Ferat Sahin
Department Head
Ferat Sahin
Department Head
BS, Istanbul Technical University (Turkey); MS, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dr. Ferat Sahin received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In September 2000, he joined Rochester Institute of Technology, where he is a Professor and Department Head of Electrical and Microelectronics Engineering department. He is also the director of Multi Agent Bio-Robotics Laboratory and Century Mold Collaborative Robotics Laboratory at RIT. His current research interests are Collaborative Robotics, Human Compliant Robotics Systems, Deep Learning Approaches for Grasping, Machine Learning for Biosignals, System of Systems Simulation and Modeling, Machine Learning, Biological Signal Processing, Fault Analysis and Systemic Health Evaluation, Decision Theory, Distributed Multi-agent Systems, and Structural Bayesian Network Learning. Dr. Sahin has over 140 conference and journal publications in these research fields. In addition, he is also the co-author of two books: “Experimental and Practical Robotics” and “Intelligent Control Systems with an Introduction to System of Systems Engineering” by CRC Press and seven book chapters. Dr. Sahin has received grants from government agencies and industrial companies for his research work. He has also brought significant funding through company gifts and outreach programs such as RoboCamps. During his time at RIT, he has brought over $2 Million to support his research and programs.
Dr. Sahin has been very actively serving in his scientific community through IEEE. He has served as in several capacities such as technical organizer, reviewer, referee, associate editor and deputy editor for leading journals and conferences in both the IEEE and other organizations. He serves as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering and as an Associate Editor for IEEE SMC Magazine and AutoSoftJournal. He is a member of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, Robotics and Automation Society, and Computational Intelligence Society. Currently, he is a member of Board of Governors and VP Finance of IEEE SMC Society. He has served as the Student Activities chair for the IEEE SMC Society in 2001, 2002, and 2003. He was the Secretary of the IEEE SMC Society from 2003 to 2006. Dr. Sahin received an “Outstanding Contribution Award” for his service as the SMC Society Secretary in 2007 and 2015. He also served as the Treasurer of the IEEE SMC Society in 2011, 2012, and 2013. He is a member of the SMC Strategic Opportunities and Initiatives Committee and the SMC Technical Committee on System of Systems Engineering. Locally, Dr. Sahin has served as Secretary (2003) and section Vice-chair (2004 and 2005) in the IEEE Rochester Section. Dr. Sahin has been heavily involved with technical conference organization. He has held many committee positions such as publication chair, finance chair, technical committee chair, and general chair of several IEEE sponsored international conferences. He has been mainly involved with two conferences: IEEE SMC International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE 2007) and IEEE Annual Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). Currently, he is the general chair for 2020 International Conference on System of Systems Engineering and program committee member for IEEE SMC 2020. For more about Dr. Sahin see his website.
Select Scholarship
Amount: 29,907
Amount: 60,611
Amount: 48,674