
Peer-reviewed Publications

 Q. Zhu, S. L. Wegener, C. Xie, O. Uche, M. Neurock, and T. Marks, “Sulfur as a Selective Soft Oxidant for Catalytic Methane Conversion Probed by Experiment and Theory”, Nature Chemistry, 5, 104 (2013); 

P. Padmanabhan, F. J. Martinez-Veracoechea, J. C. Araque, F. A. Escobedo, 'A theoretical and simulation study of the self-assembly of a binary blend of diblock copolymers', Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 234905 (2012). DOI: 10.1063/1.4729159

Walker, M.E.; McFarlane, J.; Glasgow, D.C.; Chung, E.; Taboada-Serrano, P.; Yiacoumi, S.; Tsouris, C. “Influence of radioactivity on surface interaction forces”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 350:595. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2010.06.042

O. U. Uche, D. Perez, A. F. Voter, and J. C. Hamilton, “Rapid Diffusion of Magic-Size Islands by Combined Glide and Vacancy Mechanism”, Physical Review Letters, 103, 046101 (2009); 

Taboada-Serrano, P.; Ulrich, S.; Szymcek, P.; McCallum, S.; Phelps, T. J.; Palumbo, A.; Tsouris, C. “A multi-phase, micro-dispersion reactor for the continuous production of methane gas hydrate”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009, 48:6448.

Book Chapters
