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Issue 31

French Issue Title
Caricatures: Arts et Métiers Graphiques Paris
Issue No.
Call No.
Z119.A795 no.31
Date Published
Cover Issue 31
p. 102b Dessin de Dunoyer de Segonzac.
Drawing by Dunoyer de Segonzac [a couple at the beach]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "La Caricature en France," AMG 31, p. 57.

p. 114b Cantate
Cantata [opera singer with amputated arm]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "La Caricature en France," AMG 31, p. 57.

p. 115 Notes sur la Caricature Italienne
Notes on Italian Caricature
ill. 8 page(s)
Notes: Works by da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian reproduced.

p. 122b Le Président Lebrun
President Lebrun
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Notes sur la Caricature Italienne," AMG 31, p. 115.

p. 123 Aperçu Historique de la Cariacature Russe
A Historic Glance at Russian Caricature
ill. 6 page(s)
Notes: Most caricatures in this collection are biting and political in nature.

p. 129 La Caricature en Flandres et Holland
Caricature in Flanders and Holland
ill. 6 page(s)
Notes: Ca. 16th century engravings, Bosch, and Ensor also featured.

p. 135 La Caricature en Suisse
Caricature in Switzerland
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 140 Papier Ingres, 20 Couleurs
Ingres Paper, 20 Colors
1 page(s)

p. 140 Papeteries Navarre
Papeteries Navarre
1 page(s)

p. 140 Examen des Divers Papiers sur Lesquels est Imprimé ce 31-ième Numéro de la Revue "Arts et Métiers Graphiques"
Examination of the Diverse Papers upon which this 31st Issue of "Arts et Métiers Graphiques" Is Printed
1 page(s)

p. 140 L'Unit-Reflector
Reflector Lamp
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 141 Qu'est-ce que le studio Deberny et Peignot?
What is the studio Deberny et Peignot?
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 142 Les plus belles salles pour éxpositions
The most beautiful rooms for exhibitions
1 page(s)

p. 143 Jean Perzel
Jean Perzel
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 144 Natura, revue Italienne mensuelle
Naturs, Italian monthly magazine
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 145 Désagnat, peinture et décoration
Désagnat, painting and decoration
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 146 Éditions Arts et Métiers Graphiques Paris
Arts et Métiers Graphiques Paris Publications
2 page(s)
Notes: Advertises, "Photographie 1930, 31, 32," "Le Livre d'Art International," "Paris de Nuit," "À Travers les Nuages"

p. 148 Pour paraître en novembre: "Notre-dame de Paris"
Appearing in November: "Notre-Dame of Paris"
1 page(s)

p. 149 Encres d'Imprimerie, Pates à Rouleaux, Ch. Lorilleux et Cie.
Encres D'Imprimerie, Roller Pastes, Ch. Lorilleux & Co.
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 149 L'Imprimerie de Vaugirard Est l'Imprimerie Typographique d'Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Vaugirard Printery Is the Typographic Press of Arts et Métiers Graphiques
1 page(s)

p. 21 Caricature Anglaise
English Caricatures
ill. 26 page(s)

p. 28b Dessin de Rowlandson
Drawing by Rowlandson [two grotesques at supper]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Caricature Anglaise," AMG 31, p. 21.

p. 3 Sur la Caricature
On Caricature
2 page(s)

p. 47 La Caricature en Espagne
Caricature in Spain
ill. 10 page(s)
Notes: Goya is most frequently represented in this article.

p. 5 La Caricature en Allemagne
Caricature in Germany
ill. 16 page(s)
Notes: Grosz has the most single-artist reproductions in the article.

p. 56 Dessin d'Apa, paru dans "Iberia"
Drawing by Apa that appeared in "Iberia" [skeleton in gun fire]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "La Caricature en Espagne," AMG 31, 47.

p. 57 La Caricature en France
Caricature in France
ill. 58 page(s)
Notes: Delacroix, E., Doré, G., Baudelaire, Gavarni, Lautrec, Picasso, Iribe, P., Cappiello also featured. Includes the two cariacatures that appear on the front and back covers of this issue.

p. 76b Dessin de Daumier
Drawing by Daumier [obese aritocratic woman]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "La Caricature en France," AMG 31, p. 57.

Issue 31