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Issue 43

French Issue Title
Arts et Métiers Graphiques Paris
Issue No.
Call No.
Z119.A795 no.43
Date Published
Issue 43 Cover
p. 1 Photo-Ciné-Graphie: la plus intéressante, la plus utile, la mieux faite des revues publiées à l'intention des photographes et cinéastes amateurs
Photo-Ciné-Graphie: the most interesting, the most useful, the best made of the magazines published for amateur photographers and cinematographers
1 page(s)

p. 10b Aquarelle de la Fresnaye
Watercolor by la Fresnaye [man and woman]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Dessins de Roger de la Fresnaye," AMG 43, p. 9.

p. 15 Histoire de l'Impression de la Musique: Gravure sur Étain, Lithographie
Hisory of Music Printing: Engraving on Pewter, Lithography
ill. 6 page(s)
Notes: Continued from articles in AMG 37, 39, 41. Article speaks at length about Handel and the engravings of his music.

p. 2 Photographie 1935
Photographie 1935
1 page(s)

p. 21 Les Cartes Anciennes de l'Exposition du Sahara
Early Maps from the Sahara Exhibition
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 26 Les Signes de la Franc Maçonnerie
The Signs of the Freemasons
ill. 6 page(s)
Notes: Includes reproductions of articles of clothing, books, documents, decorated with symbols of Freemasonry.

p. 32 Un Graveur de 8 Ans: J.J.J. Rigal
An 8 Year Old Engraver: J.J.J. Rigal
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 36b Nature morte, tirée en offset
Still life, printed by offset [varieties of fish]
1 page(s)

p. 37 Marques Typographiques en France au XVIe Siècle
Typographic Marks in Sixteenth Century France
ill. 5 page(s)

p. 42 Un d'entre nous: Léon Gischia
One between us: Léon Gischia
ill. 4 page(s)

p. 44 Dessin de Léon Gischia
Drawing by Léon Gischia [bull fight]
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "Un d'entre nous: Léon Gischia," AMG 43, p. 42.

p. 46 Les Décors de A. M. Cassandre pour Amphitryon 38
A. M. Cassandre's Set Designs for Amphitryon 38
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 47 Le Graphisme dans la Peinture Chinoise
Graphic Art in Chinese Painting
ill. 6 page(s)

p. 5 La Chanson des Imprimeurs du XVIe Siècle
The Printers' Song from the Sixteenth Century
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Reprint of a 16th c. printer's drinking song.

p. 53 Images
ill. 7 page(s)
Notes: Reminisces about collecting illustrated labels as a child and pasting them in a scrapbook. Fairy tale characters, animals, and flowers decorated these labels.

p. 60 Maurice Moyrand est Mort
Maurice Moyrand is Dead
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: Moyrand was an agent for Imprimeries Danel, and part of "l'Épreuve" bibliophile society.

p. 61 L'Actualité Graphique
The Graphics News
ill. 4 page(s)
Notes: Posters exclusively featured in this column.

p. 62b Affiche de Kempenaer pour les ateliers de constructions métalliques de Vries Robbé et Cie.
Poster by Kempenaer for the Vries Robbé et Cie metallic product workshop
1 page(s)
Notes: Illustrates "L'Actualité Graphique," AMG 43, p. 61.

p. 64 Les Églogues de Virgile
The Eclogues of Virgil
1 page(s)

p. 64 Jules Breton et Cie.
Jules Breton and Co.
1 page(s)

p. 64 Notes et Échos
Notes and Echos
ill. 1 page(s)
Notes: Reproduction of a "strange letter" addressed to an illustrator that critiques his caricatures. Interesting for it's subject and handwriting style.

p. 65 Encres d'Imprimerie, Pates à Rouleaux, Ch. Lorilleux et Cie.
Encres D'Imprimerie, Roller Pastes, Ch. Lorilleux & Co.
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 66 La France à Table
France at the Table
ill. 1 page(s)

p. 66 Les Correcteurs d'Imprimerie en France
French Printing Correctors
2 page(s)

p. 67 Au Musée du Louvre
At the Louvre Museum
1 page(s)
Notes: Criticism that the Louve's sculptures have no labels stating their provenances.

p. 68 L'Imprimerie de Vaugirard Est l'Imprimerie Typographique d'Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Vaugirard Printery Is the Typographic Press of Arts et Métiers Graphiques
1 page(s)

p. 9 Dessins de Roger de la Fresnaye
Drawings by Roger de la Fresnaye
ill. 6 page(s)

Issue 43