Andres Kwasinski Headshot

Andres Kwasinski


Department of Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Graduate Program Director

Office Location

Andres Kwasinski


Department of Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Graduate Program Director


MS, Ph.D., University of Maryland at College Park


Dr. Andres Kwasinski received in his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Prior to joining RIT he was with Texas Instruments Inc., the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland, and Lucent Technologies. He is Area Co-Editor (Special Initiatives) for the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine and Chief Editor for the IEEE Signal Processing Repository (SigPort). He has been Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters and Guest Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing and IEEE Access. He was the 2010 IEEE Globecom Workshops Co-Chair and the Chair for the IEEE Multimedia Technical Committee Interest Group on Distributed and Sensor Networks for Mobile Media Computing and Applications.

Dr. Kwasinski has co-authored the books 'Cooperative Communications and Networking' (Cambridge University Press, 2009) and '3D Visual Communications' (Wiley, 2013) and has published more than 70 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. His research interests are in the area of multimedia wireless communications and networking, cross layer designs, multiple access to wireless networks, user cooperative communications, cognitive radio, digital signal processing and speech, image and video processing for signal compression and communication. For more about Dr. Kwasinski see his website

Selected Publications

S. A. Mamun, S. G. Umamaheswaran, A. Ganguly, M. Kwon and A. Kwasinski, 'Performance Evaluation of a Power-Efficient and Robust 60GHz Wireless Server-to-Server Datacenter Network,' in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 99, 2018.

W. Wang, A. Kwasinski, D. Niyato and Z. Han, 'Learning for Robust Routing Based on Stochastic Game in Cognitive Radio Networks,' in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2588-2602, June 2018.

W. Wang, A. Kwasinski, D. Niyato and Z. Han, 'A Survey on Applications of Model-Free Strategy Learning in Cognitive Wireless Networks,' in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1717-1757, 2016.

Youngsung Kwon, Alexis Kwasinski, and Andres Kwasinski; 'Coordinated Energy Management in Resilient Microgrids for Wireless Communication Networks,' in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1158-1173, 2016.

Andres Kwasinski, and Alexis Kwasinski; 'Increasing sustainability and resiliency of cellular network infrastructure by harvesting renewable energy,' in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.53, no.4, pp.110-116, April 2015.

F. Shah Mohammadi and A. Kwasinski; 'QoE-Driven Integrated Heterogeneous Traffic Resource Allocation Based on Cooperative Learning for 5G Cognitive Radio Networks,' in IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), San Jose, CA, July 2018.

F. Shah Mohammadi and A. Kwasinski; 'Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to QoE-Driven Resource Allocation for Spectrum Underlay in Cognitive Radio Networks,' in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Kansas City, MO, 2018, pp. 1-6.


