Christopher Lewis
Associate Professor
Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology
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Christopher Lewis
Associate Professor
Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology
BS, Pennsylvania College of Technology; MS, University of Texas; Ph.D., University of Rochester
Select Scholarship
Journal Paper
Bhattacharya, Swapnil, Richard Hailstone, and Christopher L. Lewis. "Thermoplastic Blend Exhibiting Shape Memory-Assisted Self-Healing Functionality." ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12. 41 (2020): 46733-46742. Print.
Lewis, Christopher L., et al. "Mechanical, Rheological and Anaerobic Biodegradation Behavior of a Poly(lactic acid) blend containing a Poly(lactic acid)-co-poly(glycolic acid) Copolymer." Polymer Degradation and Stability 170. December 2019 (2019): Article 109018, p.1-12. Print.
Pratchayanan, Danaya, et al. "Thermomechanical Insight into the Reconfiguration of Diels—Alder Networks." Journal of Rheology 61. 6 (2017): 1359-1367. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Bhattacharya, Swapnil, Richard Hailstone, and Christopher L. Lewis. "Thermoplastic Elastomer Blend Exhibitting Combined Shape Memory and Self-healing Functionality." Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (Virtual Edition). Ed. M. Spalding. San Antonio, TX: n.p., Print.
Hegde, Swati, et al. "Development of a Biodegradable Thermoformed Tray for Food Waste Handling." Proceedings of the 29th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging 2019. Ed. Roland ten Klooster. Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente, Enschede, 2019. Print.
Samadi, Kosar, et al. "Mechanical Behavior and Anaerobic Biodegradation of a Poly(lactic acid) blend containing a Poly(lactic acid)-co-Poly(glycolic acid) Copolymer." Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers ANTEC 2018. Ed. Margaret J Sobkowicz (Bioplastics Technical Program Chairman). Orlando, FL: n.p., 2018. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Lewis, Christopher L. "Anaerobic Biodegradation of a Poly (lactic acid) Blend Containing a Poly (lactic acid)-co-Poly (glycolic acid) Copolymer." 2020 Sustainable Packaging Symposium (SPS). American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE). Virtual Conference, N.A.. 2 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Lewis, Christopher L. "Biodegradable Plastics: Rethinking the Fate of Single-Use Products." Bausch and Lomb R&D Seminar Series. Bausch and Lomb. Rochester, New York. 25 Oct. 2019. Guest Lecture.
Chang, Shu and Christopher L. Lewis. "A Method to Quantify the Influence of Fused Deposition Modeling Process Variables on Print Quality." ASQRS Rochester Annual Meeting 2018: Future of Quality – What’s Next? The American Society for Quality, Rochester Section (ASQRS). Henrietta, NY. 26 Sep. 2018. Conference Presentation.
Currently Teaching
Plastics and Composites Materials
2 Credits
Study of advanced polymeric materials including their preparation, processing and application design. Topics will include both long and short fiber reinforced composites. Industrial modification of polymers into plastics compounds including polymer blends and additives will also be discussed. Students may receive credit for only this course or MCET-674, not both.
Plastics and Composites Materials Laboratory
1 Credits
Laboratory exercises involving polymeric materials (e.g. composites, polymers blends) including their preparation, processing and application design. Students may receive credit for only this course or MCET-675, not both.
Polymer Engineering Research
3 Credits
This course introduces new graduate students to the fundamental concepts and skills relevant to plastics and polymer engineering research. Students will learn concepts in the chemistry and physics of polymeric materials and the essential techniques used to characterize them. Laboratory skills in the preparation of polymers, polymer blends, their fabrication into useful test specimens and their characterization will be emphasized. Following the successful completion of this course students will be prepared to carry out graduate level polymer engineering research.
Plastics and Composites Materials
2 Credits
Study of advanced polymeric materials including their preparation, processing and application design. Topics will include both long and short fiber reinforced composites. Industrial modification of polymers into plastics compounds including polymer blends and additives will also be discussed. Students will complete a literature review of a current topic in advanced polymers. Students may receive credit for only this course or MCET-574, not both.
Plastics and Composites Materials Laboratory
1 Credits
Laboratory exercises involving polymeric materials (e.g. composites, polymers blends) including their preparation, processing and application design. Conduct a research-oriented project including writing up the results as a conference paper/journal article submission. Students may receive credit for only this course or MCET-575, not both.
Research & Thesis
1 - 9 Credits
Dissertation research by the candidate for an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
Continuation of Thesis
0 Credits
Continuation of Thesis
MMSI Thesis Planning
3 Credits
Students will rigorously develop their thesis research ideas, conduct literature reviews, identify and plan methodologies, prepare schedules, and gain a clear understanding of the expectations of the faculty and the discipline. Each student will be required to prepare a committee approved thesis research proposal and may begin work on their thesis.
MMSI Capstone Project
3 Credits
This course provides the MMSI graduate students an opportunity to complete their degree requirements by addressing a practical real-world challenge using the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies. This course is not only the culmination of a student's course work but also an indicator of the student's ability to use diverse knowledge to provide a tangible solution to a problem. The capstone project topic can be in the areas of product development, manufacturing automation, management system, quality management or electronics packaging. The course requires a comprehensive project report and a final presentation.
Continuation of Capstone
0 Credits
Continuation of Capstone