Manlu Liu Headshot

Manlu Liu


Department of MIS, Marketing, and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

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Manlu Liu


Department of MIS, Marketing, and Analytics
Saunders College of Business


MBA, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong); Ph.D., University of Arizona


Manlu Liu is a Professor of Management Information Systems and Accounting and the Director of Master in Business Analytics Program at Saunders College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Dr. Liu received her Ph.D. degree in Management Information Systems from Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. She obtained an MBA degree major in Accounting and Finance from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. She had six years of working experience as a consultant and venture capital analyst. She also had financial analyst working experience at the investment banking.

Prior to joining Rochester Institute of Technology, Dr. Liu was an Associate Professor at the School of Management at Zhejiang University in China. Her research interests include community-based open source (community source), accounting and financial analytics, blockchain and auditing,  open innovation in health IT. She started to examine community source phenomenon in 2005. She is one of the researchers who introduced this phenomenon to MIS academic field and developed research models for community source evolution and sustainability. Dr. Liu is passionate about how business analytics applies to accounting and finance field. She co-initiated the Advanced Certificate of Accounting and Financial Analytics. She designed and developed the graduate level Accounting Analytics course. Her research has been published in leading academic journals, including Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information and Organization, European Accounting Review, Information Systems Journal, Communications of the ACM, Journal of Global Information Management, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, Electronic Commerce Research etc. She served as a Guest Co-Editor for Journal of Electronic Commerce Research in 2012-2013. She serves as the member of the Editorial Review Board for the following journals: Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Electronic Government: An International Journal, and International Journal of Electronic Finance. She has been serving as a program chair/session chair/program committee member for various international conferences including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), the Southwest Decision Science Institute Conference (SWDSI), HCI International Conference, SIGBPS – Blockchain and Financial Analytics etc.

Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Invited Article/Publication
Liu, M., Tang, J., Walton, S., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2023). Can Auditors Influence Clients' Sustainability Reporting? Evidence from Auditors' Tweets. Accounting, Organizations and Society. . .
Robin, A., & Xu, J. (2022). Blockchain's Impact on Accounting and Auditing: A Use Case on Supply Chain Traceability. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. . .
Liu, M., Robin, A., Wu, K., & Xu, J. (2021). Blockchain's Impact on Accounting and Auditing: A Use Case on Supply Chain Traceability. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. . .
Qin, Q., Yang, X., Zhang, R., Liu, M., & Ma, Y. (2021). An Application of Deep Belief Networks in Early Warning for Cerebrovascular Disease Risk. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. 34. 1-14.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2021). Sustaining Collaborative Software Development through Strategic Consortium. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 30. .
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2020). Keeping the family together: Sustainability and modularity in community source development. Information and Organization. 30. 100274.
Liu, M., Wu, K., & Xu, J. (2019). How will Blockchain Technology Impact Auditing and Accounting: Permissionless vs Permissioned Blockchain. Current Issues in Auditing. 13. A19-A29.
Liu, M., Wu, K., Yang, R., & Yu, Y. (2019). Textual Analysis for Risk Profiles from 10-K Filings: Evidence from Audit Opinions. CPA Journal. . .
Bui, Q., Hansen, S., Liu, M., & Tu, Q. (2018). The Productivity Paradox in Health Information Technology. Communications of the ACM. 61. 78-85.
Zhang, R., Lu, X., Wu, W., Shang, X., & Liu, M. (2018). Mature or Emerging? The Impact of Treatment-Related Internet Health Information Seeking on Patients' Trust in Physicians. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. . .
Lu, X., Zhang, R., Wu, W., Shang, X., & Liu, M. (2018). The Relationship between Internet Health Information and Patient Compliance based on Trust: An Empirical Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 20. .
Yang, R., Yu, Y., Liu, M., & Wu, K. (2017). Corporate Risk Disclosure and Audit Fee: A Text Mining Approach. European Accounting Review. 27. 583-594.
Liu, M., Hull, C., & Hung, C. (2017). Starting Open Source Collaborative Innovation: The Antecedents of Network Formation in Community Source. Information Systems Journal. 27. 643-670.
Wang, Q., Meng, L., Liu, M., Wang, Q., & Ma, Q. (2016). How do Social-based Cues Influence Consumers' Online Purchase Decisions? An Event-related Potential Approach. Electronic Commerce Research. 16. 1-26.
Wang, Q., Yang, S., Liu, M., Cao, Z., & Ma, Q. (2014). An Eye-tracking Study of Website Complexity: from the Perspective of Cognitive Load. Decision Support Systems. 62. 1-10.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2014). Institutions Coming Together � - The Community Source Approach to Software Development and the Case of Kuali. Communications of the ACM. 57. 88-96.
Liu, M., Zeng, D., & Zhao, J. (2014). Cooperative Investment Decisions in Community Source Development. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. 13. 5-28.
Duncan, J., Wei, J., & Liu, M. (2013). Strategic and Tactical Electronic Business Solutions in Pharmacies and Drug Stores. International Journal of Services and Standards. 8. 193-213.
Fan, S., Zhao, J., Dou, W., & Liu, M. (2012). A Framework for the Transformation of Conceptual to Logical Workflow Models. Decision Support Systems. 54. 781-794.
Liu, M., Wang, H., & Zhao, J. (2012). Technology Flexibility as Enabler of Robust Application Development in Community Source: The Case of Kuali and Sakai. Journal of Systems and Software. 85. 2921-2928.
Liu, M., Wu, X., Zhao, J., & Zhu, L. (2010). Outsourcing of Community Source: Identifying Motivations and Benefits. Journal of Global Information Management. 18. 36-52.
Liu, M., Fan, S., Dou, W., & Zhao, J. (2009). Transformation Framework of Conceptual to Logical Business Process Models. China Journal of Information Systems. 3. .
Liu, M., & Wang, D. (2002). How do China private sector enterprises attract international venture capital?. Economy Management (Chinese). . .
Guo, B., & Liu, M. (2002). Private Finance and Small Medium Enterprises Development � Empirical Analysis of Wenzhou. Economy Research (Chinese). . .
Published Conference Proceedings
Xu, J., Liu, M., & Tang, J. (2023). The Market for AI Generated NFTs: Participants, Items, and Transactions. SIGBIT 2022 Pre-ICIS Workshop on Web3 Technologies and Applications.
Xu, J., Liu, M., & Tang, J. (2023). Understanding AI Generated NFTs through Opensea. The Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Zhang, Z., Luan, J., Liu, S., Lin, Z., & Liu, M. (2023). How Does Avatar Yield Public Cultural Confidence?. The 16th China Summer Workshop of Information Management.
Xu, J., Liu, M., & Tang, J. (2023). AI Generated NFTs: A New Market?. The 16th China Summer Workshop of Information Management.
Liu, M., Tang, J., Walton, S., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2023). Auditor Cybersecurity Focus and Client Cybersecurity Reporting. Hawaii Accounting Research Conference.
Xing, J., Liu, M., & Xu, J. (2020). Emerging Technology Awareness in Accounting and Finance Industries through Twitter Data. 2020 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) International.
Liu, M., Wu, K., Yang, R., & Yu, Y. (2018). Using Natural Language Processing Approach to Extract Risk Profile from 10-K Filings. 2018 Ohio Region Meeting, American Accounting Association.
Qiu, S., Xu, J., & Liu, M. (2018). Diffusion of Innovation in Accounting: How have the Big Four been Adopting Blockchain Technology?. Pre-ICIS SIGBPS 2018 Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract.
Bui, Q., Hansen, S., Liu, M., & Tu, Q. (2018). Caring and Coping: Adaptation, Use, and Resistance of Electronic Health Records Systems. Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA).
Liu, M., Wu, K., Yang, R., & Yu, Y. (2018). Using Natural Language Processing Approach to Extract Risk Profile from 10-K Filings: Evidence from Audit Opinions on Financial Statement and Internal Control. The 2018 AAA Annual Meeting.
Yang, R., Yu, Y., Liu, M., & Wu, K. (2016). Corporate Risk Disclosure and Audit Fee: A Text Mining Approach. AAA Mid-Atlantic Region Meeting.
Yang, R., Yu, Y., Liu, M., & Wu, K. (2016). Corporate Risk Disclosure and Audit Fee: A Text Mining Approach. 2016 AAA Annual Meeting.
Yang, R., Yu, Y., Liu, M., & Wu, K. (2016). Corporate Risk Disclosures on Audit Pricing Decisions: A Text Mining Approach. 2016 China Summer Workshop of Information Management.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2015). Toward Sustainable Collaborative Software Development: A Case in Higher Education. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Liu, M., Wei, J., Tang, Z., & Tang, J. (2013). The Relationship between Environmental Performance and Firm Performance among SMEs in China. Journal of Business Research Special Issue Conference.
Liu, M., Hull, C., & Hung, C. (2013). Antecedents of Community Source Network Formation: The Case of Kuali. 46th Hawaii International Conferences on Systems Sciences.
Zhu, L., & Liu, M. (2012). A Regional Investigation of Institutional Environment, ICT Development, and Firm Performance in China. 6th China Summer Workshop in Information Management.
Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2012). Organizational Control in Community Source Projects. SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services.
Liu, M., & Tu, Q. (2011). Business Values of Community Source: The Construct and a Research Framework. International Conference on Information Systems.
Liu, M., & Tu, Q. (2011). Community-based open source: The Phenomenon and Research Opportunities. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
Liu, M., & Zhao, J. (2008). On Outsourcing and Offshoring in Community Source: The Case of Kuali. IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises.
Fan, S., Liu, M., & Zhao, J. (2008). Transformation of Conceptual to Logical Business Process Models. Proceedings of the 2008 China Summer Workshop on Information Management.
Liu, M., Zeng, D., & Zhao, J. (2008). A Cooperative Analysis Framework for Investment Decisions in Community Source Partnerships. Proceedings of the 2008 Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Liu, M., Wheeler, B., & Zhao, J. (2008). On Assessment of Project Success in Community Source Development. Proceeding of the 2008 Information Conference on Information Systems.
Liu, M., & Zhao, J. (2007). Real Options Analysis of the Community Source Approach: Why Should Institutions Pay for Open Source?. Proceedings of the First China Summer Workshop on Information Management.
Liu, M., Wang, H., & Zhao, J. (2007). Achieving Flexibility via Service-centric Community Source: the Case of Kuali. Proceedings of the 2007 Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Lu, X., & Liu, M. (2003). Impact Analysis of WTO on Zhejiang Province High Technology Product Export. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Management and Technology.
Liu, M., & Lu, X. (2003). Competitive Ability Analysis of Zhejiang High Technology Product Export. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Management and Technology.
Liu, M., & Lu, X. (2000). Health Care Quality Management In China Hospitals. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology.
Lu, X., & Liu, M. (2000). Adapting the SERVQUAL Scale to China Hospitals Services. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology.
Full Length Book
(2011). International Comparisons of Information Communication Technologies: Advancing Applications. Liu, M., Wu, X., Zhao, L., & Zhu, L.
(2002). Accounting and Finance under E-Commerce Environment. Liu, M., & Ling, C.
(2001). Internet Enterprises Management, Higher Education Press (China), 2001 newsletter or source. Liu, M.,
Book Chapter
(2011). Outsourcing of Community Source: The Case of Kuali. International Comparisons of Information Communication Technologies: Advancing Applications. Liu, M., Wu, X., Zhao, L., & Zhu, L.
(2002). . Accounting and Finance under E-Commerce Environment. Liu, M., & Ling, C.
(2001). Internet Enterprises Management - one chapter. Internet Enterprises Management, Higher Education Press (China), 2001 newsletter or source. Liu, M.,

