parliamentarian shall be the nominee who receive a plurality of votes cast
- The position of Parliamentarian shall reside in the name of that person and not in the office of that person
- The Parliamentarian shall become familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, latest edition
- The Parliamentarian shall provide the members of Senate with training on simple parliamentary procedure, as necessary
- The Parliamentarian shall assist the Chair in meeting preparation when requested
- The Parliamentarian shall advise the Chair, when requested on questions of parliamentary procedure
- The Parliamentarian shall assist the Chair by keeping track of the order of the meeting and ensuring procedure is followed through motions, amendments, voting, etc.
- In the event of a vacancy, the Senate shall elect a new Parliamentarian as outlined above
Section 9: Student Petitions
- The student body shall have the right to petition through PawPrints
- The Director of Student Relations shall be responsible for reviewing and managing responses/updates to student petitions
- Petitions that reach the threshold of 200 signatures must be responded to by Student Government
- Petition responses and charges must be approved by a plurality of votes of the Senate
- Petitions must be publicly acknowledged as reaching the signature threshold by Student Government, and either charged to a committee or responded to as closed, within 2 Senate meetings of reaching the threshold
- The Director of Student Relations shall be responsible for reviewing and managing responses/updates to student petitions
- Removal of Petitions
- Use of PawPrints falls under the RIT Code of Conduct for Computer and Network Use
- The Student Government reserves the right to remove any petition at any time for violating the Code of Conduct. This includes, but is not limited to, creating an intimidating, hostile or abusive environment for any member of the RIT community, or posting of any obscene, defamatory, threatening, or otherwise harassing petitions
- Removal of a petition must be discussed between the President, Director of Student Relations, and Administrative Advisor. The final decision is at the discretion of the President
Section 10: Compensation
- Senators and RSO members shall be compensated for Student Government services at the current stipend level, set in conjunction with the Student Employment Office. Any discrepancies will be referred to the Administrative Advisor. A stipend structure shall be presented to the Senate every 3 years for approval. All proposed changes shall be coordinated by the Director of Finance with the Student Government advisors, Finance committee, and the appropriate Center for Campus Life professional staff
- If the Senate deems necessary, they may call on the Finance Committee at any time to review the current pay structure and create a proposal to correct any issues present
- Any changes to the pay structure must be approved by the Administrative Advisors, Finance Committee, Governance Committee, and Senate
Section 11: Impeachment
- Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, or RSO elected positions must be impeached to be removed from office
- Impeachment for these positions will follow the procedure as outlined in Appendix F of these bylaws
Section 12: Recall
- SG President, SG Vice President, and SG Senators are subject to recall amendments as the external method to remove them from office
- Recall process for these positions will follow the procedure outlined in Appendix H of these bylaws
- Positions not eligible for the Recall process are:
- Greek Senator
- RSO President
- RSO Vice President
- Global Union, Director of Finance
Article II: Executive Branch
Section 1: Membership
President (elected)
Vice President (elected)
Cabinet (appointed by President and Vice President and confirmed by Senate)
Director of Collaboration and Inclusion
Director of Finance
Director of Marketing
Director of Operations
Director of Student Relations
Director of Technology Services
Standing Committee Chairs (appointed by President and Vice President and confirmed by Senate)
Academics and Co-Ops
Facilities, Parking, and Transportation, and Sustainability
Housing and Dining
Student Affairs
Section 2: Qualifications for Appointed Positions
Shall have completed at least two semesters at Rochester Institute of Technology, as recognized by the University
Shall have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher and a last semester (taking full-time load of classes at RIT) grade point average of
2.0 or higher-
Any individual that falls below these grade point averages during their serving period shall be subject to removal from office
Shall be in good academic and conduct standing throughout their appointment and serving period
Any individual that falls below these standings during their serving period shall be subject to removal from office
Shall be an enrolled and degree seeking full-time student
Shall be appointed by the incoming President and Vice President and confirmed by the Senate by a majority of votes cast
Shall abide by all terms agreed upon in their position expectations issued by the President at the start of their term in office
Section 3: Duties
- President
- Shall be the Executive Office of the Student Government and must authenticate, by signature, all acts, orders, and procedures of Student Government, and has the power to delegate that authority
- Shall have veto power over all Senate legislation
- If legislation is not vetoed within six business days (not including University recess), it shall be considered approved
- A veto shall be in the form of a Letter of Veto to the members of the Senate
- A veto must be over the entirety of a legislative piece and not a subsection or line item
