Christian Newman
Associate Professor
Department of Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Graduate Program Director
Office Location
Christian Newman
Associate Professor
Department of Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Graduate Program Director
BS, MS, Ph.D. Kent State University
Select Scholarship
Published Conference Proceedings
Delozier, Gregory S, et al. "Leveraging the Agile Development Process for Selecting Invoking/Excluding Tests to Support Feature Location." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Program Comprehension. Ed. IEEE. New York, NY: ACM, Web.
Newman, Christian Donald, et al. "A Study on Developer Perception of Transformation Languages for Refactoring." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Refactoring. Ed. IEEE. New York, NY: ACM, Web.
Peruma, Anthony, et al. "An Empirical Investigation of How and Why Developers Rename Identifiers." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Refactoring. Ed. IEEE. New York, NY: ACM, Web.
Currently Teaching
Personal Software Engineering
3 Credits
This is a project-based course to enhance individual, technical engineering knowledge and skills as preparation for upper-division team-based coursework. Topics include adapting to new languages, tools and technologies; developing and analyzing models as a prelude to implementation; software construction concepts (proper documentation, implementing to standards etc.); unit and integration testing; component-level estimation; and software engineering professionalism.
Engineering Secure Software
3 Credits
Principles and practices forming the foundation for developing secure software systems. Coverage ranges across the entire development lifecycle: requirements, design, implementation and testing. Emphasis is on practices and patterns that reduce or eliminate security breaches in software intensive systems, and on testing systems to expose security weaknesses.
Foundations of Software Engineering
3 Credits
An overview course in software engineering emphasizing software design and software development projects. The course will focus on object-oriented (OO) analysis, design principles and techniques. Students will be introduced to OO modeling, design patterns and design/code refactoring techniques. While there is a significant emphasis on product development, students will be required to use a rigorous process in a team-based product development project. Major topics include analysis and specification of software, subsystem modeling using patterns, and software testing. A term-long, team-based project is used to reinforce concepts presented in class. Programming is required.
Capstone Research Project
3 - 6 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to explore a project-based research experience that advances knowledge in that area. The student selects a research problem, conducts background research, develops the system, analyses the results, and builds a professional document and presentation that disseminates the project. The report must include an in-depth research report on a topic selected by the student and in agreement with the student's adviser. The report must be structured as a conference paper, and must be submitted to a conference selected by the student and his/her adviser.
Continuation of Capstone
0 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to complete their capstone project, if extra time if needed after enrollment in SWEN-790. The student continues to work closely with his/her adviser.
6 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to execute a thesis project, analyze and document the project in thesis document form. An in-depth study of a software engineering topic will be research focused, having built upon the thesis proposal developed prior to this course. The student is advised by their primary faculty adviser and committee. The thesis and thesis defense is presented for approval by the thesis adviser and committee.
Continuation of Thesis
0 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to complete their thesis project once having enrolled in both thesis courses (SWEN-794, SWEN-795) if extra time is needed. The student continues to work closely with his/her adviser and thesis committee.
Independent Study
3 - 6 Credits
This course provides the graduate student an opportunity to explore an aspect of software engineering in depth, under the direction of an adviser. The student selects a topic, conducts background research, develops the system, analyses results, and disseminates the project work. The report explains the topic/problem, the student's approach and the results. (Completion of 9 semester hours is needed for enrollment)