McCluskey, Moon, Byongook and John. "Aggression toward Teachers and Negative Consequences: The Moderating Effects of Procedural Justice." Victims & Offenders. (2022): 1-16. Web.
McCluskey, Moon, Byongook, Jihoon Kim, and John. "Teacher Victimization Patterns Establishing a Group-Based Trajectory Approach to Assessing Predictors of Connectedness to School, Job Satisfaction, and Depression." Victims & Offenders. (2021): 1-16. Print.
McCluskey, Moon, Byongook, Merry Morash, and John. "Student violence directed against teachers: Victimized teachers’ reports to school officials and satisfaction with school responses." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (2021): NP7264-NP728. Print.
Moon, Byongook, Guan Saw, and John McCluskey. "Teacher Victimization and Turnover: Focusing on Different Types and Multiple Victimization." Journal of school violence. (2020): 406-420. Print.
Moon, Byongook and John McCluskey. "An Exploratory Study of Violence and Aggression Against Teachers in Middle and High Schools: Prevalence, Predictors, and Negative Consequences." Journal of school violence. (2020): 122-137. Print.
Revier, McCluskey, John D., Craig D. Uchida, Shellie E. Solomon, Alese Wooditch, Christine Connor, and Lauren. "Assessing the Effects of Body‐Worn Cameras on Procedural Justice in the Los Angeles Police Department." Criminology. (2019): 208-236. Print.
McCluskey, John and Michael Reisig. "Explaining procedural justice during police-suspect encounters: A systematic social observation study." Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 40. 3 (2017): 574-586. Print.
Moon, Byongook and John McCluskey. "School-Based Victimization of Teachers in Korea: Focusing on Individual and School Characteristics." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31. 17 (2016): 1340—1361. Print.
McCluskey, John, Byongook Moon, and Sangwon Lee. "Korean Police Officer Attitudes Toward the Use of Force." Asian Journal of Criminology 10. 1 (2015): 7-22. Print.
McCluskey, John D., et al. "Does Organizational Structure Matter? Investigation Centralization, Case Clearances, and Robberies." Police Quarterly 17. 3 (2014): 250-257. Print.
McCluskey, John D., et al. "Researcher-practitioner Partnerships & Crime Analysis: A Case Study in Action Research." Police Practice and Research 15. 5 (2014): 404-418. Print.
Moon, Byongook, et al. "Parent and Teacher Practices as Sources of Low Self-Control: Evidence from Korea." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 12. 2 (2014): 167-187. Print.
McCluskey, John D., et al. "Gender, General Theory of Crime, and Computer Crime." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57. 4 (2013): 460-478. Print.
McCluskey, John D. "A Comparison of Robbers? Use of Physical Coercion in Commercial and Street Robberies." Crime & Delinquency 59. 3 (2013): 419-442. Print.
McCluskey, John, et al. "The Gap Between Reality and Research: Another Look at Detecting Deception in the Field Settings." Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 35. 4 (2012): 723-740. Print.
McCluskey, John, Byongook Moon, and Merry Morash. "Causes of School Bullying: Empirical Test of a General Theory of Crime, Differential Association Theory, and General Strain Theory." Crime and Deliquency 57. 6 (2012): 849-877. Print.