Archana Jain Headshot

Archana Jain

Department Chair

Department of Finance and Accounting
Saunders College of Business

Office Location

Archana Jain

Department Chair

Department of Finance and Accounting
Saunders College of Business


B.Comm., M.Comm., University of Rajasthan (India); MBA, Ph.D., University of Memphis


Dr. Archana Jain is an Associate Professor of Finance in the Saunders College of Business at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She earned her Ph.D. in finance at the University of Memphis in 2012 where she also completed her MBA in International Business. She received her graduate and undergraduate degrees in Accountancy and Business Statistics from University of Rajasthan, India. She was a Chartered Accountant in her home country (India) and she also passed the Certified Public Accountant exams in the United States. Her research interests include market microstructure, short selling, corporate governance, financial regulations, algorithmic trading, and Exchange Traded Funds. Her Ph.D. dissertation has been published at the Journal of Financial Economics. Her work has also been published in other prestigious journals such as Financial Review, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Financial Analyst Journal, etc. She has taught Corporate Financial Management, Financial Markets, and Investments courses.


Select Scholarship

Invited Article/Publication
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Krystyniak, K. (2023). Blockchain transaction fee and Ethereum Merge. <em>Finance Research Letters</em> 58. .
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Jiang, C. (2021). Active trading in ETFs&#x3a; The role of high-frequency algorithmic trading. <em>Financial Analysts Journal</em> 77. 66-82.
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Khanapure, R. (2021). Do Algorithmic traders improve liquidity when information asymmetry is high&#x3f;. <em>Quarterly Journal of Finance</em> 11. .
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Khanapure, R. (2019). Do Algorithmic traders improve liquidity when information asymmetry is high?. Eastern Finance Association.
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Khanapure, R. (2019). Do Algorithmic traders improve liquidity when information asymmetry is high?. Financial Manaagement Association Meeting.
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Jiang, C. (2018). Active trading in Passive ETFs. Financial Manaagement Association Meeting.
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Published Conference Proceedings
Jain, A., Jain, C., & Jiang, C. (2015). After-hours short selling on earnings announcement days. MidWest Finance Association.
Jain, A., Jain, P., McInish, T., & McKenzie, M. (2013). Worldwide Reach of Short Selling Regulations. MidWest Finance Association.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
An examination of basic financial theories, techniques, and practices. Topics include: time value of money, valuation, capital asset pricing, risk and diversification, cost of capital, capital budgeting techniques and spreadsheet analysis.
3 Credits
A survey of topics in investment analysis, including the study of financial markets, features of various financial assets and security pricing. Focus is on individual security analysis (as distinct from portfolio analysis). Asset pricing theory is used in valuing securities. Practical issues in equity valuation are discussed including risk evaluation, macroeconomic/industry/competitive analysis, and the use of corporate SEC filings.
2 Credits
The course introduces financial concepts of risk, return and valuation. The main application studied in this course, Capital Budgeting, arises in the corporate setting where managers allocate scarce resources to projects. Basic issues of capital budgeting covered include cash flow estimation and valuation techniques. Advanced issues include sensitivity analysis and the consideration of real options.