E20.0 Impact on Faculty Due to the Discontinuance or Reduction of Academic Programs

Scope: Tenure-track Faculty and Senior and Principal Lecturers in all academic programs

I. Definitions

  1. Full Semester is defined as the period between the first day of classes and the last day of scheduled examinations.

II. Termination of a Tenured or Tenure-track Faculty Member or a Senior or Principal Lecturer

  1. Tenured Faculty Member

    In the event that it becomes necessary to terminate a tenured faculty member because of the reduction or discontinuation of a program the following procedures will apply:
    1. The provost shall give notice by electronic and certified mail on the same day to tenured faculty members at the earliest possible date of the intention to terminate their appointments because of program discontinuance or reduction. From the date of notification of termination by the provost of the intention to terminate, the tenured faculty member who is to be terminated will continue to be employed for 24 months at 100% pay and eligible benefits. This period may be extended in the interest of serving the university. During that 24-month period, the faculty member will negotiate with the dean the activities to be performed for that period, which may include paid leave.  Upon termination, tuition benefits shall continue as described below. Beginning with the term that begins after the date of termination of employment, the Tuition Waiver and Tuition Exchange benefits will be taxable to the former employee. RIT will provide to the former employee the necessary tax reporting information.

      1. Tuition Wavier for up to 6 years from the date of termination, if eligible for the benefit at the time of termination.

      2. The Tuition Exchange benefit continues if the faculty member has met the eligibility requirements. Certification of eligibility under this plan continues through the academic year following the year in which employment is terminated (benefit continues to be subject to approval of importing college/university and subject to RIT’s continued favorable exchange status with The Tuition Exchange, Inc.).

      3. All Tuition Waiver and Tuition Exchange rules and exclusions that were applicable during employment continue for any Tuition Waivers applied under this policy. In addition, any changes made to the Tuition Waiver or Tuition Exchange benefit after termination of employment will apply to those who leave employment under this policy.

    2. The university will make every reasonable effort to offer the terminated faculty members alternative RIT employment in a manner consistent with the terminated faculty member's professional background and university needs. If placement would be facilitated by a reasonable period of professional development, not to exceed one year, financial and other support for such professional development as deemed appropriate by the hiring supervisor shall be offered. Alternative solutions such as retirement, retirement transition, or reduced appointment may be offered.

    3. A tenured faculty member shall not be terminated in favor of retaining a tenure-track pre-tenured faculty member except in the case where the termination of the tenure-track pre-tenured faculty member would have a significant, negative impact on the college’s academic mission. The recommendation on termination in such cases shall be made by the dean to the provost in consultation with the full-time faculty of the program undergoing discontinuance or reduction and the college tenure committee.

    4. In all cases of termination due to program discontinuance or reduction, the position or similar position of a tenured faculty member shall not be filled by full- or equivalent part-time appointments within three years, unless the terminated tenured faculty member has been offered reinstatement at the same position title, tenure status, and at least the same salary as at the time of termination and given at least one month to consider the offer. In the event a part-time appointment to teach the same or similar courses arises within one year of termination, the part-time appointment must be first offered to the terminated tenured faculty member at a salary level commensurate with their pre-termination status based on credit hours taught.

    5. A tenured faculty member who alleges that the policies and procedures set forth above have not been properly applied may seek review of the alleged violation through the grievance procedure (E24.0 Faculty Grievance).

  2. Termination of a Tenure-Track Faculty Member who is not yet tenured

    In the event that it becomes necessary to terminate a tenure-track faculty member who is not yet tenured because of the reduction or discontinuation of a program the following procedures shall apply.

    1. The provost shall issue notice  by electronic and certified mail on the same day to the faculty member of the to terminate an appointment because of a program discontinuance or reduction according to the schedules for non-reappointment (E5.0).

    2. The university will make every reasonable effort to offer the terminated faculty members with one or more years of service alternative  RIT employment in a manner consistent with the terminated faculty member's professional background and university needs. If placement would be facilitated by a reasonable period of professional development, not to exceed one year, financial and other support for such professional development as deemed appropriate by the hiring supervisor shall be offered. Alternative solutions such as retirement, retirement transition, or reduced appointment may be offered.

    3. If the normal schedule for non-reappointment cannot be followed for the faculty member, termination shall be according to the following schedule from the date of notification:

      1. Faculty with less than one year of service shall receive a minimum of one Full Semester notice that their appointment will be terminated.

      2. Faculty with more than one year shall receive a minimum of one year's notice that their appointment will be terminated.