- Shall have the ability to authorize financial acts, orders, and procedures for organizations in the event of the absence of the Director of Finance
- Shall be an ex-officio member of all Student Government committees
- Shall be entitled to act on behalf and in consultation with the Cabinet
- Shall supervise Cabinet members and chair Cabinet meetings
- Shall be the Student Government liaison to the RIT Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Board of Trustees
- Shall chair the Student Government Global Committee, or their designee
- Shall be responsible for coordinating relations with other college campuses
- Shall oversee the proceedings of the RSOs to ensure their operations are consistent with the Student Government Bylaws
- Will review the bylaws and ensure all proposed amendments to the standing documentation are aligned with parliamentary procedure
- Shall coordinate with the Director of Operations to ensure Student Government representatives are present at external committees
- Shall create a Position Expectations document for Cabinet and Committee Chairs during their onboarding process, or their designees
- Vice President
- Shall chair the Senate and other meetings deemed appropriate by the Senate
- Shall supervise the work of Senators and chair Senators meeting
- Shall coordinate with the Director of Student Relations to ensure Student Government representatives are present at internal Student Government Committees
- Will review the bylaws and ensure all proposed amendments to the standing documentation are aligned with parliamentary procedure
- Shall create a Position Expectations document for Senators during their onboarding process, or their designee
- Shall ensure quorum is met at Senate in consultation with the individual taking attendance and Parliamentarian
- Director of Collaboration and Inclusion
- Shall promote partnership and collaboration with offices and organizations on campus pursuant to diversity, equity, and inclusion of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, belief, ability, and all other identities.
- Shall chair the Student Government Governance Committee or their designee
- Shall collect and provide information about resources available at RIT and in the community to Student Government members
- Shall advise Cabinet and provide recommendations regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
- Shall provide resources when necessary to mediate interpersonal conflicts within the organization
- Shall assist the President and Vice President in the annual review of Student Government bylaws
- Director of Finance
- Shall authenticate, by signature, all financial acts, orders, and procedures of the Executive Branch, Senate, and Finance Committees
- Shall chair the Finance Committee and advise the Greek Finance Committee
- Shall approve all Student Government purchases in conjunction with the Administrative Advisors
- Director of Marketing
- Shall hire, supervise, and coordinate the Marketing team
- Shall oversee communications published by Student Government
- Shall oversee usage and modification of the Student Government Logo as described in Appendix G of these bylaws
- Director of Operations
- Shall ensure the distribution of weekly minutes of all Senate, Cabinet, and Senator Meetings within 1 week following the meeting time
- Shall be responsible for recording and filing all Student Government resolution documents
- Shall work with RIT Archives to ensure all Student Government related information is up to date
- Shall be responsible for setting up the process for the transitioning of administrations within Student Government
- Shall oversee the coordination of all Student Government events.
- Shall oversee and manage Student Government representatives for all external University Committees, including membership and attendance
- Shall assist the Director of Technology Services in ensuring all Student Government bylaws and digital media are available to students
- Shall be responsible for coordinating office maintenance and inventory with Professional Staff
- Director of Student Relations
- Shall represent the student body by advocating for students and student groups
- Shall be knowledgeable of University departments, divisions, and organizational structures
- In the event of a Senator vacancy, they will advocate (non-voting) on behalf of that Senator’s constituency until the position is filled
- Shall oversee the work of all internal Student Government Committees
- Shall oversee and manage Student Government representatives for all internal Student Government Committees, including membership and attendance
- Shall be responsible for managing charges, updates, and responses to all petitions that have reached the signature threshold
- Shall set expectations and standards for Committee Chairs working through petitions including but not limited to a standard updating procedure and timeline for responses
- Director of Technology Services
- Shall hire, supervise and coordinate the Technology Services Team
- Shall oversee content published on Student Government websites
- Shall work with the members of Student Government to send out a newsletter as needed at the direction of the President
- Shall ensure all Student Government bylaws and digital media are available to students in conjunction with the Director of Operations
- Shall work closely with the Elections Committee Chair to ensure accurate election information as outlined in Appendix C
- Standing Committee Chairs
- Shall chair a standing executive committee
- Shall report to the Director of Student Relations
- Shall be a non-voting member of Senate as a representative of the Standing Committee, or their designee as approved by the Chair of the Senate
- Shall follow committee guidelines outlined in these bylaws
Section 4: Removal from Office
