Ruben Proano Headshot

Ruben Proano

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

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Ruben Proano

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering


BS, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador); MS, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Dr. Ruben Proano holds a Ph.D. and a M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He also holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, and is a United World Colleges (UWC) alumnus. 

Dr. Proano's research focuses on the application of Operations Research models and methods to the solution of problems affecting healthcare delivery, global health, and the supply of pediatric vaccines. His work has been published in Healthcare Management Science, Vaccines, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, IISE Transactions, and Omega. Dr. Proano enjoys teaching and interacting with students and actively introduces them to healthcare systems engineering problems. Dr. Proano believes in the benefits of multicultural education, and he is convinced that Operations Research, 'The Science of Better' (see, provides the tools to engineer decision-making and has an important role to play in international development. He is an active member of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) and serves the OR/MS community in different roles and fora. 

Dr. Proano is the current Graduate Director of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.


Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Bui, Hieu, et al. "An Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy." IISE Transactions. (2024): --. Web.
Eksioglu, Sandra, et al. "Designing Drone Delivery Networks for Vaccine Supply Chain: A case study of Niger." IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. (2023): --. Web.
Konrad, Renata, et al. "Key Considerations when Using Health Insurance Claims Data in Advanced Data Analyses: An Experience Report." Health Systems. (2019): 1-9. Web.
Portales-Castillo, Ignacio, et al. "Where Do the Salt and Water Go? A Case of Profound Hyponatremia." American Journal of Kidney Diseases 72. 6 (2018): 885-889. Print.
Batista-Abikarram, Jose, Katie McConky, and Ruben A. Proano. "Energy cost minimization for unrelated parallel machine scheduling under real time and demand charge pricing." Journal of Cleaner Production 208. (2018): 232-242. Web.
Proano, Ruben A. and Akshit Agarwal. "Scheduling Internal Medicine Resident Rotations To Ensure Fairness and Facilitate Continuity of Care." Healthcare Management Science. (2017): 1-14. Web.
Zhang, Wenchang, et al. "Accelerating the Adoption of Bundled Payment Reimbursement Systems: A Data-Driven Approach Utilizing Claims Data." IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. (2017): 1-13. Web.
Proano, Ruben A. "Case Article–Dealing with the Bug in the Classrooms: Planning for a Pandemic." INFORMS Transactions on Education. (2016): 93 - 96. Web.
Dhamodharan, A and Ruben A Proano. "Determining the Optimal Vaccine Vial Size in Developing Countries: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach." Healthcare Management Science 15. (2012): 188-196. Print.
Proano, Ruben A., Sheldon H. Jacobson, and Wembo Zhang. "Making Combination Vaccines More Accessible to Low-income Countries: The Antigen Bundle Pricing Problem." Omega 40. 1 (2012): 53-64. Print.
Proano, Ruben A., Sheldon H. Jacobson, and Janet A. Jokela. "Response to Modeling the National Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile: Supply Shortages, Health Impacts and Cost Consequences." Vaccine 29. 4 (2011): 615-615. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Bui, Hieu, et al. "An Analysis of the Impacts of Social Media on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the U.S." Proceedings of the IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2022. Ed. K. Ellis, W. Ferrell, and J. Knapp. Seattle, WA: n.p., 2022. Web.
Alves-Maciel, Bruno and Ruben A. Proano. "Exploring Market Segment Assignment Strategies to Monopsonistic Entities in a Hypothetically Coordinated Vaccine Market." Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. S. Kim, et al. Phoenix, Arizona: n.p., 2021. Web.
Bullard, Joseph, et al. "Towards Early Dementia Detection: Fusing Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Clinical Data." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Lingusitics and Clinical Psychology, June 2016, CA. Ed. Kristy Hollingshead and Lyle Ungar. San Diego, CA: Association of Computational Lingustics, 2016. Web.
Bullard, Joseph, et al. "Inference from Structured and Unstructured Electronic Medical Data for Dementia Detection." Proceedings of the 14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference. Ed. Brian Borchers, J.Paul Brooks, and Laura McLay. Richmond, Virginia: n.p., 2015. Print.
Bullard, Joseph, et al. "Inference from Structured and Unstructured Electronic Medical Data for Early Dementia Detection." Proceedings of the INFORMS Computing Society Conference. Ed. Brian Borchers, J. Paul Brooks, and Laura McLay. Richmond, VA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Schmoke, Timothy and Ruben A Proano. "Mitigating Subjectivity in Multi-attribute Group-decision Making Problems." Proceedings of the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, May 2013, San Juan. Ed. A. Krisnamurthy and W.K.V Chan. San Juan, Puerto Rico: n.p., Print.