Personal Links

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Vashist, Abhishek, et al. "KF-Loc: A Kalman Filter and Machine Learning Integrated Localization System Using Consumer-Grade Millimeter-wave Hardware." IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. (2021): -. Print.
Hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "CNN and MLP neural network ensembles for packet classification and adversary defense." Intelligent and Converged Networks 2. 1 (2021): 66-82. Print.
Do, Dinh-Thuan, et al. "Performance Analysis of Clustering Car-Following V2X System with Wireless Power Transfer and Massive Connections." IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (2021): -. Print.
Mamun, Sayed Ashraf, et al. "NASCon: Network-Aware Server Consolidation for server-centric wireless datacenters." Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. (2021): 100452. Print.
Shah-Mohammadi, Fatemeh and Andres Kwasinski. "Neural Network Cognitive Engine for Autonomous and Distributed Underlay Dynamic Spectrum Access." IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2. (2021): 719--737. Print.
Mamun, Sayed Ashraf, et al. "NASCon: Network-Aware Server Consolidation for server-centric wireless datacenters." Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. (2020): 100452. Print.
Kwon, Youngsung, Alexis Kwasinski, and Andres Kwasinski. "Solar Irradiance Forecast Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Based on Publicly Available Weather Forecasting Variables." Energies 12. 8 (2019): 1529, 2019. Print.
Wang, Wenbo, et al. "A Survey on Applications of Model-Free Strategy Learning in Cognitive Wireless Networks." IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. (2016): 1717-1757. Print.
Kwon, Youngsung, Alexis Kwasinski, and Andres Kwasinski. "Coordinated Energy Management in Resilient Microgrids for Wireless Communication Networks." IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronic. (2016): 1158-1173. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres and Alexis Kwasinski. "Increasing Sustainability and Resiliency of Cellular Network Infrastructure by Harvesting Renewable Energy." IEEE Communications Magazine 53. 4 (2015): 110-116. Print.
Vijayakumaran, V., et al. "CDMA Enabled Wireless Network-on-Chip." ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC),. (2014): 1-20. Print.
Tuncer, H., A. Kwasinski, and N. Shenoy. "Performance Analysis of Virtual Mobility Domain Scheme vs. IPv6 Mobility Protocols." Computer Networks 57. 13 (2013): 2578-2596. Print.
Su, Guan-Ming, et al. "3D Video Communications: Challenges and Opportunities." International Journal of Communication Systems 24. 10 (2011): 1261-1281. Print.
Full Patent
Kwasinski, Andres and Fatemeh Shah Mohammadi. "Radio spectrum sharing leveraging link adaptation in primary network." U.S. Patent 11032826. 8 Jun. 2021.
Book Chapter
Kwasinski, Andres, Wenbo Wang, and Fatemeh Shah Mohammadi. "Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks." Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications. Ed. Fa-Long Luo. N/A, US: Wiley/IEEE Press, 2020. 27-44. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres, Wenbo Wang, and Fatemeh Shah Mohammadi. "Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks." Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications. Ed. Fa-Long Luo. New York, NY: Wiley, 2019. 27-44. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Mamun, Sayed Ashraf, et al. "What Can Ail Thee: New and Old Security Vulnerabilities of Wireless Datacenters." Proceedings of the GLOBECOM 2020. Ed. IEEE. Virtual, Virttual: n.p., 2020. Print.
Mamun, Sayed Ashraf, et al. "Security Vulnerabilities of Server-Centric Wireless Datacenters." Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). Ed. IEEE. Avignon - Virtual, France: IEEE, 2020. Print.
Hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Improving Network Visibility." Proceedings of the 29th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC). Ed. IEEE. Newark - virtual, USA: IEEE, 2020. Print.
Mohammadi, Fatemeh Shah, Ankita Tondwalkar, and Andres Kwasinski. "Queue-aware QoE-based Rate and Power Adaptation Over Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks: Cross-Layer Design." Proceedings of the 2020 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS). Ed. IEEE. Washington DC - virtual, USA: IEEE, 2020. Print.
Shah-Mohammadi, Fatemeh and Andres Kwasinski. "Fast Learning Cognitive Radios in Underlay Dynamic Spectrum Access: Integration of Transfer Learning into Deep Reinforcement Learning." Proceedings of the 2020 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS). Ed. best paper award. Washington DC - virtual, USA: IEEE, 2020. Print.
Hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "Combating TCP Port Scan Attacks Using Sequential Neural Networks." Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). Ed. IEEE. Big Island, HI: IEEE, 2020. Print.
Relyea, R., et al. "Improving multimodal localization through self-supervision." Proceedings of the Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Applications using Computer Vision Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging. Ed. SPIE. Burlingame, USA: SPIE, 2020. Print.