- A Cabinet member or committee chair may be removed from office for subsequent failure to meet qualifications or position expectations. Such action shall be initiated by the President, in accordance with NYS fair labor laws, provided written notification of removal is given to the member
Section 5: Executive Committees
- Elections Committee
- Shall report to the Student Government Senate regarding Spring elections
- Shall facilitate the election procedure for SG Senators, SG Presidents, SG Vice Presidents, RSO Presidents, and RSO Vice Presidents during the Spring semester as outlined in Appendix C of the bylaws
- Shall ensure all candidates are compliant with elections rules and enforce sanctions as outlined in Appendix C
- Shall review Appendix C of the bylaws at the first meeting held each Semester and shall have the power to propose any changes to the Senate
- Shall be chaired by a non-voting member and consist of 5 other voting members and 5 alternates appointed by the current SG President and SG Vice President and approved by the Governance Committee and the Senate
- No member of the current administration of Student Government shall serve on Elections Committee
- Alternate members shall only serve in the event of a vacancy and shall serve in order in which they were appointed
- In the event of a tie vote, the chair shall serve as the deciding vote
- Members of the committee are ineligible to serve in elected and appointed positions for the Fall semester, even after Committee duties have been fulfilled
- The only exception shall reside in serving on Elections Committee for another term
- Shall meet during the Spring semester during open University sessions
- Shall meet once a day throughout campaigning season and twice a day during the voting period
- Veto and infraction appeals power of the Election Committee shall reside within the Governance Committee by a majority vote
- Finance Committee
- Shall define, maintain, and supervise finance policies for all organizations that receive Student Activities Fees in accordance with University policy
- Shall make decisions on Requests for Funds
- Shall follow the operating procedures outlined in Appendix A of the bylaws
- Global Committee
- Shall report to Senate regarding RIT Global Campuses
- Shall hold a virtual or in person meeting with all RIT degree-granting institutions at least twice a semester
- Shall contain at most 5 designees from each RIT degree-granting institutions
- Governance Committee
- Shall report to the Student Government Senate regarding Fall elections
- Veto power of Governance Committee decisions shall reside with the Student Government Senate by a majority vote
- Shall oversee the updating and changes of Student Government Bylaws and Charter, subject to Senate approval
- Shall serve as an open forum for leadership discussions between Student Government and RSOs
- Shall be composed of the SG President (or their designee) and one RSO representative (President or Vice President or their designee as approved by the Chair of Governance Committee) from each RSO
- All members of the committee are ineligible for appointment in the Elections committee for the active election term
Section 6: Compensation
- The President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, Standing Committee Chairs, and Elections Committee Chair will be compensated at the current stipend level set in conjunction with the Student Employment. Any discrepancies will be referred to the Administrative Advisors
Article III: Elections and Eligibility
Section 1: Candidate Eligibility
- Each candidate must have fulfilled two academic semesters at RIT and one semester in their respective constituency group or college by the end of the current semester
- The Graduate and NTID (when filled during the Fall) and the First- Year Senator positions are exempt from the two academic semester minimum
- Exceptions to the one semester in their respective constituency group are Women’s Senator and Representative Student Organizations
- Each candidate must be a full-time student
- Each candidate must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, a last semester (taking full-time load of classes) GPA of 2.0 or higher, and must be in a favorable standing with RIT as prescribed by the Student Code of
Conduct- Any candidate who drops below these GPAs or conduct standings after being elected is subject to removal
- All continuing academic and conduct eligibility requirements shall be determined by administrative advisors due to FERPA
- Each candidate must be able to fulfill the complete term for the position they are running for
- Candidates must not be going on long-term study abroad or on co-op for the duration of the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) during their term
- Individuals may run as a candidate for one combined position in SG and RSO’s
- Individuals may petition for candidacy for multiple positions
- Each candidate must be able to fulfill the complete term for the position they are running for
- Candidates must not be going on long-term study abroad or on co-op for the duration of the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) during their term
- Individuals may run as a candidate for one combined position in SG and RSO's
- Individuals may petition for candidacy for multiple positions
- Each candidate must follow specific position eligibility and elections procedure as described in the Appendix C of the bylaws
Section 2: Spring Elections Procedure
- The elections for SG Senators, SG Presidents, and SG Vice Presidents will be held in the Spring Semester at the end of each academic year
- The elections shall be overseen by the Elections Committee, as defined in Appendix C of the bylaws
- Voting in these elections shall be open to all enrolled RIT students. Students may vote for one candidate for each position they are a direct constituency for
