
ROC the Pitch flyer

Business Pitch Competition

The Business Pitch Competition is open to businesses operating within Monroe County, N.Y. The goal of the competition is to provide a unique opportunity for businesses that are challenged by the need to secure access to capital to help such businesses grow and provide services.

View photos from the August 25th, 2022 business pitch competition event
View photos from August 24th, 2023 business pitch competition event

group of people sitting and smiling while listening to a presentation.

Customized trainings

Training experiences tailored to selected entrepreneurial groups, offered over a period of weeks or months, with explicit mid-to-long term goals.

A hand pointing at chart on a paper

Capacity building program

The capacity building program is an intensive 6-month customized training program that is designed for entrepreneurs who have been in business for at least one year and have earned revenue. Both for profit and nonprofit entities may participate in the program.

The program is entrepreneur-centric, meaning that while the program takes participants through a series of relevant training modules, delivery is conducted in a manner that speaks to the issues and realities of the specific businesses in each cohort.

Each business undergoes an initial assessment of its current business structure, operations, and history, along with a step by step plan of how to move forward, with objectives and benchmarks against which to measure progress throughout the program and after its conclusion.

a room with lime green carpet and chairs with a brown tiled wall

Shared workspace

Co-working space available for those who have businesses and are looking for a professional place to get work done. The goal is to help business just started and looking for a way to buildout of our space. Their goals match our mission and vision of the Rochester area.

Two people talking while reviewing a document at a table

Mentoring and one-on-one consulting

Matchmaking and relationship-building between entrepreneurs and experts who possess industry/domain-specific knowledge and a passion to see others succeed. Examples include networking lunches, mentor/mentee relationships, and board of advisors.

A women with her back to the camper talking to a group of people seated in business casual attire

General education programming

Generating knowledge from topic-specific workshops and courses offered to a wide range of participants. Examples include business plan workshops, lunch-n-learns, and online learning modules.