Bhanushali, D. R., et al. "LiDAR-camera fusion for 3D object detection." Proceedings of the Autonomous Vehicles and Machines Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging. Ed. SPE. Burlingame, USA: SPIE, 2020. Print.
Vashist, A., et al. "Indoor Wireless Localization Using Consumer-Grade 60 GHz Equipment with Machine Learning for Intelligent Material Handling." Proceedings of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). Ed. IEEE. Las Vegas, USA: IEEE, 2020. Print.
Hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "Considering the Blackbox: An Investigation of Optimization Techniques with Completely Balanced Datasets of Packet Traffic." Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Big Data for CyberSecurity (BigCyber-2019) in IEEE BigData 2019 conference. Ed. N/A. Los Angeles, CA: n.p., Print.
Li, Maojia Patrick, et al. "Task Selection by Autonomous Mobile Robots in a Warehouse Using Deep Reinforcement Learning." Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. IEEE. National Harbor, MD: n.p., Print.
Mamun, Sayed Ashraf, et al. "Network-Aware Server Consolidation for Wireless Data Centers." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF). Ed. IEEE. Rome, Italy: n.p., Print.
hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "Fast Internet Packet and Flow Classification Based on Artificial Neural Networks." Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon. Ed. IEEE. Huntsville, AL: n.p., Print.
Chitnavis, Snehal and Andres Kwasinski. "Cross Layer Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning." Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). Ed. IEEE. Marrakesh, Morocco: n.p., Print.
Relyea, Robert, et al. "Multimodal Localization for Autonomous Agents." Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging. Ed. Society for Imaging Sciences and Technology. Burlingame, CA: n.p., Print.
Kwasinski, Andres and Alexis Kwasinski. "Tradeoff Between Quality-of-Service and Resiliency: a Mathematical Framework Applied to LTE Networks." Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Integrating Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grid (ICT4SG). Ed. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: n.p., Print.
Kwasinski, Andres and Alexis Kwasinski. "The Role of Multimedia Source Codecs in Green Cellular Networks." Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). Ed. N/A. Doha, Qatar: n.p., Print.
Wang, Wenbo, et al. "Learning in Markov Game for Femtocell Power Allocation with Limited Coordination." Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom). Ed. N/A. Washington, DC: n.p., Print.
Hu, Rui, Alexis Kwasinski, and Andres Kwasinski. "A Mixed Strategy Communication Traffic Shaping Method for Decentralized Energy Management of Cell Sites." Proceedings of the International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC). Ed. N/A. Austin, TX: n.p., Print.
Kwasinski, Andres and Alexis Kwasinski. "Integrating Cross-layer LTE Resources and Energy Management for Iincreased Powering of Base Stations from Renewable Energy." Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). Ed. N/A. Mumbai, India, NA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Shenoy, Nirmala, et al. "An Improved IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA Medium Access Mechanism Through the Introduction of Random Short Delays." Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). Ed. N/A. Mumbai, India, NA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Wang, Wenbo and Andres Kwasinski. "Adaptive Learning for Scalable Video Transmission with HARQ Over Dynamic Wireless Channels." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Ed. N/A. London, UK, NA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "Performance Evaluation of Networks with Physical and Virtual Links." Proceedings of the Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS). Ed. N/A. Guadalajara, Mexico, NA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres and Alexis Kwasinski. "Resiliency in the Sustainability of Distributed Green Data Centers." Proceedings of the Sixth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, workshop on Energy-efficient Networks of Computers (E2NC). Ed. N/A. Las Vegas, NV: n.p., 2015. Print.
Kwon, Youngsung, Alexis Kwasinski, and Andres Kwasinski. "Microgrids for Base Stations: Renewable Energy Prediction and Battery Management for Effective State of Charge Control." Proceedings of the IEEE 37th International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC). Ed. N/A. Osaka, Japan, NA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Wang, W. and A. Kwasinski. "Distributed Cross-layer Resource Allocation Using Correlated Equilibrium Based Stochastic Learning." Proceedings of the 2013 Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Ed. IEEE. Shanghai, China: IEEE, Print.
Kwasinski, A. "Joint Source-Channel Coding for Delay-Constrained Iterative Resource Allocation Algorithms." Proceedings of the 2013 Wireless Communications and Networking. Ed. IEEE. Shanghai, China: IEEE, Print.
Kwasinski, A. "Architecture for Green Mobile Network Powered from Renewable Energy in Microgrid Configuration." Proceedings of the 2013 Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Ed. IEEE. Shanghai, China: IEEE, Print.