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course combines information systems concepts and accounting issues. In this course, we discuss the conceptual foundations of information systems, their applications, the control and auditing of accounting information systems, and the system development process. Topics include the business process, e-business, relational database, database design, computer fraud and security, accounting cycle, system analysis and AIS development strategies. Students analyze accounting information systems topics through problem solving, group project, presentations, exams, and case studies.
3 Credits
The objective for this course is helping students develop a data mindset which prepare them to interact with data scientists from an accountant perspective. This course enables students to develop analytics skills to conduct descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analysis for accounting information. This course focuses on such topics as data modeling, relational databases, blockchain, visualization, unstructured data, web scraping, and data extraction.
3 Credits
Students apply their mathematical, data analytic, and integrative business analytics skills in a complex project involving real or simulated data. Under the supervision of an advisor, students work in teams to perform a stipulated task/project and write a comprehensive report at the end of the experience. Subject to approval by the program director, an individual student internship/coop followed by an in-depth report may obtain equivalent credit.
3 Credits
This course discusses issues associated with data capture, organization, storage, extraction, and modeling for planned and ad hoc reporting. Enables student to model data by developing conceptual and semantic data models. Techniques taught for managing the design and development of large database systems including logical data models, concurrent processing, data distributions, database administration, data warehousing, data cleansing, and data mining.