Caption Mask
Three students, Roshan Mathew, Emily Lederman, and Carson Schwab in the M.S. Human-Computer Interactions and Professor Tae (Tom) Oh, represented their research project "Caption Mask" in ImagineRIT 2022.
The caption mask was developed through Human-Computer Interaction programs. They have a Raspberry Pi and the grove kit is on top of it. This connects with an ATC cable to the grove RGB screen in front of the mask they designed using a 3D printer. Their goal is that people can put the caption mask over the regular mask. They expect people to use it in personal conversations such as doctor appointments. They are looking into multiple options with the automatic speech recognition systems so they can get feedback from speech-to-text lively. One of their options is offline speech processing with Mozilla Deep Speech and Carnegie Mellon Sphinx software since they have Raspberry Pi attached to the mask. They are using and comparing two software options to see which is more accurate. Their ultimate goal is that everything is processed within the mask. In August, they presented the caption mask to the hospital in Syracuse.