Wang, Wenbo and Andres Kwasinski. "Experience Cooperative Sharing in Cross-Layer Cognitive Radio for Real-Time Multimedia Communication." Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART 2011). Ed. unknown. Barcelona, Spain: ACM, 2011. Print.
Layerle, David and Andres Kwasinski. "A Power Efficient Pulsed MAC Protocol for Body Area Networks." Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'11). Ed. N/A. Toronto, Canada: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Wang, Wenbo and Andres Kwasinski. "Cooperative Learning for Reduced Complexity Cross-Layer Cognitive Radio." Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'11). Ed. unknown. Toronto, Canada: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Fiss, Xander and Andres Kwasinski. "Automatic Real-Time Electric Guitar Audio Transcription." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Ed. N/A. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Horner, Nathaniel and Andres Kwasinski. "Improving the Performance of DSP Systems for MIMO Processing." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Ed. N/A. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres. "In-class Demonstrations with a Portable Laboratory for Teaching DSP to Computer Engineering Majors." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Ed. N/A. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Provisional Patent
Kwasinski, Andres and Fatemeh Shah Mohammadi. "Radio Spectrum Sharing Leveraging Link Adaptation in Primary Network." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 16452706. 26 Dec. 2019.
Ganguly, Amlan, et al. "Direct Server-to-Server Wireless Data Center Network and Method thereof." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 16388007. 24 Oct. 2019.
Published Review
Kwasinski, Andres. "Foundations of Signal Processing [Book Reviews]." Rev. of Foundations of Signal Processing [Book Reviews], ed. Cambridge University Press. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2016: 163-164. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kwasinski, Andres. "Cross-Layer Framework in the Internet of Things for Cyber-Physical Systems." SPIE Defense+Commercial Sensing conference. SPIE. Baltimore, MD. 18 Apr. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Kwasinski, Andres. "Microgrid-based Power Infrastructure for Integrated Energy and Cellular Service Management." IEEE 5G Roadmap Workshop. IEEE. Washington DC, Washington DC. 8 Dec. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Kwasinski, Andres. "A Framework for Cross-Layer Technology Implementation based on the Cognitive and Docitive Radio Paradigms." Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya. Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya. Casteldelfels, Barcelona, Spain. 25 Oct. 2011. Address.
Journal Editor
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. : n.p., 2016. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. : n.p., 2016. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. : n.p., 2016. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Signal Processing Magazine. N/A: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Multimedia Technical Committee E-Letter. N/A: IEEE Comsoc Multimedia Technical Committee, 2011. Web.
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Transactions on Wireless Communications. N/A: IEEE, 2011. Print.
Full Length Book
Su, G.M., et al. 3D Visual Communication. 1st ed. : Wiley, 2013. Print.
Liu, K. J. R., et al. Cooperative Communications and Networking. Chinese Edition ed. Beijing, China: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print.
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
6/6/2011 - 7/29/2011
     Air Force Research Laboratory
     Amount: $10,400
Published Article
Seddik, K., A. Kwasinskiand K. J. R. Liu. “Asymptotic Distortion Performance of Source-Channel Diversityover Multi-hop and Relay Channels.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, (2010): 270-287. Web. *
Kwasinski, A.“Enabling User Cooperation Through Embedded Coding and Awareness of Source Content Dynamics.” IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speechand Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010. 5562-5565. Web. *
Kwasinski, A.“Transmission of TCP Traffic Over User Cooperative Communications in Infrastructure Networks.” 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). 2010. n.p. Web. *
Kwasinski, A., and D. Kudithipudi. “Towards Integrated Circuit Thermal Profiling for Reduced Power Consumption: Evaluation of Distributed Sensing Techniques.” Work in Progress in Green Computing (WIPGC). 2010. n.p. Web. *
Wang, W., and A. Kwasinski. “Feedback-based Cooperative Primary Channel Activity Estimation for Dynamic Spectrum Access.” 3rd InternationalWorkshop on Cognitive Radio and AdvancedSpectrum Management (CogART), 2010. n.p. Web. "  ∆
Formal Presentation
Merkel, C., D. Kudithipudi, and A. Kwasinski. “Lightweight Energy Prediction Filters for Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks.” 6th International Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems (UCAS-6). Atlanta, GA. 4 December 2010. Presentation. "  *