- Students may choose to abstain from any ballots that they are eligible to vote in. Abstentions shall not count as negative votes
- In the event of a tie, the current Senate will vote to break the tie in a closed ballot
- All representatives listed on the ballot are ineligible to vote
- Positions following this procedure:
- SG President and Vice President must run on the same ticket
- Academic College Senators
- Community Senators
- Not including First-Year Senator
- RSO Presidents and Vice Presidents must run on the same ticket
Section 3: Unfilled President and Vice President positions
- If the SG President and Vice President positions remain unfilled at the end of the Spring election cycle, the Senate shall appoint an interim President and Vice President, confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate
- The interim candidates must satisfy the eligibility requirements as outlined in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws
- In the event any RSO President and Vice President positions remain unfilled at the end of the Spring election cycle, said RSO’s representative body, as outlined by their bylaws, shall, pending confirmation by a two-thirds majority vote from the Senate, appoint an interim President and Vice President
- The interim candidates must satisfy the eligibility requirements as outlined in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws
- Interim positions shall remain in office until the position is officially elected in the Fall semester, following the Fall Elections Procedure outlined in Article III, Section 4 of these bylaws
- Any person holding an interim position shall have the option to officially run for the position during the Fall elections
- Interim positions shall hold all their powers of their office
- Any executive branch appointments (Cabinet, Committee Chairs, and Senators) made by the interim President shall be confirmed by the officially elected President in the Fall semester
- Should an executive branch appointment, not be confirmed, the position will become vacant
- Vacant executive branch positions shall be filled by an appointment of the officially elected President, and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate
Section 4: Appointment Procedure
All appointments must be presented to the Senate in a timely manner
The candidates will be appointed by the SG President and Vice President, and approved by the Senate
Any unfilled position from the previous Spring semester will follow this procedure
While following the Appointment procedure, the filling of vacancies shall concur with executive branch appointments in the Spring, following the Spring elections
Senate will vote on candidates for each position brought forth by the President and Vice President
Each candidate chosen to come forward will be chosen based on a selection process by the President and Vice President
For RSO Fall Elections, the selection process must involve participation from the specific RSO’s representative body, as outlined by their bylaws
Each candidate will be given equal time to present their platform to Senate as deemed appropriate by the Chair of the Senate
The Senate shall be given the opportunity to ask questions of the candidate as deemed appropriate by the Chair of the Senate
Voting shall take place by closed ballot and a plurality vote shall win
In the event the Senate deems no candidate is fit for the position, the elections will be reopened for that position at the discretion of the governance committee
“Senate deems no candidate is fit” shall mean the plurality of votes is “No”
Each candidate must follow the guidelines prescribed by Appendix C of the bylaws
Positions following this procedure:
First-Year Senator
Any unfilled position from the previous Spring Election
Only applicable if the position was not filled during the executive branch appointment period following the Spring Election
In the case of an unfilled vacancy, the President may suggest waiving certain criteria on need or demand which will be explored and advised by the Governance Committee. Formal approval from Senate is required before any candidate can be voted on
Exceptions stated in Article III, Section 1 apply
Article IV: Senate Meetings
Section 1: Method of Assembly
- All Senate meetings shall be open and publicized to the RIT community, except for a closed session deemed appropriate by the Senate Chair
Section 2: Frequency of Meetings
- The Senate shall meet at least once a week at a regularly scheduled meeting time, excluding University recess and Summer term
- Meeting may be canceled at discretion of the Senate Chair
Section 3: Rules of Order
- In its deliberations, the Senate shall be guided by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised and subsequent revisions, unless otherwise specified by the Charter, Bylaws, or the Standing Rules
Article V: Filling of Vacancies
Section 1: Succession
- The line of succession to the Presidency shall be:
- President
- Vice President
- President Pro-Tempore
- Thereafter, the succession shall be decided upon by the voting members of the Senate
Section 2: Temporary Vacancy in the Legislative Branch
- The Senator shall appoint a member of their constituency to act on their behalf subject to Senate Chair approval
- If the senator fails to appoint a member of their constituency, the Director of Student Relations or their designee shall speak on behalf of the Senator’s constituency
- If a Senate seat is vacant for three weeks in a year without just cause, the respective Senator shall be subject to Impeachment
Section 3: Temporary Vacancy in the Executive Branch
- In the event of a vacancy that is known to be temporary, the President or their designee shall assume the duties of the vacant office
Section 4: Permanent Vacancy in the Legislative Branch
