Mehdi Mirakhorli Headshot

Mehdi Mirakhorli

Director of Cybersecurity Research in GCI

Department of Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

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Mehdi Mirakhorli

Director of Cybersecurity Research in GCI

Department of Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


BS, Teacher Training University of Iran (Iran); MS, National University of Iran (Iran); Ph.D., DePaul University


Mehdi Mirakhorli is Associate Professor at the Software Engineering Department. Mirakhorli is also the director of Software Design and Productivity Laboratory. His research is in the broad area of software engineering; he has carried out various projects of national importance in the areas of trustworthy software, software assurance, cybersecurity, resiliency, scientific software development, and software-enabled sustainable disposal.
His team has developed techniques based on program analysis, software verification and custom machine learning algorithms to solve software engineering problems at scale in the areas such as software architecture analysis, requirements engineering, software security, software compliance and verification, and source code comprehension. Mirakhorli has led several large fundamental research and technology transition projects with the Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and National Science Foundation (NSF). He has more than a decade of experience as a software architect and tech-lead on large, complex, and multi-stakeholder projects such as AI-enabled automation, cyber-threats and intelligence, data-intensive meteorological systems, and health care. In 2017, he worked at the Air Force Research Laboratory as a faculty fellow. Currently, he serves on the advisory board of two leading software companies in the technology development sector. Mirakhorli is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award. His paper "A Tactic-Centric Approach for Automating Traceability of Quality Concerns" received ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE'2012. Mirakhorli's paper "Understanding Software Vulnerabilities Related to Architectural Security Tactics: An Empirical Investigation of Chromium, PHP and Thunderbird" received the Best Paper Award at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture. Mirakhorli serves as associated editor for IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE) and Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) Journals. He is a public speaker in the area of software architecture and application security. He is also an ACM Distinguished Speaker, has been ALTA Distinguished Speaker at Alcatel-Lucent, and has given several technical briefings.


Areas of Expertise

Currently Teaching

3 - 6 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to explore a project-based research experience that advances knowledge in that area. The student selects a research problem, conducts background research, develops the system, analyses the results, and builds a professional document and presentation that disseminates the project. The report must include an in-depth research report on a topic selected by the student and in agreement with the student's adviser. The report must be structured as a conference paper, and must be submitted to a conference selected by the student and his/her adviser.
0 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to complete their thesis project once having enrolled in both thesis courses (SWEN-794, SWEN-795) if extra time is needed. The student continues to work closely with his/her adviser and thesis committee.
3 - 6 Credits
This course provides the graduate student an opportunity to explore an aspect of software engineering in depth, under the direction of an adviser. The student selects a topic, conducts background research, develops the system, analyses results, and disseminates the project work. The report explains the topic/problem, the student's approach and the results. (Completion of 9 semester hours is needed for enrollment)

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