    4. A faculty member who alleges that the policies and procedures set forth above have not been properly applied may seek review of the alleged violations through the grievance procedure (E24.0 Faculty Grievance).

  3. Termination of a Senior or Principal Lecturer

    In the event that it becomes necessary to terminate a senior or principal lecturer because of the reduction or discontinuation of a program the following procedures will apply.

    1. The provost shall give notice by electronic and certified mail on the same day to the senior or principal lecturer of the intention to terminate an appointment because of a program discontinuance or reduction according to the schedules for non-reappointment (E04.0 – Faculty Employment Policies or E06.0 – Policies on Faculty Rank and Promotion).

    2. The university will make every reasonable effort to offer the terminated senior or principal lecturer alternative RIT employment in a manner consistent with the terminated senior or principal lecturer’s professional background and university needs. If placement would be facilitated by a reasonable period of professional development, not to exceed one year, financial and other support for such professional development as deemed appropriate by the hiring supervisor shall be offered. Alternative solutions such as retirement, retirement transition, or reduced appointment may be offered.

    3. If the normal schedule for non-reappointment cannot be followed for the senior or principal lecturer, termination shall be according to the following schedule from the date of notification:

      1. Senior lecturers shall receive an employment contract for a minimum of one year  at 100% pay and eligible benefits. This period may be extended by the provost in the interest of serving the university. The faculty member will negotiate with the dean the activities to be performed for that period, which may include paid leave. Upon termination, tuition benefits shall continue as described below. Beginning with the term that begins after the date of termination of employment, the Tuition Waiver and Tuition Exchange benefit will be taxable to the former employee. RIT will provide to the former employee the necessary tax reporting information.

        1. Tuition Waiver for up to 3 years from the date of termination, if eligible for the benefit at the time of termination.

        2. The Tuition Exchange benefit continues if the faculty member has met the eligibility requirements. Certification of eligibility under this plan continues through the academic year in which employment is terminated (benefit continues to be subject to approval of importing college/university and subject to RIT’s continued favorable exchange status with The Tuition Exchange, Inc.).

        3. All Tuition Waiver and Tuition Exchange rules and exclusions that were applicable during employment continue for any Tuition Waivers applied under this policy. In addition, any changes made to the Tuition Waiver or Tuition Exchange benefit after termination of employment will apply to those who leave employment under this policy.

      2. Principal lecturers shall receive an employment contract for a minimum of two years at 100% pay and eligible benefits. This period may be extended by the provost in the interest of serving the university. The faculty member will negotiate with the dean the activities to be performed for that period, which may include paid leave. Upon termination, tuition benefits shall continue as described below. Beginning with the term that begins after the date of termination of employment, the Tuition Waiver and Tuition Exchange benefit will be taxable to the former employee. RIT will provide to the former employee the necessary tax reporting information.

        1. Tuition Waiver for up to 6 years from the date of termination, if eligible for the benefit at the time of termination.

        2. The Tuition Exchange benefit continues if the faculty member has met the eligibility requirements. Certification of eligibility under this plan continues through the academic year following the year in which employment is terminated (benefit continues to be subject to approval of importing college/university and subject to RIT’s continued favorable exchange status with The Tuition Exchange, Inc.).

        3. All Tuition Waiver and Tuition Exchange rules and exclusions that were applicable during employment continue for any Tuition Waivers applied under this policy. In addition, any changes made to the Tuition Waiver or Tuition Exchange benefit after termination of employment will apply to those who leave employment under this policy.

      3. A senior or principal lecturer who alleges that the policies and procedures set forth above (IV.C) have not been properly applied may seek review of the alleged violations through the grievance procedure (E24.0 – Faculty Grievance).

Responsible Party:  Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Faculty Senate.  Inquiries may be directed to:

Office of the Faculty Senate

Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Effective Date:
Approved May 10, 2010

Policy History:
Revised December 16, 2004
Edited September 2010
Revised May 9, 2019.  Revisions include:

  • the name of the policy was changed
  • process for reviewing academic programs was moved to D01.6
  • definition of a full semester was added
  • Section II.A.1 – revised to specify who the terminated tenured faculty member negotiates with to determine activities during the 24 months prior to termination and to include information on tuition benefits.
  • Section II.A.2 – revised wording about offering alternative employment.
  • Section II.B.2 – wording added about offering alternative employment.
  • Section II.B.3 – Revised wording about required notice for non-reappointment
  • Section II.C. Termination of a Senior or Principal Lecturer was added