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course gives an overview of the technologies, architectures, and protocols used to build various types of computer and communication networks. The course emphasizes various network design problems and solution approaches. Specific issues covered include framing and coding, error detection, multiple access control, addressing, routing, flow and congestion control, scheduling, and switching.
3 Credits
This course gives an overview of the technologies, architectures, and protocols used to build various types of computer and communication networks. The course emphasizes various network design problems and solution approaches. Specific issues covered include framing and coding, error detection, multiple access control, addressing, routing, flow and congestion control, scheduling, and switching.
0 Credits
Comprehensive Exam
1 - 9 Credits
Thesis research investigates an independent problem to demonstrate professional maturity. A formal written thesis and an oral defense are required. The student must obtain the approval of an appropriate faculty adviser to guide the thesis before registering.
3 Credits
Graduate Project is a scholarly undertaking that addresses an immediate and practical problem with tangible outcomes. A formal report, presentation, or demonstration is required. The student must obtain the approval of an appropriate faculty adviser to guide the project before registering.
0 Credits
The graduate seminar prepares graduate students to effectively conduct their thesis research and expose them to current research in various areas of computer engineering. Current literature topics are reviewed through interactive presentations and discussions.
1 Credits
This seminar course presents topics of contemporary interest to graduate students enrolled in the program. Presentations include off campus speakers, and assistance with progressing on your research. Selected students and faculty may make presentations on current research under way in the department.
1 Credits
This course introduces students to foundational methods and skill to conduct research in electrical and computer engineering. The course focuses on the core aspects of all doctoral work, consisting of deep thinking about a problem and the ability to create new knowledge through channeling technical knowledge into creative thinking. From the context of research in electrical and computer engineering, this course complements the technically-oriented courses in PhD programs by introducing students to the craft of research, developing skills in systematic and rigorous deductive reasoning, argumentation, and critical thinking and analysis, and encouraging critical creativity by learning of its elements and associated techniques. Examples and case studies are drawn from different areas of electrical and computer engineering.
0 Credits
Internship is designed to enhance the educational experience of PhD students through full-time employment. Students must submit a proposal for the internship, to be approved by an employing supervisor and the department prior to enrolling. Students are required to submit an evaluation report at the conclusion of the internship.
1 - 8 Credits
Doctoral-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. Students must successfully pass the PhD Candidacy examination prior to enrolling in this course
1 - 8 Credits
Doctoral-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. Students may count a maximum of 9 credits towards degree requirements. If the student enrolls cumulatively in more than 9 credits, the additional credits above 9 will not be counted towards the degree.
3 Credits
This course is used by students who plan to study a topic on an independent study basis. The student and instructor must prepare a plan of study and method of evaluation for approval by the program director prior to course registration.
3 Credits
This course emphasizes collaboration in modern research environment and consists of five modules. Students will introduced to the concepts of inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research conducted from both a scientific and an engineering perspective. Students will learn how to write a dissertation proposal, statement of work, timeline for their program of study and the elements of an effective literature review. Students will develop skills related to reviewing and annotating technical papers, conducting a literature search and proper citation. Students will demonstrate an understanding of (a) ethics as it relates to the responsible conduct of research, (b) ethical responsibility in the context of the engineering professions, (c) ethics as it relates to authorship and plagiarism, (d) basic criteria for ethical decision making and (e) identify professional standards and code of ethics relevant to their discipline. Students demonstrate an ability to identify and explain the potential benefits of their research discoveries to a range of stakeholders, including policy makers and the general public.
1 Credits
This seminar course presents topics of contemporary interest to graduate students enrolled in the program. Presentations include off campus speakers, and assistance with progressing on your research. Selected students and faculty may make presentations on current research under way in the department. All doctoral engineering students enrolled full time are required to attend each semester they are on campus. (Graduate standing in a technical discipline)