RIT CyberScholars secure top placements at cybersecurity competition

A team of eight RIT CyberScholars from the NSF CyberCorps Scholarship for Service program placed first and 11th at the University of Arkansas's RazorHack cybersecurity competition on the weekend of Oct. 27. The first-place team included students Rick WallertDonovan HwangAlbert Hynes, and Andrew Bush, while the 11th-place team featured students Jaime CampanelliSabran EvangelistaAshley Alt, and Kelsey Tirado.The competition tested their skills in penetration testing, cryptography, steganography, buffer overflow attacks, web attacks, and physical security. The CyberScholars also presented on topics such as covert communications and AI ethics, earning high praise for engagement from the University of Arkansas’s CyberHogs club. RIT’s SFS program, led by Bo Yuan, Andy Meneely, and Rajendra K. Raj, prepares students for careers in national cybersecurity through scholarships and accelerated degree programs.

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