Tolentino-Pena, Manuel, Ruben A. Proano, and Michael Kuhl. "Optimization of Inpatient Hemodialysis Scheduling Considering Efficiency and Treatment Delays." Proceedings of the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, May 2013, San Juan. Ed. A. Krisnamurthy and W.K.V Chan. San Juan, Puerto Rico: n.p., Print.
Lehrman, M T, C O Alm, and R A Proano. "Detecting Distressed and Non-distressed Affect States in Short Forum Text." Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2012). Ed. Meena Nagarajan. Montreal, Canada: n.p., 2012. Print.
Cignarale, C and R.A Proano. "Optimizing Patient-to-bed Assignments Under Isolation Requirements." Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. Ed. Bill Gibbs. Orlando, FL: ISERC, 2012. Print.
Esterman, M, et al. "Design for Assembly Line Performance: The Link Between DFA and Line Performance Metrics." Proceedings of the 2012 International Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly. Ed. Unknown. Providence, R.I.: n.p., 2012. Web.
Dhamodharan, Aswin, Ruben A. Proano, and Kumar Seshavadhani. "A Stochastic Approach to Determine the Optimal Vaccine Vial Size." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: n.p., 2011. Web.
Kotagiri, Rohita, Ruben A. Proano, and Michael Kuhl. "Vaccine Vendor Managed Inventory: The Effect of Using Birth Forecast." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: n.p., 2011. Web.
Pommier, Mauricio and Ruben A. Proano. "Dynamic Pricing Strategy to Optimally Allocate Vaccines." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: n.p., 2011. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Proano, Ruben A. "Insights from a hypothetically coordinated pediatric vaccine market: Making vaccines more affordable and profitable." INFORMS MIF Research Webinar Series. MIF, INFORMS. online, USA. 25 Aug. 2022. Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. "Equitable Access to Safety Stock: The Ebola vaccine case." INFORMS Annual Meeting. INFORMS. Indianapolis, IN. 18 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "A Centralized Ebola Vaccine Safety Stock for Sub-Saharan Africa." INFORMS Healthcare. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Indianapolis, Indiana. 21 Jul. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Exploring a Multi-tiered priced Pediatric Vaccine Gavi Market via OR." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Anaheim, California. 27 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Encarnacion, Trilce and Ruben A. Proano. "MIF Undergraduate Student Day." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Anaheim, California. 25 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Insights from an Optimization-based Approach Forredesigning the Global Vaccine Market." International Conference on Industrial Engineering. Society of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Quito, Ecuador. 22 Feb. 2019. Keynote Speech.
Proano, Ruben A. "Enhancing Affordability and Profitability in the Global Vaccine Market via Market Coordination." INFORMS Healthcare. INFORMS,. Cambridge, MA. 27 Jul. 2019. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "An OR-based Hypothetically Coordinated Vaccine Market." INFORMS Annual Meeting. INFORMS. Seattle, WA. 23 Oct. 2019. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Insights from a Study on a Hypothetically Coordinated Vaccine Market." UNICEF Supply Division Meeting. UNICEF Vaccine Center. Copenhagen, Denmark. 12 Nov. 2019. Guest Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. "Improving Vaccine Affordability via and Optimization-Based Coordinated Market." 6th Biennial Workshop on Information Intensive Services. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY. 22 Sep. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Optimial Bed Assignment In Multi-Occupancy Facilities." INFORMS Annual Conference. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Houston, TX. 23 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "ING.INDUSTRIAL: LA INGENIERíA DE LAS DECISIONES." XIII Congreso Latinoamericano IIE. ESPOL. Guayaquil, Ecuador. 18 Mar. 2016. Keynote Speech.
Proano, Ruben A. and Akshit Agarwal. "Optimización del calendario de rotación de médicos residentes." Seminario Ingenieria Industrial. Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Quito, Ecuador. 21 Mar. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. "Scheduling of Doctors in Training: An Operations Research Implementation to Ensure Fairness and Facilitate Continuity of Care." Graduate Seminar. Malmo University. Malmo, Sweden. 9 Sep. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. and Akshit Agarwal. "Obtaining the Fairest Resident Rotational Schedule: A Multi-Objective Approach." POMS 27th Annual Conference. Production and Operations Management Society. Orlando, FL. 6 May 2016. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. and Akshit Agarwal. "Ensuring Fairness and Continuity-of-care in Resident Training Rotational Programs." IISE 2016 Annual Conference. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Anaheim, CA. 23 May 2016. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A., et al. "Bundle Payment Implementation via Market Segmentation." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Nashville, TN. 16 Nov. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Mitigating the Impact of Applying Isolation Requirements in Hospital Bed Assignments." Healthcare Seminar Series. Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI. 8 Sep. 2014. Guest Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. "Mining EHRs to Detect Early Markers of Dementia." GRECC Workshop. Veterans Affairs System, University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 6 Jan. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Vaccine Prioritization : A Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Problem with Heterogeneous Information." Industrial and Systems Engineering Annual Conference and Expo. IIE. Montreal, Canada. 30 May 2014. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Opportunities for OR/MS in Healthcare Payment Reform." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institute of Operations Research. San Francisco, CA. 9 Nov. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Making Vaccines More Affordable and Profitable." IE Graduate Seminar. University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA. 5 Dec. 2013. Guest Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. and Michael Kuhl. "Reducing a Wasteful Shuffle of Paitents: An Optimization Based Approach to Hospital Bed Assignments." LMI Speaker Series. Logistics Management Institute. Washington, DC. 4 Oct. 2013. Keynote Speech.
Proano, Ruben A. "Generating Better Inpatient Dialysis Schedules." INFORMS Annual Meeting. INFORMS. Minneapolis, Minnesotta. 6 Oct. 2013. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Vaccine Prioritization: A Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Problem with Heterogenous Information." INFORMS Healthcare. INFORMS. Chicago, ILLINOIS. 23 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation.
Proano, R.A. "Uso De Optimizacion Para Facilitar La Hospitalizacion De Pacientes Bajo Restricciones De Aislamiento." Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Quito, Ecuador. 17 Aug. 2012. Guest Lecture.
Proano, R. A. "Vaccines: Challenges and Opportunities for Operations Research." Research Symposium on Health and Medical Systems. University at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY. 15 Mar. 2012. Lecture.
Proano, R. A. "Using Mathematical Modeling to Make Combination Vaccines More Affordable and Profitable." Phacilitate Vaccine Forum 2012. Phacilitate. Washington, D.C. 15 Jan. 2012. Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. "Modeling Approaches in Prioritizing Vaccine Development Projects." Approaches to Prioritizing New Preventive Vaccines. Institute of Medicine. The National Academies, Washington, DC. 3 May 2011. Address.
Proano, Ruben A. "An OR Based Price Discrimination Approach to Improve Vaccine Access." Department of Industrial Engineering Seminar Series. University of Buffalo. Bell Hall, Buffalo, NY. 21 Jan. 2011. Guest Lecture.
Proano, Ruben A. "Determining the Optimal Vaccine Subsidy: An OR Approach." INFORMS Healthcare. Institue of Operations Research and Management Science, McGill University. Hilton Montreal Bonaventure, Montreal, Canada. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Determining the Best Vaccine Vial Size: A Stochastic Approach." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institue of Operations Research and Management Science. Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, NC. 15 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Published Article
Proano, Ruben A., Sheldon H. Jacobson, and Janet A. Jokela. “A multi-attribute approach for setting pediatric vaccine stockpiles.” Journal ofIndustrial and Management Optimization, 6.4 (2010): 709-727. Print. É  «
Formal Presentation
Proano, Ruben A. “Spreading the Cure: Making Combination Vaccines More Accessible to Low-Income Countries”. United Nations. United Nations Headquarters, NY. 29 October 2010.Presentation. " 
Proano, Ruben A., Wenbo Zhang, and Sheldon H. Jacobson. “Making Combination vaccines more affordable: Determining the optimal subsidy.” INFORMS. Austin, TX. 7-10 Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 
Dhamodharan, Aswin, and Ruben A. Proano. “Determiningthe Optimal Vaccine Vial Size.” INFORMS. Austin, TX. 7-10 Nov. 2010. Presentation. " 
Proano, Ruben A., Sheldon H. Jacobson, and Wenbo Zhang. “Making combination vaccines moreaccessible to low-income countries.”ALIO-INFORMS. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 9 June 2010. Presentation. " 
Proano, Ruben A. “Optimal Scheduling of Dialysis Procedures.” INFORMS. Austin, TX. 7-10 Nov. 2010. Presentation.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
An introductory course in operations research focusing on modeling and optimization techniques used in solving problems encountered in industrial and service systems. Topics include deterministic and stochastic modeling methodologies (e.g., linear and integer programming, Markov chains, and queuing models) in addition to decision analysis and optimization tools. These techniques will be applied to application areas such as production systems, supply chains, logistics, scheduling, healthcare, and service systems. Note: Students required to take ISEE-301 for credit may not take ISEE-601 for credit.
3 Credits
Computational techniques for solving constrained optimization problems. Linear programming, the Simplex method and variations, duality and sensitivity testing.
3 Credits
This course is used by students as a capstone experience. The student must demonstrate an acquired competence in a topic that is chosen in conference with a faculty advisor. The work may involve a research and/or design project with demonstration of acquired knowledge. A written paper and an oral presentation of the work are required.
0 Credits
This class introduces students to state of the art research and research methods in industrial and systems engineering. Presentations include off campus speakers and students/faculty presentations on current research under way in the department.