Yuan Liao Headshot

Yuan Liao

Visiting Lecturer

Department of Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

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Yuan Liao

Visiting Lecturer

Department of Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Students will be introduced to the details of program structure and the mechanics of execution as well as supportive operating system features. Security and performance issues in program design will be discussed. The program translation process will be examined. Programming assignments will be required.
3 Credits
An introduction to the theories and algorithms used to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Topics include search algorithms, logic, planning, machine learning, and applications from areas such as computer vision, robotics, and natural language processing. Programming assignments are an integral part of the course.
3 Credits
An in-depth study of operating system concepts. Topics include process synchronization, interprocess communication, deadlock, multiprogramming and multiprocessing, processor scheduling and resource management, memory management, static and dynamic relocation, virtual memory, file systems, logical and physical I/O, device allocation, I/O processor scheduling, process and resource protection. Programming projects involving the development of or modification to operating system kernel features will be required.
3 Credits
An introduction to the theories and algorithms used to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Topics include search algorithms, logic, planning, machine learning, and applications from areas such as computer vision, robotics, and natural language processing. Programming assignments and oral/written summaries of research papers are required.
3 Credits
This is the first of a two course applied data science seminar series. Students will be introduced to the data science masters program along with potential projects which they will develop over the course of this series in con-junction with the applied data science directed studies. Students will select a project along with an advisor and sponsor, develop a written proposal for their work, and investigate and write a related work survey to refine this proposal with their findings. Students will begin preliminary design and implementation of their project. Work will be presented in class for peer review with an emphasis on developing data science communication skills. This course will keep students up to date with the broad range of data science applications.
3 Credits
This is the second of a three course applied data science seminar series. Students will design an implementation plan and preliminary documentation for their selected applied data science project, along with an in class presentation of this work. At the end of the semester students will present preliminary demos of their project and write a preliminary project report. Writing and presentations will be peer reviewed to further enhance data science communication skills. This course will keep students up to date with the broad range of data science applications.
3 Credits
Concepts and techniques for testing soft ware and assuring its quality. Topics cover software testing at the unit and system levels; static vs. dynamic analysis; functional testing; inspections; and reliability assessment.