- Academic and Community Senators shall be replaced through appointment by the Vice President, subject to confirmation of the Senate
- RSO representatives shall be replaced in accordance with their organizational bylaws, subject to confirmation of the Senate
- If the Senate fails to ratify a nominee, the vacant position will remain vacant until the next election cycle, at the discretion of the Senate
Section 5: Permanent Vacancy in the Executive Branch
- In the event of any vacancy in the Executive Branch, the President shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy, which shall be subject to ratification by the Senate
Section 6: Simultaneous Vacancies in the Executive Branch
- In the event of simultaneous permanent vacancy of the Presidency and Vice Presidency, the President Pro-Tempore will assume the Presidency. The Senate will be required to elect a Vice President Pro-Tempore who will assume the Vice Presidency
- In the event of a permanent vacancy of the Presidency, and a temporary vacancy of the Vice Presidency, the President Pro-Tempore will assume the Presidency, and the Senate will be required to appoint a Vice President Pro-Tempore who will assume the Vice Presidency
- When the elected Vice President returns they shall assume the Presidency, and the President Pro-Tempore shall assume the Vice Presidency, until the new President nominates a Vice President to be confirmed by the Senate. Once that confirmation occurs, the Vice President Pro-Tempore will relinquish the Vice Presidency
- In the event of a temporary vacancy of the Presidency, and a permanent vacancy of the Vice Presidency, the President Pro-Tempore shall assume the Presidency, and the Senate will be required to appoint a Vice President Pro-Tempore who will assume the Vice Presidency
- When the elected President returns they shall resume the Presidency, and the President Pro-Tempore shall assume the Vice Presidency. The Vice President Pro-Tempore will relinquish the Vice Presidency. The President Pro-Tempore shall serve in the capacity of Vice President until the President nominates and gets confirmation of a new Vice President
- In the event of a temporary vacancy of the Presidency and Vice Presidency, the President Pro-Tempore shall assume the Presidency and the Senate will be required to appoint a Vice President Pro-Tempore who will assume the Vice Presidency
- When the elected officials return they shall assume their original offices and the President Pro-Tempore, and Vice President Pro-Tempore shall relinquish their offices. The President Pro-Tempore shall resume their duties as President Pro-Tempore
Article VI: Hazing
Section 1: State Law
- In accordance with New York State law and University Policy, neither Student Government, nor any organization it recognizes, shall engage in any hazing of any kind
Section 2: Failure to Comply
- Failure to comply with the above will result in possible revocation of recognized status in the case of a recognized group, or possible impeachment for all parties involved in the case of the Student Government Executive or Legislative Branch
Article VII: Amendments
Section 1: Origination from the Senate or Executive Branch
- Any amendment originating from the Senate or Executive Branch shall follow the procedures outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of the proposed amendment must appear in an official Student Government media outlet during the week of tabling or before
Section 2: Originating from the Students
- Any amendment from the students not in Student Government must be presented in written form with reasons for the amendment to the Senate Chair accompanied with signatures from a petition (200 total). Once submitted to the chair, the bylaw amendment shall be heard by the Senate according to the procedure in Robert’s Rules of Order
Article VIII: New Senate Positions
Section 1: New Colleges
- In the event of the establishment of a new college at RIT, a Senator position will be created for such college at the discretion of the Senate with appropriate budget adjustments. Election of the new Senate shall be coordinated by the Governance Committee
Section 2: Other
- Additional seats to the Senate must be approved through the Amendment Process, outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order
List of Appendices
Appendix A: Updated Finance Committee Bylaws
Appendix B: Center for Campus Life Student Organization Recognition Guidelines
Appendix C: Standing Rules of the Elections
Appendix D: Standing Rules of the RSO Budget Review Process
Appendix E: New GFC Bylaws 4-15-2022
Appendix F: Impeachment
Appendix G: Student Government Logo
Appendix H: Recall Amendment Bylaws
Responsible Office: Student Government
Policy History
AUTHORED 25 March 1991
Restructuring Committee, Alok Kapoor, Chair
AMENDED 30 August 1991
Stephen L. Schultz, Adrian S. White, and Thomas Yu
19 April 1994
Ralph Gaboury
4 February 1997
Meghan Wood, Scott Beach, and Trudy Zobel
May 1999
Nicholas Rubio, Jamie Greco and Marcie Maine
October 2002
Erick Littleford
April 2006
Cory Hoffman
August 2007
Edward Wolf
Re-authored: 21 April 2017
Andrea Shaver, President
Amar Bhatt, Vice President
Ali Prengaman, Director of Finance
Re-authored: 24, April 2021
Shine DeHarder, President
Alex Kruger, Vice President
Re-authored: 22 April 2022
Christopher M. Ferrari, Vice President
Michael R. Abel, Director of Finance
Gregory Springer, Greek Senator
Re-authored: 10 February 2023
Aditya Khanna, President
Re-authored: 21 April 2023
Aditya Khanna, President
Gregory Springer, Greek Senator
Jake Long, CET Senator
Re-authored: 10 November 2023
Darcie Jones, President
JT Lapham, Vice President
Jake Long, CET Senator
Kyle Kosmack, Student Affairs Chair
Re-authored: April 26, 2024
Darcie Jones, President
Re-authored: November 1, 2024
Alex Shuron, President