Research by Dr. Tolić published in the journal IET Control Theory & Applications

Research by Dr. Tolić published in the journal IET Control Theory & Applications

The article Learning Near-Optimal Broadcasting Intervals in Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems using Online Least-Square Policy Iteration co-authored by our faculty member, Dr Domagoj Tolić, has been published in the prominent journal IET Control Theory & Applications. According to Scopus, this journal is within 84 percentile in five categories being the No.3 ranked journal in Mathematics: Control and Optimization among 101 journals indexed in this category.

The article is based on the research done by Dr Ivana Palunko, Dr Tolić, and Vicko Prkačin, on decentralized control of multi‐agent systems (MASs) - one of the most active research areas in the last two decades. Namely, they use machine learning to strike a balance between performance and energy requirements in control systems. For example, adjusting how often should drones collect information about themselves and their surroundings, could help them be airborne for a longer period of time without compromising the mission goals. The article is accessible at, with an accompanying video.