Sten McKinzie Headshot

Sten McKinzie

Senior Lecturer

School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Office Hours
Meeting Online ( Mon, Tues, Wed 9am-11am Wed, Thur 3pm-5pm
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Sten McKinzie

Senior Lecturer

School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


BS, MS, Rochester Institute of Technology


Sten Erickson McKinzie is an award-winning Animator/Interactive Media Developer whose industry career and experience spans nearly two decades.

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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course provides a theoretical framework covering the principles of animation and its use in game design to affect user experience. Emphasis will be placed upon principles that support character development and animations that show cause and effect. Students will apply these principles to create animations that reflect movement and character appropriate for different uses and environments.
3 Credits
This course continues to examine the core theories of game design as they relate to the professional field. Beginning with a formalized pitch process, this course examines the design and development paradigm from story-boarding and pre-visualization through rapid iteration, refinement, and structured prototyping exercises to further examine the validity of a given design. Specific emphasis is placed on iterative prototyping models, and on methodologies for both informal and formal critique. This course also explores production techniques and life-cycle in the professional industry.
3 Credits
This course introduces level design theory and best practice through game level analysis, evaluation, and creation. Students will learn by analyzing game levels from existing games and discussing what made those levels successful or unsuccessful. Through their analysis and hands on experience, students will gain an understanding of overall level design including layout, flow, pacing, and balance. They will enhance their understanding of level design principles by creating their own game levels.
3 Credits
This course will build upon concepts introduced in IGME-420 Level Design to produce new game content, including quests, NPCs, and environmental structures for existing games. It will explore the process, planning, and implementation of existing games through modification. Students will develop content that will include new in-game objects, NPCs, environments, and quest lines. This modified content will be designed and tested to ensure seamless integration with the existing game, and ultimately published to online distribution networks where real players can experience that new content within existing games.
1 - 6 Credits
The student will work independently under the supervision of a faculty advisor on a topic not covered in other courses.
3 Credits
This course allows students within the game design and development program to develop a capstone proposal and design document. The capstone design document specifies the scope and depth of the capstone project. In addition, it defines the group and individual responsibilities for the cohort capstone project experience.
3 Credits
This course provides master of science in game design and development students with capstone project experiences. Students are expected to work in cohorts towards the implementation of a game system that properly illustrates proficiency in the application of theory and practice towards a large-scale project. For each student, individual responsibilities for the group project will be defined in consultation with both the group and the faculty. Students must successfully complete the Capstone Design course and present a satisfactory capstone project proposal to the faculty before enrolling in this course.
1 - 6 Credits
The student will work independently under the supervision of a faculty adviser on a topic not covered in other courses.

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