Ersin Uzun Headshot

Ersin Uzun

Katherine Johnson Endowed Executive Director

ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

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20 Lomb Memorial Dr, GCI 70-1787, Rochester NY 14623

Ersin Uzun

Katherine Johnson Endowed Executive Director

ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


Dr. Ersin Uzun is the Katherine Johnson Endowed Executive Director of the ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute (ESL-GCI) and a Professor in the Department of Cybersecurity. His current research interests include Usable Security/Privacy, misinformation/deepfake detection and IoT/Networking Security. 

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SJ Sohrawardi, C Schwartz, E Uzun, M Wright; DeFake: Developing a Usable Tool for Deepfake Awareness and Identification; Human Computer Interaction Consortium 2023

C Ghali, G Tsudik, E Uzun; In Content We Trust: Network-Layer Trust in Content-Centric Networking; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2019

V Bindschaedler, S Rane, AE Brito, V Rao, E Uzun; Achieving differential privacy in secure multiparty data aggregation protocols on star networks; ACM on Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy 2017

E Ngai, B Ohlman, G Tsudik, E Uzun, M Wählisch, CA Wood; Can we make a cake and eat it too? A discussion of ICN security and privacy; ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2017

C Ghali, G Tsudik, E Uzun, CA Wood; Closing the floodgate with stateless content-centric networking; International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks 2017

M Mosko, E Uzun, CA Wood; Mobile sessions in content-centric networks; IFIP Networking Conference 2017

G Tsudik, E Uzun, CA Wood; Ac3n: Anonymous communication in content-centric networking; IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2016

E Ngai, B Ohlman, G Tsudik, E Uzun; Information-centric Networking and Security (Dagstuhl Seminar 16251)  Dagstuhl Reports 2016

C Tschudin, E Uzun, CA Wood; Trust in information-centric networking: From theory to practice; International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks 2016

J Kuriharay, E Uzun, CA Wood; An encryption-based access control framework for content centric networking; IFIP networking conference 2015

C Ghali, G Tsudik, E Uzun, CA Wood; Living in a PIT-less World: A Case against Stateful Forwarding in Content-Centric Networking; The Computing Research Repository abs/1512.07755 2015

S Rane, J Freudiger, AE Brito, E Uzun; Privacy, efficiency & fault tolerance in aggregate computations on massive star networks; IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security 2015

S Rane, E Uzun; A fuzzy commitment approach to privacy preserving behavioral targeting; ACM MobiCom workshop on Security and privacy 2014

P Mahadevan, E Uzun, S Sevilla, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves CCN-krs: A key resolution service for CCN; Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking 2014

CA Wood, E Uzun; Flexible end-to-end content security in CCN; IEEE 11th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2014

C Ghali, G Tsudik, E Uzun; Needle in a haystack: Mitigating content poisoning in named-data networking; NDSS Workshop on Security of Emerging Networking Technologies 2014

C Ghali, G Tsudik, E Uzun; Network-layer trust in named-data networking; ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2014

J Freudiger, S Rane, AE Brito, E Uzun; Privacy preserving data quality assessment for high-fidelity data sharing; ACM Workshop on Information Sharing & Collaboration 2014

I Bilogrevic, J Freudiger, E De Dristofaro, E Uzun; What’s the gist? Privacy-preserving aggregation of user profiles; European Symposium on Research in Computer Security 2014

A Kobsa, R Nithyanand, G Tsudik, E Uzun; Can Jannie verify? Usability of display-equipped RFID tags for security purposes; Journal of computer security 2013

C Bian, Z Zhu, A Afanasyev, E Uzun, L Zhang; Deploying key management on NDN testbed; UCLA, Peking University and PARC, Tech Report 2013


The list of 100+ patents can be found here .

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course explores current topics in Computing Security. It is intended as a place holder course for faculty to experiment new course offerings in Computing Security undergraduate program. Course specific details change with respect to each specific focal area proposed by faculty.

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